HCA 13/71 f.122v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.122v.

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HCA 13/71 f.122v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


he same day Examined upon the sayd Allegation


Robert Lunn of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner
late Gunner of the sayd shipp Susan and Ann, aged
forty three yeares or thereabouts sayth and deposeth as
followeth. videlicet.

To the .1. 2. and 3. articles of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith, That the sayd
shipp Susan and Anne whereof the arlate George Boys was Master
having taken in her lading being Sugars att the Barbadoes departed
from thence upon her homewards voyage for London about the tyme
allegat, and after her being att Sea abeit twelve dayes mett
with a furious Hurricano, which continued in very great extremity
for about five or six and thirty howres, so as the sayd Master and
Company of the sayd shipp were enforced and did for the preservation of
the sayd shipp and lading and their owne lives, cutt downe their
mainmast. and the foremast hee saith was carryed away by the violence of
the Storme. and so much water came in betwixt deckes that the weight
thereof did endanger the oversetting of the sayd shipp for preservation
whereof a hole was of necessity to be cutt to lett the sayd water into
the hold that the pumps might worke; And the sayd shipp being so
disabled was carryed to the Bermudaos and there fitted with such things
as were necessary, and being provided of a Pilot departed from there
and about the tyme arlate (having her Pilot on board) the winds
proving scanty struck upon a Rock whereby she tooke a leake, and the
pumpe was afterwards very carefully plyed to prevent dammage as much as
might be; And he further saith that afterwards the sayd shipp
having her sayd lading still on board and being not farr from the
Coast of England about three dayes before Christmas last mett with
a very violent storme, which for the tyme it continued was of such
force as that it rent and carryed away the greater part of the sayles
that were then out videlicet the mainsaile foresayle and mizzen, and the sayd shipp
was for the tyme in great danger of perishing. Of the premisses
this deponent was an eyewitnesse being Gunner in and aboard the
sayd shipp the foresayd voyage. And otherwise he cannot depose

To the fourth and fifth articles of the sayd allegation he saith, the sayd shipp
before the sayd Hurricano so fell on her was an able and stanch shipp
and well provided and fitted to performe the sayd voyage. And hee saith
that the goods and lading of the sayd shipp were well and sufficiently
stowed and dennaged, and that the losse and dammage which befell
the sugars and casks was occasioned by the sayd Hurricano, and working
of the sea which through the [XXXXoney of the winds and storme [XXXXX GUTTER]
in great quantityes of water into the sayd shipp. And there was not (as
he by vertue of his Oath saith) any fault or neglect of the sayd
Master and Mariners in reference in the sayd shipp in the quality aforesayd
And for his part he doth not know beleive or hath heard that the Master
or Mariners did breake upp the heads of any Casks, or did embezell any
of the goods and lading, but saith that the sayd Casks did loose some of the
heads by the working of the sea, and Stresse of weather, by meanes
whereof the sugars became endammaged and in part washt away as aforesayd
And otherwise he cannot depose.

Robert R Lunn. ]MARKE, RH SIDE]
his marke