HCA 13/71 f.25r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.25r.

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HCA 13/71 f.25r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 3d. he saith that the sayd shipp the tyme interrate lay about miles from the
shoare, and about a league from the place where the woolls were to bee taken in
And saith that the numbers of baggs interrate might be brought aboard in
ten dayes or lesse, in ćase there were roome enough aboard to dispose of them.
but there was not roome enough in the sayd shipp to recyve so many without
steeving. And otherwise he cannot answer.

To the 4th he saith that the interrate Instruments were not brought away in the said shipp,
but were by this Rendent twice carryed to shoare from the shipp after her returne
from Scanderoone the voyage aforesayd. And this he is sure of And otherwise
cannot depose.

To the 5th. hee saith he hath made onely one voyage to Ciprus being the voyage
in question

To the 6. 7. and eighth. hee saith that the direct Course from Cyprus to England is
directly to the Streights mouth and Zant is something out of the sayd direct
Course, but as the wind stood the voyage in question, the sayd direct course could
not be sayled. And saith the direct Course from Zant to England (as to the
Streights, and Corsica is about 40 leagues out of such direct Course, yet as
the winds often happen to be the Course by Corsica may be assoone performed.
And saith Leghorne is as he taketh it about 25 leagues more out the
sayd direct Course than Corsica is. And further or otherwise hee ćannot

To the 9th. he saith, that 100 baggs of woolls being steeved in a shipp of the
burthen interrate there is not roome for 170. baggs more to be receyved
on board and steeved afterwards; and that therefore fourty four men
cannot receyve so many on board and steeve them afterwards # And
otherwise he cannot answer.

  1. but he saith so=

many baggs may
be receyved on
board by degrees
as the steeving
worke goes forward
and in like way for
them and not

Samuell Donn [SIGNATURE]

To the 10th. he saith he doth not know nor beleive that Captaine Hughes interrate did
att any tyme before the 22th day of May interrate declare to Roger
ffooke and Richard Chowne or eyther of them, or to any other person whatsoever
that he the said Hughes would stay for the Convoy interrate or that he would
tarry att Ciprus till Captaine

To the 11th. he saith the sayd shipp was ballasted with gravell, and the galls
interrate were all putt in sackes and not shott loose, and were, he, is sure,
brought in the sayd sackes to Porto Longonde # And otherwise he cannot depose.

  1. since few galls excap=

ed which became
loose by the breaking
and decay of the sackes
which [?ÿ] usually

Samuell Donn [SIGNATURE]

To the 12th. he saith that in the steeving of woolls it is the usuall Course first to
lay a Tier of baggs and then to steeve in as many more baggs as
are teired, and sometymes more. And the same Course was observed
by this deponent, and his mates in the steeving the woolls interrate. And
otherwise he ćannot depose.

To the 13th. he saith that in the lading of woolls it is usuall to fetch about
twenty baggs some dayes from the shore to prevent losse of tyme and
keepe the men att worke. and afterwards as roome is made by steeving
to fetch more, and still to be ćarefull that the acts of the shipp be not
[?postened] with two<note>read: too</note> many baggs for feare of tempests, and other inconveniences
as the hindering the men in their steeving and the like. And this Course
was observed in lading the woolls interrate. And further, otherwise than
negatively he cannot answer to this Interrogatorie.

To the 14th. he saith that the order and method of lading wools is thus. first a
Tier of baggs is Layd which in a shipp of the burthen interrate may conteyne
about 13 baggs, and this may be done in about two houres tyme. then the
steeving beames are to be placed, bolted and fixed which worke will
ordinarily require a dayes tyme, afterward, it is proceeded to steeving
in doeing whereof the number of men interrate may some dayes steive halfe
a dozen or more baggs, and some dayes not above three, and some tymes
not above one by reason of the very great difficulty of steeving the uppermost
sackes whereof by the violence of the worke sometymes the great ropes