Tools: Ship economics
From MarineLives
Ship economics
Editorial history
Created 01/06/2015 by CSG
Ship burden: data from English Admiralty CCourt records
Capital costs
Hull: materials
- Timber
- Metal
- Quantities?
- Cost/measure?
- Material quantities per ton burden built?
Hull: labour
- Master ship carpenter
- Ships carpenters
- Other labour
- Man/hours?
- Cost per man/hour?
- Rule of thumb labour input costs per ton burden built?
- Economies of scale?
Fitting out: materials
- Rigging
- Pulleys
- Metal fittings
- Sails
Fitting out: labour
- Ropemakers
- Sail makers
- Pulley makers
- Other
Operating costs
Freight lease costs
- Monthly costs as agreed in Charter Party
Crew labour costs
- Monthly wages
- ?Additional payments
Victualling costs
- Food and drink
Port costs
- Entry and Exit charges at port
- Other port related charges