HCA 13/71 f.306r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.306r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and then the Master and Purser agreeing to pay them
one Moneths pay at five shillings a doller they accepted
thereof and came aboard againe, and saith there was a writing or
noate made conteyning the names only of all such as consented to
deserte the sayd shipp for want of pay but whether the sayd Nocks
name were therein hee knoweth not, but is well assured that
neither the sayd Nock nor any of the parties plaintiff in this suite saw
Richard Brooke was any of the sayd defectors, but continued
aboard, And hee further saith that about January 1655 the sayd
shipp being ready to sett sayle from Ligorne arlate the sayd Nock
and one Morecock the Carpenters Mate and some other were ashoare there after the sayd
shipp was under sayle, and saith the sayd shipp did staye and turne
up and downe expecting the sayd Nock and others and the shipps
boate being in the meane tyme sent to fetch water the sayd Nock
and those with him towards Evening came aboard in the sayd boate with the
sayd water, And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 12th hee saith the arlate John Godden was three or fower
tymes ashoare at Zant and further to this article hee cannot
depose saving his foregoeing deposition./

To the 13th hee saith that the arlate denby and Brooke were sometyme
on shoare, and the sayd Brooke the oftener of the two, but how many dayes
or nights either of them were on shoare hee remembreth not, but saith
the sayd Brooke the Cooper having bin a shoare at Zant was sick and
in the tyme of his being sick the Water Caske of the sayd shipp neaded
mending and the sayd Brooke not being able to mend it by reason of his
sicknes, the purser hyred an other man in his stead to doe it, the sayd
Brooke consenting and being willing to make allowance out of his wages
for the same, And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot

To the 14th hee saith that some of the sayd shipps Company videlict
John Goaring John Jackson Henry ffoote Richard Gallhampton
and some others (whereof the Plaintiffs in this suite were none) were
refractory and disobedient to the Commands of their superiors and
saith that once some of the sayd shipps Company for that the purser
would allowe them but a pinte of oyle a weeke to a messe did
refuse to pumpe unlesse they might have a larger allowance of
oyle, and hung their oyle bottles upon the pumpe, and the Master
and Purser consenting to allowe them a pinte and a halfe of oyle to a
messe they thereupon fell to pumpeing againe And further to
this article hee cannot depose/

To the 15th hee cannot depose/

To the 16th hee saith that in the moneth of March the sayd
Shipp the George Bonadventure having lost her Rudder at Sea was forced to put
into Plymouth to bee fitted with a new Rudder and while shee laye there
an Imbargoe came from the Lord Protector and Councell for staying