HCA 13/72 f.93v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.93v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Rp. 3.

Edward Briggs of Shoreham in the County of
Sussex Mariner, aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts Master
of the said Barke the Willing Minde sworne and

To the said allegation hee saith that the said vessell the Willing
Minde whereof this deponent is master, and concerning which there
is controversie in this Court, was built at Shoreham aforesaid
about seaven yeeres since, by one Bartholomew [?Wolvile] a
Shipwright there dwelling, by the order and for account of the
producent John humphrey and company, who defrayed the charges
of such her building, and then (as the manner is) tooke a bill
of sale of and from the said Carpenter, the premisses
touching her said building hee deposeth and knoweth because hee
this deponent then living in Shoreham saw her soe building
and after her finishing, hee saith the said Captaine John Humphrey
went some time (namely a yeare and halfes space or thereabouts)
master of her, and then hee and company put this deponent master
of her who sailed her (and soe now doth) for their account
and as their vessell, and as owners hath made them account
of her freights from time to time, And that hee is now
in possession of her to their use, and shee was at the time
of the arrest allegate laid upon her at Bristoll (which was
about two monethes since) and soe hath bin ever since. And
otherwise hee deposeth not.

Edward Brigges [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that being himselfe a quarter part owner of the
said shipp the Willing Minde, hee cometh voluntarily
to testifie in this cause, And saith the said Captaine John Humphreys
is owner of a quarter part, Bartholomew Woolvin of Shoreham owner
of an eighth part, John [Gunter] of Bright hamson owner of
an eighth part, William Gillam of Brighthamson an eighth part
and William humphrey of Brighthamson owner of an eighth
part of the said shipp tackle and furniture, and otherwise hee
referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the second hee saith hee saw the said vessell and was aboard her
this very day, and saith that shee was brought to Bristol by
ffrenchmen, who deserted her upon the arest laid upon her by this
deponent and others the said owners
put a man aboard her to looke to and keep
her for their use. And otherwise referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the third hee saith that in the yeere 1652 hee this deponent
of the said vessell returning with her from Ireland for