HCA 13/71 f.534r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.534r.

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cleered as bound for the Barbadoes, but the sayd Maurice told
this deponent that hee did beleeve shee was bound for Virginia though shee
were entered as bound to the Barbadoes And further to these articles hee
cannot depose

To the 3: 4th 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee
hath by letters of Advice from his freinds and correspondents in
Virginia) bin informed that the sayd Phillipp Ewer arrived with his
sayd shipp in Virginia about the latter end of Aprill or beginning of May
one thousand sixe hundred fifty five And further to these articles hee
cannot depose./

To the 8th and 9th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith saving his
foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 10th and 11th hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee heard the sayd Watts
the producent in the yeares 1654 or 1655 saye that hee had taken tonnage for
Tobaccoe in the sayd Ewers shipp and that hee had given notice thereof to
the arlate Samuell Mathews his Correspondent at Virginia And saith
that the sayd Mathews did in the sayd yeare 1655 send home in the
Shipps the Seaven Sisters and the Charles of London forty hogsheades of
tobaccoe, in each twenty which hee verily beleeveth the sayd Mathews
(having notice that the sayd Watts had taken tonnage in the sayd
Ewers shipp) would haue laden on board the sayd Ewers shipp if
shee had come thither in due tyme and soe soone in the yeare as other shipps
did And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 12th article hee saith that hee this deponent is by profession of
a Merchant and hath traded to Virginia for Tobaccoe for these twelve yeares
or thereaboutes last past and thereby knoweth that it is usuall with such as are
traders in tobaccoe there and have any by them to send their tobaccoes by
when March is past by any shipps they can, or if noe shipps bee
bound for England bee then there then to barter it away to any that will
take it for the like quantitie of tobaccoe to bee paid them the next yeare
following or send the same for New England, rather then keepe it in Virginia
after March is past, by reason it is a Commoditie which with the heate
of the Country in Virginia will bee spoiled if it bee kept after the
Moneth of March next following after the yeare wherein it
groweth And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 13th hee saith hee knoweth that severall Shipps bound to Virginia
did enter into Charterparty in September and October 1654 and that the
sayd shipps were cleered at Gravesend and departed thence before the end
of November next following, and arrived as this deponent hath bin by
letters informed in Virginia in the Moneths of January and or ffebruary
next following and came home some
of them of this deponents knowledge without any dead freight
and soe might the sayd Ewers shipp have done as hee verily beleeveth if shee had come
to Virginia in due tyme as other shipps did And further hee cannot depose/
