HCA 13/71 f.66r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.66r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ffowke or his Assigne at Petras, this hee knoweth being purser of the sayd
shipp and taking notice of the lading of the sayd goods, And further hee cannot depose/

To the 9th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee being purser aboard, well
knoweth that upon the 21st day of July 1655 the shipp Cesar in her course betwixt
Zant and the Morea mett with a shipp whereof the arlate Captaine Miller was Com=
mander, wherein (as hee heard) the consull William ffowke arlate then
was, and hee saith hee knoweth that the sayd ffudge and Marco the sayd William
ffowkes servant went in the Cesars boate aboard the sayd Captaine
Millers shipp to speake with the sayd William ffowke, but what discourse
passed betwixt them hee knoweth not for that he went not aboard with them/

To the 10th hee saith that hee well knoweth that on t{he} 22nd day of July 1655
the arlate ffudge arrived with his shipp the Cesar in safety in the roade
of Petras, and saith that some dayes after the arrival of the sayd shipp
there, the arlate Thomas Oliver came aboard the Cesar and did in the
presence of this deponent and the sayd Marco and ffudge and others aboard,
acquainte the sayd ffudge that the Curranse of the Morea and Nathalego
were all bought and agreed for, and that hee hoped speedily to lade
them aboard the Cesar for accompt of the aforesayd Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke for soone as the Re[?culto] or harvest was over
or hee then spake words to the same effect And further to this article hee
cannot depose./

To 11th article hee saith hee knoweth that only one thousand dollars was
delivered to the arlate Thomas Oliver
by the arlate ffudge who shortly after a receipt for the same
of the sayd Marco aboard the Cesar,) for that the
sayde Oliver was there sick on shoare, but saith that the sayd Oliver when
hee receaved part of the sayd thousand dollars told the sayd ffudge that
hee would with the sayd thousand dollars and with
the effects
hee had of the Consull William ffowke pay for the Petras
Curranse and take them with the sayd Consulls house and warehouse there,
And hee saith the other three thousand dollers and Coffie and pepper
arlate were by the sayd Oliver left aboard the Cesar and the sayd
ffudge ordered by the sayd Oliver to sayle therewith to Nathalgoe to
take in the Curranse bought there, for soone as they could bee gotten
ready, which he sayd ffudge accordingly did, this hee deposeth being purser
and present at the premisses and an eye and eare witnes thereof And further hee
cannot depose./