HCA 3/46 f.36r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.36r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of 400 li or of whatsoever other summe of money
proceedinge of the sale of the said shippe and
goods in case the same shalbe by this Court adiudged
to belonge to the said Alexander Simons, and the
rest of the parties before mentioned, and to pay
the expences of suite in case the said Cooke shalbe
overthrowne, And unles et cetera Which Caution the Judges
receaved, and decreed the said moneys to be
released from the arrest Then the said Budd gave
an allegation in writinge which the Judges at his
petition did admitt soe farr as the same is by Lawe
admissible which beinge soe admitted and repeatedm and
the said Smith not beleevinge the same to be true The
said Bud upon the said allegation produced the said
henry Cooke as a party principall whome the
Judges receaved and administred an oath unto him
to make a true answere unto the same and monished
him to give in his answere within a weeke/

Edward Prescot, Michaell and}
Edward Randall against James}
Read, ffrancklin Colequite}

Which day the said ffrancklyn
alleadged that his Clients
have necessarie wittnesses
in severall partes beyond the
Seas and here in England for the
proofe of the allegation by him in this
cause given and admitted for whose
examination he desired a Commission to be
decreed in the presence of the said Colequite
dissentinge et cetera But the Judges did decree one
Commission for examination of wittnesses to be [?sped] at
Salem in Newe England from the first day of
July 1654 to the last day of Aprill 1655
next returneablle within a yeare Another to be
[?sped] at the Canaries from the first day of July
to the last of March in the yeare 1655 returneable in twelve monethes, and another to be [?sped]
at Newcastle upon the [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] dayes of
[BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] returneable in this fower monethes and
assigned the said ffrancklin to give Baile for the
payment of costs and charges before the extracting
the said Commissions./

Waters and others against Bland}
Budd Suckley}

ffriday the 21th of
Aprill 1654 before the
worshipfull William Clarke and
John Godolphin doctors of the
lawes Judges et cetera in the dyninge
Chamber et cetera in the presence of Samuell
howe notary publique Appeared personally
the said Richard Waters master of the shipp the
'Three Brothers, and by vertue of his corporall
oath to him administred by the Judges did depose
that the severall persons mentioned in the list annexed
to the allegation in the cause on the behalfe of the said
W[?or]ters and Company did serve in the said shipp
the voyadge in controversie, and were hired to
serve at the respective rates and monethly wages
therein expressed, and they did serve in the saide
shippe the respective tymes therein mentioned
And then the Judges at the petition of the said Bud
did assigne to heare this cause upon wednesday next at
2 of the Clock in the afternoone and to heare all such witt=
nesses as shalbe then produced viva voce on both sides and to
give a finall determination to the same the time aforesaid
in the presence of the said Suckley not dissentinge et cetera.