the winde came fayre whereupon the arlate … the winde came fayre whereupon the arlate Luke Woods being<br />
ashoare made haste aboard that the sayd shipp might take opportunitie<br />
of the fayre winde and make speedy sale thence for ffrance there to take<br />
in her ladeing of salt, and in order soe to doe the sayd Luke Woods and<br />
Thomas Grove the Master came aboard togeather about two of the<br />
Clock in the afternoone of the sayd day and being come aboard they<br />
semt one of the sayd shipps boates whith Yeomans the Masters Mate<br />
and James Jenkins and Andrew Pritchard two other of the shipps company<br />
ashoare to cleere at the Castle and in the meane tyme while the sayd<br />
boate was soe gone on shoare the sayd shipp was brought to sayle, and<br />
being soe under sayle the arlate Thomas Grove the Master would<br />
needes goe on shoare againe and did goe on shoare againe, (but<br />
whether in a Country boate or the other of the sayd shipps boates hee<br />
remembreth not) hee the sayd Grove did not-<br />
withstanding the sayd Luke Woods did earnestly perswade and<br />
entreate the sayd Grove not to goe on shoare againe for that the winde<br />
was then fayre for the shipps departure, and the sayd Grove being gone<br />
soe on shoare the most part of that night, in soe much that the Company<br />
of the Shipp was faine after they gott soe farr out as the Castle to<br />
bring the sayd shipp to an Anchor to stay for the sayd Grove, And<br />
saith that about two of the Clock in the morning next after, hee<br />
the sayd Grove the Master came againe aboard the sayd shipp And the sayd<br />
Luke Woods speakeing upon the deck to the sayd Grove in a milde and<br />
civill manner before this deponent and divers of the sayd<br />
shipps Company sayd thus or the like in effect Mr Grove I wonder<br />
yow would stay soe longe on shoare seeing the winde is fayre for our<br />
departure, and seemed to be discontented at the sayd Groves staye whereupon<br />
the sayd Grove fell a swearing and curseing (but the perticular oathes hee<br />
remembreth not) and sayd there were some aboard that thought much<br />
of his being a shoare but hee cared not, and sayd the sayd shipp<br />
should ride longer yet, and then commanded all the Company save<br />
such as were upon therwatch to goe to their Cabbins, which they accordingly<br />
did, and shee continued there till about an hour after or<br />
?bether, and then the sayd Grove gave order to weigh Anchor and<br />
sett sayle which was accordingly done, the premisses hee deposeth<br />
of sight and certayne knowledge being an eye and eare wittness thereof<br />
and one of the watch the tyme aforesayd And further to these articles<br />
hee cannot depose./
To the 7th article of the sayd libell hee saith that after the arrivall<br />
of the shipp ''Peace'' at Leserno in ffrance and whilst the arlate Luke<br />
Woods was on shoare provideing salt to lade the sayd shipp with, and<br />
sending boates laden with salt to be taken aboard the sayd shipp, and<br />
especially on or about the fifth and sixth of May 1657, this deponent<br />
by order of the sayd Luke Woods came with fower or five boates<br />
ladings of salt to the saide of the shipp ''Pease'' and desyred that they<br />
might'' and desyred that they<br />
might +