HCA 13/71 f.369r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.369r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 13th of August 1656.

A businesse of exámination of witnesses for}
perpetuall remembrance on the businesse of}
Samuel Vassall and others touching the}
shipp Mayflower whereof William Jacket}
was Captaine, seized by the officers and subiects of the}
king of Spaine}

Examined upon the said allegation.

Rp. 6

Roger kilvert of London Merchant
aged 68 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith and deposeth that within the time arlate the arlate Samuel
V{ass}all, Richard and Beniamin Grandley, Peter Andrewes, John
Wirkey Captaine Jacket and company were commonly accounted
the true owners and proprietors of the shipp Mayflower with
all her tackle and furniture and alsoe of a vessell or Pinke
that went to sea in her company. And otherwise hee cannot

To the second article hee saith and deposeth that within the fore said
time the said shipp and pinke were (as it was commonly reported)
put to sea for the voyage arlate at the costs and chardges of the said
vessell and company aforesaid, and that Captaine Jacket took upon
him the charge and governaunce of the said shipp and pinke as
commander thereof, and proseeded therewith on the said voyage
on behalfe of himselfe and the said other owners, and had a
nineth part adventure in the said voyage, (as hee said) other partners
told this deponent.

To the third fourth and fifth hee cannot depose.

To the 6th 7th and 8th this deponent saith that one Simon Lopez, Roderigo
da Padilla, don diego da Vizvis, Alfares Sixhouter and
Alvarez Perez Subiects of the king of Spaine told this deponent
that they were present at New Barcellona in the West Indies,
and there tooke notice of (and it was publiquely made knowne)
the agreement made betweene the said Captaine Jacket and don
Louis da Chavez for the carrying of certaine Negroes and importing
of them with the title of a license which the said don Lewes had
for them himselfe, which was presented unto the king of Spaines
officers at New Barcellona, and allowed and approved of by
them to be good, and besides their said affirmation to this deponent
the said 5 Spaniards did testifie soe much upon their oathes in
before a Jury in the Admiraltie Court in the yeere 1651, this
deponent then serving for their interpreter by order of the said
Court. And the said 5 Spaniards further told this deponent
that they were present in New Barcellona in the West Indies
in Aprill 1648, when the said Jacket with his said shipp and Pinnace
arrived there, but that the said Jacket could not come under commaund
with his said shipp nor deliver ashore any goods untill that
ffrancis Barrvral da Cancye the then Governour had seene
and allowed of the said license, which the said don louis da
Chaves did then present before him and other the King of
Spaines officers, and they did all declare them the said license was
good and did approve thereof, and did furnish foure or five[?chests]
and sixe cargo's or loads of Cassave or bread for releife of the



Listed on this page

Peter Andrewes
ffrancis Barrvral da Cancye, Governour of New Barcellona (1648)
don louis da Chaves
Richard and Beniamin Grandley
William Jacket, Captain of the Mayflower
Roger Kilvert, Merchant of London, aged 68
Simon Lopez, subject of King of Spain
Roderigo da Padilla, subject of King of Spain
Alvarez Perez, subject of King of Spain
Alfares Sixhouter, subject of King of Spain
Samuel Vassall
don diego da Vizvis, subject of King of Spain
John Wirkey

Roger Kilvert

Roger Kilvert appears to have been connected with Spain and the Canary wine trade. He appears in HCA 13/65 described as a merchant, aged sixty six "Of the parish of Saint Bennetts ffinck London"[1]

PROB 11/267/429 Will of Roger Kilvert, Merchant of London 17 September 1657

"61c. In your particular letters I have given you advice of the sale of your wines, I mean all those that were good as sound. Though I sold them all at one price, yet I would not have you to think that I have done any of you wrong. They were put in several cellars, and I protest I know not 12d difference in them. I never knew so many bad wines in London as now, of sherries, Malagas and Canaries. I believe there's above 4,000 pipes and butts this day unsold, and God knows when they will be disposed of. Some men have their wines of this 2 years unsold, as Mr [Roger] Kilvert and Mr Bonfoy, which will prove unsufferable losses to them. By Mr Lang's letter I see there's no hopes of having home any wines in the Swan, there being none fit to be laden, besides they ask above your contract. [See 53a.] Good Canaries are now worth above £30 per pipe, but it's said by some Parliament men that they will put a price that the vintners shall not sell for above 7d per pint; so after that rate they cannot give us above £18 per pipe. Of this shall be more larger in my next."[2]


New Barcellona in the West Indies


Secondary sources

Lavaysse, M. (ed.), A statistical, commercial, and political description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, and Tobago (London, 1820)
  1. Jump up HCA 13/65 P1180407
  2. Jump up G. F. Steckley (ed.), 'Letters: 1652', The letters of John Paige, London merchant, 1648-58: London Record Society 21 (1984), pp. 57-82, viewed 04/06/13