First transcribed
3 July 2017 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
503 +
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HCA 13/54 +
Recto +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 03/07/2017 +
Ad 7um affirmat That the said … [ADD DATA]
Ad 7um affirmat That the said fifty bales of<br />
wooll were not packt in London but were sent to<br />
the said Wright from Bilboe in Biscay under the<br />
marke afore saide, and it appeareth by the<br />
books of Accompts of the said<br />
Nathan Wright, and letters sent to him from his<br />
factor from Bilboa (which this examinate hath seen)<br />
that all the said fifty bales of<br />
wool except three orfour of them were<br />
bought at Bilboe and shipped from thence for<br />
the accompt and adventure of the said Nathan Wright, and the<br />
other three or foure baggs of wooll aforesaid<br />
were sent from Bilboe for the accompt of Beniamin Wright<br />
brother to the said Nathan Wright, but the<br />
said Nathan Wright after hee had received the<br />
same here at London seeing them not fitt for<br />
sale here, put the said three or fower bales<br />
of wooll to his owne Accompte and made<br />
himselfe a debtor to his brother for the same<br />
and soe shipped them out againe for Amsterdam<br />
as aforesaid with the rest aforesaid for<br />
his owne proper Accompte And this hee <br />
affirmeth uppon his oath to bee true./
Ad 8um affirmat, That in August, September<br />
October and November 1636 and at the time of his<br />
ladeing of the said woolls in the said shippe the<br />
''ffortune'' the plague was very hott in the<br />
Citty of London and the suburbs thereof by<br />
reason thereof the said Nathan Wright with<br />
his family in that tyme was for the most<br />
part absent from London. And this he affirmeth uppon his oath to be true<br />
who was then and still is a servant to the said<br />
Nathan Wright.
Ad 11um affirmat That Thomas [?Jenings] of London<br />
Merchant is neither servant factor or Agenterchant is neither servant factor or Agent +
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HCA 13/54 f.503r Annotate +
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12 September 2017 19:20:51 +