MRP: Shipping terminology
Shipping terminology
Editorial history
31/05/12, CSG: Created page
Purpose of this page
This page is intended to list terminology relating to the physical construction, equipping and provisioning of ships, the manning of ships, and navigational terminology
Suggested links
See Commodities
See Geography
See Style Sheet One
See Synthesis
See Transcription
To do
(1) How many foremast men on ships of 100 and of 200 tons?
Able Seamen ("all the marine:rs schedule were able Seamen, and were all Able (for ought this depo:t knoweth to the Contrary) to performe their severall places which they were put into in y:e sd ship y:e sd voyage" (HCA 13/73))
Adventurer ("Owners & Adventuers in the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73))
Anchor ("did keepe her there at anchor about an hower after such his comming on board" (HCA 13/73))
Ancient ("a white Ancient in her poope" (HCA 13/73))
Bilging ("the time of her bilging" (HCA 13/73); "shee was by Extraordinary great winds, forced upon y:e sands. upon y:e Coast of ffrance, and there bilged, and shee and her Lading lost" (HCA 13/73); "fter y:e said Ship y:e Warewell had layne moored in y:e place aforesaid for the space of One ffloud and two Ebbs. shee happened to be bilged upon an Anchor w;ch lay within the said ships birthe w:ch had not then any boy fastned to it" (HCA 13/73))
Bill of Bottomry (HCA 13/73)
Boatswaine ("hee this deponent went Boat swaine of the shipp Pease the voyage in question" (HCA 13/73))
Boy (= Buoy)
Cables ("at y:e time interrate all the said ships provisions, Tackling, and Cables were betweene Decks" (HCA 13/73 Part Two)
Carpenters mate
Caske ("did stave and cast over board most of their caskes with fresh water" (HCA 13/73))
Charterparty ("for more certaynety therein referreth him selfe to the Charterparty made between them thereabout (HCA 13/73))
Charter partie
Charter party
Common man ("hee was as aforesaid a Common man of y:e Agreem:t y:e voyage in question" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Company ("Master and Company")
Contrary windes ("by meanes of Contrary windes, and Calmes, and Hurricanoes (w:ch were very frequent then there insoemuch that neither the said Grove nor this depo:t nor y:e other mates on board her could gaine the Latitude ) The said ship did misse the Island of the Barbadoes"(HCA 13/73))
Country boate ("there being a Country boate lyeing by the shipps side" (HCA 13/73))
Ebb ("the space of One ffloude and two ebbs" (HCA 13/73))
ffloud ("the space of One ffloude and two ebbs" (HCA 13/73))
Foremast man ("goeing a foremast man of the sayd ship the voyage in question" (HCA 13/73))
Foresaile ("y:e said ship running before the sea, under her foresaile" (HCA 13/73); "this depo:t and Company were forced to haul the said foresaile of the said ship, and lye under a mizen" (HCA 13/73))
Furniture ("the arlate shipp the lady ffrigott & her tackle apparell & furniture" (hca 13/73))
Gunners mate ("William Best of Corde in the County of Dorset Mariner Gunners Mate of the Shipp Peace aged twenty two yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two)
Helme (" Put the Helme hard a Starboard" (HCA 13/73))
Hold ("shipped under water w:ch came into y:e hold of y:e sd ship" (HCA 13/73); "in a short time foure foote and a halfe of water in her hold, w:ch caused y:e said XXX to lye dead in y:e sea" (HCA 13/73))
Hurricanoes ("he said Ship in her passing from Newfound:d towards the Barbadoes did meet with many Hurricanoes Gal?wes , and Contrary winds"(HCA 13/73))
Instruments ("Swords & gunnes and other warlike Instruments" (HCA 13/73))
Ketch ("there arrived severall Ketches at Nevis & S:t Christophers laden with ffish and other ?provisions"(HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Lading ("ships lading"; "ladeing of aslt" (HCA 13/73))
Lea ("keeping her helme a Lea, upon on Tack, and hard a weather on her other Tack" (HCA 13/73))
Lighter ("three Lighters of Coles" (HCA 13/73))
Long boate ("the shipps longe boate" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Main saile
Master ("Master and Commander"; "the arlate Thomas Grove then and alsoe during all the tyme arlate in the yeares 1657 and 1658 was Master and Commander of the sayd shipp PeaXe and had the charge and government of her as Master during the voyage in question" (HCA 13/73); "the Master and Mariners of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73); "Master & Commander of the arlate Shipp the Scipio, & had the care and charge of her as Master & Commander Committed to him (as hee beleeveth) by her Owners" (HCA 13/73))
Masters Mate ("the arlate Luke Woods and the arlate William Tizard (who was Masters Mate of the Peace) called early in the morning for the Mariners of the sayd shipp to goe a shoare with their boates to assiste in carrying aboard & ladeing the sayd shipp with the sayd ffish" (HCA 13/73))
Missen saile ("y:e said ships ?Missen saile was blowne away, and lost, and by Meanes of looseing y:e Misen, y:e said ship lay broad XXX to the sea" (HCA 13/73))
Mizen ("a mizen")
Mizen saile (" y:e mizen saile (w:ch is not set Downe in y:e sd Schedule) was worth at the time of the sd blowing away about foure pounds"(HCA 13/73))
Mizzen mast
Necessaries ("her provisions & other necessaries" (HCA 13/73))
Owner ("Owners & Adventuers in the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73))
Poope ("a white Ancient in her poope" (HCA 13/73))
Provisions ("her provisions & other necessaries" (HCA 13/73))
Pylott ("this deponent goeing Pylott of the ffrancis & John (HCA 13/73))
Roade ("Petrao Roade" (HCA 13/73))
Ropes ("Cut downe y:e maine mast. by the board. and cut away. y:e Ropes and Tackling thereto belonging" (HCA 13/73))
Rowling ("by y:e said ships Rowlings it bilged a hole in y:e XXXX of the said ship" (HCA 13/73))
Rudder ("great Damage done to the Rudder Sterne post & Sterne of the said ship" (HCA 13/73))
Sayle ("the sayd Grove commanded the sayd shipp to be brought to sayle" (HCA 13/73))
Sheath anchor ("her ?sheath Anchor was well and sufficiently fastened to the side of the said ship" (HCA 13/73))
Sheats anchor
Ship of warre
Ships affayres (" for the better mannagement of the sayd shipps affayers" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Shipps boate
Spritsaile ("her spritsaile was XXX away, by y:e violence of the said Storme" (HCA 13/73))
Starboard (" Put the Helme hard a Starboard" (HCA 13/73))
Stern (" the said ships stern gave way" (HCA 13/73); "y:e stern poast Rudder and sterne of the said Shipp" (HCA 13/73))
Sterne ("Sterne part")
Stoped (=stopped) ("stoped her Leakes" (HCA 13/73))
Strong ("the said ship was strong strong and Tight, and was well fitted with all manner of necessaryes and materialls for y:e said voyage" (HCA 13/73))
Supracargo ("hee was by the sayd Brewer & Crispe intrusted to goe supracargo upon the sayd shipp & voyage ?as well for the management of their sayd five eighth parts as for him selfe and the manageing of the sayd three eighth parts of the sayd shipp ?soe ?lett to him the sayd Wood by the sayd Grove" (HCA 13/73))
Tack ("keeping her helme a Lea, upon on Tack, and hard a weather on her other Tack" (HCA 13/73))
Tackle ("all and singular the Tackle Apparrell funiture and things belonging
to the said ship y:e Oporto Merchant" (HCA 13/73))
Tackling ("Cut downe y:e maine mast. by the board. and cut away. y:e Ropes and Tackling thereto belonging" (HCA 13/73))
Tiller ("ships Tiller")
Watch ("the p:rmisses hee deposeth of ?sight & certayne knowledge being an eye & eare wittness thereof & one of the watch the tyme aforesayd"(HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Winde ("then stood to the winde of her" (HCA 13/73))
Winde bounde ("the shipp being bound upon a fishing designe & the season somewhat spent allready by the shipps lying soe long winde bound as she had done" (HCA 13/73))
Windward ("asked them howe farr the said ship, was to windward of the Barbadoes" (HCA 13/73); "at y:e said time when y:e Abigail glanced by y:e Agreem:t & touched her bowe & quarter as aforesaid y:e Abigaile was to windeward" (HCA 13/73 Part One))