HCA 13/71 f.228v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.228v.

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HCA 13/71 f.228v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Commodities and to Virginia for these seaven or eight yeares last past and thereby very well knoweth
that during the sayde tyme fower Virginia hogsheads of Tobacco
and noe lesse have bin and are usually reckoned there to be a
tunne and this deponent hath often being a
Mas{ter o}f a shipp brought from thence for such as hyred freight of him of diverse tonnes of tobaccoe
and received them at that rate of fower Virginia hogsheads to every tonne
and hath bin paid freight for them at that rate and noe other of fower
hogsheads to every tonne and soe this deponent having had often occasion to hyre freight of tobaccoe from Virginia
on board other shipps hath allwaivs bin allowed by the Master[?s GUTTER]
who wereabouts the same aboard videlicet to shipp fowre Virginia hogsheads
of tobaccoe and noe more for every tonne of tobaccoe which hee soe
hyred freight for, and saith it is a thing Commonly knowne and
generally reputed there in Virginia (and soe hath bin
for these forty yeares last as this deponent hath heard
by other auncient laders thither for tobaccos) that who soe [?ever GUTTER]
hyreth freight for a tonne of tobaccoe there ought to have fower
Virginia hogsheads carried for every tonne, and doth [?usually] and constantly
the same freight for fower Virginia hogsheads as for a tonne of tobacco[?e GUTTER]
they being there esteemed one and the same thing And further to the
article hee cannot depose/

To the 10th article of the sayde allegation hee saith that in the yeare
1654 at such tyme as the shipp the Allexander allegate came
from Virginia the voyage in question hee this deponent and an
other Captaine (whose name hee at present remembereth not) did
at the request of the producent Armiger Warner view the sayd
shipp Alexander (then lying neere Blackwall) before her ladeing
was delivered and upon their view hee this deponent
and the sayd other Captains did finde that shee was then fully stowed
with tobaccoe and other ladeing soe that shee could not
conveniently carrie moore then was stowed in her and keepe her
gunnes free which was necessarie should be kept free for the better def[?ence GUTTER]
of the sayde shipp and her ladeing in her homeward bound voyage And
further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the rest of the articles of the sayde allegation hee is not
examined by direction of the producent./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of
knowledge in this cause being so required by the producent War[?ner GUTTER]
and saith he is not of Kinne to the producent nor is promised any
thing for his testimony nor hath any interest in this cause neither
will it bee either profitt or preiudice to him which party soe ever [?shall GUTTER]
prevaile in this suite and saith hee is not any way indebted to the
Producent nor the producent to him./
