The 15th of June 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]
Th … The 15th of June 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]
The claime of John Jeffreys and}<br />
Company for the shipp the ''Rappahanacke''}<br />
whereof Richard [?hull] was Master and}<br />
her lading. Smith Budd}
Examined on the behalfe of the<br />
said John Jeffreies and Company
'''Rp 1us)'''
'''John Sharkerly''' of<br />
ffalmouth in the County of<br />
Cornwall Sailor, where he<br />
hath lived the greatest part<br />
of his life, aged about 19 yeares<br />
a wittnes produced, sworne and examined<br />
deposeth as followeth
To the first article od the allegation given in and admitted<br />
on the part and behalfe of the said Jeffereyes and Company<br />
he deposeth and saith that he the deponent well knoweth<br />
the arlate John Jeffreyes and that he alsoe knoweth the<br />
arlate shipp the ''Rappahanacke'', he the deponent being<br />
one of the said shipps Company from about a<br />
fortnight before Michaelmas last past untill the time<br />
of her being taken, and that by his being one of the said<br />
shipps Company he saith that he hath often heard and<br />
doth beleive that the said Jeffreyes was in the months<br />
arlate a part Owner of the said shipp And further<br />
he cannot depose.
To the second and third articles he deposeth and saith<br />
that the said shipp the ''Rappahanacke'' did sett sayle<br />
from Cowes in the Isle of Wight upon her voyage<br />
to Virginia about a weeke before Michaelmas last<br />
and that the sayd shipp arrived safely at Virginia<br />
within a fortnight before Christmas last, where she<br />
tooke in her lading of Tobaccoes for the accompt of<br />
the arlate John Jeffrets and Company, The premisses he<br />
knoweth being one of the said shipps Company as he<br />
hath predeposed And further he cannot depose.
To the fourth article he deposeth and saith that the arlate<br />
shipp the ''Rappahanacke'' having received in her lading<br />
of Tobaccoes at Virginia was bound for this Port of<br />
London, and that in her course thither the said<br />
shipp was sett upon and surprized and taken by a Brest man<br />
of warr in this Channel upon a Sunday about<br />
4 or 5 in the afternoone, and that about a fortnight<br />
after the arlate shipp the ''Rappahanacke'' was rescued<br />
and retaken by a small man of warr belonging to this<br />
Commonwealth (called the ''hopefull Pinke'') and a private<br />
man of warr, The which he knoweth being one of the<br />
arlate shipp the ''Rappahanacke'' her Company And<br />
further he cannot depose/.
To the fifth and sixth articles he deposeth and saith that<br />
the arlate shipp the ''Rappahanacke'' being rescued<br />
and retaken from the Brest man of warre, and the<br />
said Brest man of warre being alsoe taken and seized by<br />
the alsoe taken and seized by<br />
the +