HCA 13/73 f.106r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 106 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/13 |
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and other goods which shee had on board, the said Ship was fully
laden, And saith that the foresaid Salt which the said Grove
as aforesaid refused to take on board, could not without preiudice
have bin taken on board her. and saith the said Ship was laden above
her Lading markes which is not usuall, specially upon dangerous
Coasts, and Saith shee then drew about 13 foot and three inches a Sterne
and about Eleaven foote and a halfe a head, And had the said
Grove taken in the foresaid two Boates Lading of Salt. which the
said Grove refused to take on board. it would have much endangered
the ship and Lading, and Company in her, in regard
that those parts were then Stormy, And further cannot Answer
To the 4th hee saith that the said Luke Woods did
at Newfound Land in Rainy Weather, Lade some ffish onboard
the said Ship. and did lade some Early in the mornings and late
at Nights when the Dew was on the ground and which hee should not have
done, And some of the said ffish which hee there Laded was Ill Conditioned
and refuse ffish at the time of the Lading thereof; which did prejudice the rest that was
good and further saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot
To the 5th hee saith that at the time interrate all the said ships
provisions, Tackling, and Cables were betweene Decks. And the
said Wood did then Imploy most of the Ships Company on shore
about his occasions and did send boates soe fast for salt that the
said Grove had not with the Company hee had on board time
enough to fetch stones to stiffen the said Ship, and saving as aforesaid
cannot further Answer:/:
To the 6th hee saith that the reason why the said Grove soe refused
to deliver the foresaid ropes, was in regard hee knew not the
weight thereof and further saving as a foresaid hee cannot answer
To the 7th: hee saith that the said Ship in her Course from the
Newfoundland. to the Barbadoes. did meete with
variable Winds and Calmes. and bad weather in the Long reach
And saith that the foresaid William Tizard Cannot write nor
read, and had onely one Instrument onboard which was a forestaffe
And saith that hee beleeveth that the said Variable Windes. and bad
weather was the Cheife occasion of the said Groves missing the
Barbadoes, and further cannot Answer./
To the 8.th hee saith that hee hath heard some of the said Ships
Company say, that they heard the said Luke Woods order the said
Grove when hee had missed the Barbadoes to saile to Martinico
and soe to Nevis, and the said Grove did soe accordingly, And after the said
Ship had bin at Nevis about a Moneth or six weekes. the said
Thomas Grove was very Earnest to goe to the Barbadoes, and
the said Wood Consented thereunto and caused Noates to
be set up in the remarkable places in Nevis and Saint Christophers
that the ship the Peace was goeing to the Barbadoes, but
when the Ship was ready, and Grove willing to goe the said
Woods refused to goe to the Barbadoes, and would not suffer
the said Grove to goe; for that (as the said Wood said) the market
was at Barbadoes very bad and dead, and sugar there very sca?rced
And further cannot Answer./.