HCA 13/73 f.61r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.61r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Robbles did (as this deponent is sure informed by the foresaid bill
of Lading comming from the Canaries and alsoe by a Letter and Invoice sent [XXX] [XXXX] from the
said Liva to the said Robbles). lade and putt
aboard the said ship the Saint Laurance there
Lying in the Port or Road of Oratava, and bound for this Port
of London Ninety fower pipes of Canary wine videlicet: six pipes


of the said wine of the first marke in the mergent: and
Eighty Eight pipes of the said wines marked with the second


marke on the mergent. and one hundred and sixty sticks
of Compecha wood, and Eight and thirty bundells of [?Sassa]
Perilla, and two baggs of Cacoa Nutts for the account of the
said Rodrigues Robbles, to be transported and Caried in the
said ship from the said Port of Oratava, to this Port of London
and here delivered to the said Robles or his ffactors, for
his the said Robbles owne pp account and adventure,
and further hee cannot depose:/:

To the .12:th and 13th. hee saith that this deponent havinhg often seene the said
Bennin[X]ysent write and subscribe his marke.
is thereby well acquainted with the manner or Caractere of
writing his name, and having nowe perused and seene
the said name of the said Peter Bennewijsent subscribed
att the bottome of the said Bill of Lading for the said wines
and other goods aforesaid, hee verily beleeveth and is perswaded
in his Conscience. that the said name of Peter Benewysent
soe subscribed to the said bill to be of his the said Binnewysents
owne hand writing and furher hee
cannot depose./.

To the 14th hee saith that whereas in the said Bill of Lading Exhibited
the said Ninety foure pipes of wine, and other the goods before
mentioned and scet downe in the said Bill of lading for the Account
of the said Sir Peter Luis Van Lostack the same in
truth was soe done by the said Robbles. to the
end and purpose that the said goods might not be discovered
at the Canaryes to belong to any Subject of the Comonwealth
of England, and that if the said ship the Saint Laurance should
in her passage from the Canaryes to London be met
with by any of the ships of the King of Spaine or his
Subiects, thet then if said bill of Lading might bee shewed
the better to Collour the said goods, as if the same did
really belong to the said Lostach of Amsterdam. and
thereby to prevent the Comonwealth of England, and in
[XXXX] the said Bill of Lading as to that part only of writing of the
said wines and goods to be for the said Lostachs accompt was and is
Coloured, but the rest thereof [XX] true and reall, and further he
cannot depose/