HCA 13/63 f.303v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/63 f.303v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/63 f.303v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


taken out of his hand to which the said Jacket would not at first
hearken but at length being still importuned thereto
and seeing the said Hickman allmost [?quited ?thereat] hee did condescend
thereunto. Et ulterius deponit that by reason of the said misuseage
the said Hickman was constrained to lye under the Chirurgeons
hands for the cureing thereof, for 5 or 6. weekes together, during
all which tyme hee lay in much [?XXX] and torment, and hath
thereby suffered soe much affliction as this deponent (nor anye
man else (as hee beleeveth) would endure or undergoe the like
torture for a 1000 li sterling. And soe much damage this deponent
conceaveth the said Hickman hath susteyned [?XXXXX]
depoXXX hee thsi deponent comeing and retourneing againe abord the
Mayfflower within 2 dayes space after the said Hickman was loosed
from the mainemast, and seeing his Arme the said Hickmans
Arme soe swelled, and heareing of him then and since that,
grievously complaine of the paine which hee endured thereby
Et alr nescit deponere./

Ad 13um 14um et 15um deponit et dicit that diverse tymes dureing
the voyage in question the said Jackett would very often take an
occasion to quarrell with the producent and without any cause
would beate and abuse him after a most cruell and barbarous
manner sometimes with a Cane and a billet as is arlate, and
would knock him downe for dead and soe much brusied and
spoyled his body and limbs that hee did thereby susteyne much
damage and hurt and soe much as this deponent would not
undergoe the like for 200 li sterlinge and soe much damage
the said Hickman hath thereby susteyned Et ulterius
deponit that whilest the said ship was and remained upon the Coast
of Ginney the said Jacket haveinge a minde to put some abuse
upon the said producent and knoweing how to doe it without
some colourable pretence of the said Hickmans committing,
some heynous crime, hee the said Kacket did send for this deponent
and would habe had testified an untruth against him, which
when this deponent came hee would not doe, whereupon the said
Jackett out of meere malice and spite did forthwith in this
deponents presence fall upon and stricke the said Hickman with
his hand spike in such a cruell and barbarous manner that
hee desisted not till hee had [?wellingh] killed him, knocking
him downe and beating his body all black and blew and in manye
places and useing of him as this deponent saith hee never
sawe nor heard of the like barbar[?isance] and cruely in all
his dayes, without any offence at all comitted. Et alr nescit
deponere saveing that by reason thereof the said Hickman
was [?feine] to his under the chirurgeons hands for diverse
weekes together, and his body cannot choose but bee much
weakened and impaired thereby, and soe much this deponent
saith hee doeth [?adXXX] that [?XXX XXX XXX and TXXXXXX the same]
Sup reliquis non examinatr ex directione producent.