HCA 13/73 f.531r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.531r.

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/73 f.531r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 8th hee saith it will be neither benefit nor preiudice to him
this Deponent whether the said Summner[?s] recover the said Eighth Part
of the said Frigot or not, neither hath hee any share therein

To the 9th hee answereth negatively for his Part./

To the 10th hee saith that the said Summners hath undertaken
to compound some debts which this Deponent owes. and the said
Sumners hath caused seaventeene pounds or thereabouts to be
left in a ffreinds hand, for compounding the same, but the
same is not done because this Deponent would come to be
Examined in this busines. neither was there any mention
of it made, but the said Mr Summners did it out of his
love to this Deponent who lived with him as a servant formerly/

To the 11th. hee saith (as before) that hee doth not knowe that
the said Story the foresaid time was a Part Owner of the
said ffrigot./.

James Dowglas [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the said Allegation./.

Rp. 2dus

Thomas Greeneleafe of BeereLane London
wine Cooper aged 22 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation
and bill of Sale therein mentioned nowe seene and
perused by him this Deponent hee saith and deposeth, that
in the moneth of June 1657 (as hee remembreth the time) hee this Deponent being then
at worke at Mr Summners his house was called into the
Hall to be a witnesse to the Signing, Sealing, and delivering of a
bill of Sale, (being the bill of Sale now shewne unto him which bill of Sale
hee really Sawe Signed, Sealed and delivered by a man whose name
hee beleeveth was John Story for that hee subscribed that name
to the said bill, and this Deponent as a witnes thereof sett his
name on the back of the said bill together with his precontest
James Dowglas who was then and there alsoe present, and this
deponent having soe done, went to his worke, and did not see
any money paid or goods delivered to the said man that
soe signed sealed and delivered the said bill, And further cannot

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./:

To the Interrogatorie./: [CENTRE HEADIING]

To the first hee saith hee is a wine Cooper, and liveth nowe in house
with Mr Summner, and for foure yeeres last hee hath lived
in London, and all his time before hee lived at Dover. And saith