MRP: Manors

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Editorial history

16/09/11, CSG: Created page

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This page provides a bibliography of books on manors, with especial emphasis on the seventeenth century manorial system & on agricultural change in this century.


Barker, Dennis, The marketing of corn in the first half of the eighteenth century: north-east Kent, pp. 126-150
Beresford, M.W., The poll tax and census of sheep, 1549, Agricultual History Review, vol. ?, pp. 9-15
Chalkin, C.W., The rural economy of a Kentish Wealden parish, 1650-1750, Agricultual History Review, vol. 10, pt. 1 (1962)
Darby, H.G., Some early ideas on the agricultural regions of England, Agricultual History Review, vol. 2, 1954
Habbakuk, John, Marriage, Debt, and the Estates System: English Landownership, 1650-1950 (Oxford, 1994)
Hoskins, W. G. Regional Farming in England, Agricultual History Review, vol. 2, 1954
Mingay, G.E., Estate management in eighteenth century Kent, Agricultual History Review, vol. 4, pt. 2 (1956)
Hone, Nathaniel J., The manor and manorial records (London, 1906)