HCA 13/68 f.1r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 1 |
Side | Recto |
Status | |
Uploaded image; transcribed on 31/07/2013 | |
Note | |
IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9555.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/07/31 |
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The 22th day of September 1653.
The Keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority)
of Parliament against a certaine shipp named)
the Golden Starr whereof Michael van Lubken)
was Master and her Tackle and ffurniture and)
whatsoever money plate Jewells pearles sylver)
or other goods ware or merchandizes taken)
and seized in her by certaine shipps in the)
immediat service of this Commonwealth and against)
George Boscha[?vrt] appearing for his Interest)
in certayne parcells of the sayd sylver and against)
all others having or pretending to have and
Claiming or that shall Clayme any right title)
of Interest in the said shipp or any of)
the lading seized in her. Bud. ffrancklyn.)
Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe of
the sayd Keepers of the Liberty of England by
Authority of the Parliament.
Row dt.
Mark Harrison of Wapping in
the County of Middlesex Mariner aged
seven and twenty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth. videlicet.
To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that
the arlate shipp the Golden Starr or Morning Starr and her lading was
taken and seized by certaine shipps in the immediat service of the commonwealth
in the English seas upon the Coast of England, and was first chased by
the arlate shipp the Advantage frigot whereof Captaine Mills was Commander
and was afterwards subdued and taken by the sayd shipp and another shipp
named the Water hound whereof Giles Shelley arlate was Commander
and saith that two shippes were in the immediate service of this Commonwealth
videlicet the Mayflower, and the 10th whelpe were neere and in sight att the
tyme of the sayd seizure. The premisses This deponent knoweth being
master of the Advantage frigott aforesayd and aboard her att the sayd
tyme of seizure. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the second article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the sayd shipp the
Golden Starr with her lading in her was subdued and taken by the shipps
aforesayd on or about the 28th day of ffebruary 1652 English stile, and
saith she was then upon the English seas neere Beachy upon the Coast of
Sussex within six leagues or thereabouts of the English shoare when
she was haled chased subdued and taken, which he knoweth being Master
of and aboard the sayd Advantage frigot that gave chase to the sayd ship
Morning starr, and assisted in the subdueing and taking of her as aforesaid
And otherwise cannot depose.
To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that upon
the sayd 28th day of ffeburary 1652 and for divers monethes before and
continually since and att this present, there was and is open and publique
warr and hostility betweene this Commonwealth of England and the States
Generall of the united Netherland Provinces and their subiects, and this was
and is true publique and notorious; and was and is as this deponent hath
credibly heard and verily beleiveth, generally knowne and beleived aswell
att Cadiz in Spaine and in fflanders and att hamburgh as att other
ports and places beyond the seas. and the same as this deponent beleiveth
was evident and well knowne to the Captaine Master and Company of the
sayd shipp the Golden Starr. And further he cannot depose.
To the fourth he saith and deposeth that of the sight of this deponent the sayd
shipp the Golden Starr was att the tyme aforesd sayling in that way or Course that lyeth
and leadeth from Beachy towards holland and other parts that are within
the Jurisdiction and obedience of the States of the united Provinces. And
otherwise cannot depose.
Golden Starr