HCA 13/63 f.145r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 145 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 14/12/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_6035.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/14 |
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4th May 1650. [CENTRE HEADING]
Chambers ad ffreem [?XX]}
ffranciscus Pratt de Redriffe in Comitatu Surria
Ship Carpenter ubi mora fecit per annum [?XXX] aut circiter
aetatis 23 annorum aut circiter testis in hac causa productus et
iuratus deponit ut sequitur.
Ad primum secund et 3um arlos dicte allegationis deponit et dicit That hee this
deponent was Shipp Carpenter of the Shipp the Phenix the voyage arlate
from this Port of London to Vego in Gallicia att which Port the said Shipp
arrived on or about the eighteenth day of October 1649 last past and there
he sayeth there were putt and laden on board by the producent Mr
Chambers his factor one Thomas Wood for the Accompt of the producent good order
[?XXXX ?XXXX] a greate quantitie of Argall but howe much certaynly he knoweth not and
a greate number of oranges abd Lymons but how many in number he
cannot tell Whereof the arlate Mr Thomas ffreeman being Master of the
said Shipp did take the care and charge for the transportation of the said
Comodities from Viego afforesaid to this Port of London where they were
to be delivered as and for the goods and merchandizes of the said producent
and for his Accompt Et alliter nescit saveing That the said Mr ffreeman
was commonly reputed to be a part owner of the said Shipp the Phenix
and to have a very greate share and interest in her
and saveing that the premisses hee knoweth to be true beinge aboard the said
Shipp from the beginninge of the voiage predeposed untill the end thereof
Ad 4um arlum dicte allegationis deponit et dicit That uppon the said
Shipps arrivall at Viego afforesaid the said Shipp the Phenix was
arrested att the sute of one Don Gonzalezo a Spanyard who pretended an interest
in and to the said Shipp which the said Thomas Wood the producents
factor being informed of acquainted and told the said ffreeman that
if hee would procure the said shipp to be cleered and to be att libertie to depart
asoone as the ranges and lymons should be gathered that hee would then
cause the said fruites being then on the trees speedily to be made ready
and to be gathered to be laden on board the said Shipp whereunto the said
Mr ffreeman in this deponents presence and heareing replyed to this or
to the effect John you noe care for the clearinge of the shipp for the
shipp is cleare allready [?gett] the oranges and Lymons on board you shall