HCA 13/73 f.435v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.435v.

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HCA 13/73 f.435v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aboard her at her seizure that the meanes thereof was as followeth
that the sayd Wygarts and drewes did in the saud moneth of May 1659 [?when GUTTER]
Lemmon and this deponent and others were ashoare upon the sayd shipps [?occasions GUTTER]
came aboard the sayd shipp Redd Rose in a Smack with about thirty [?XXX GUTTER]
and Souldiers and by violence possessed them selves of the sayd shipp and [?all GUTTER]
her company who were left aboard her, and of her lading of [?XX GUTTER]
her a vessell their souldiers in a warlike posture aboard her demanded
keys of all the trunckes chests boxes and Cupbords and with such keys as were aboard [?opened GUTTER]
them, and brake open the rest of the boxes chests truncks and Cupbords the keys
whereof were not to be found aboard by Reason the Master and severall of
his Company were on shoare, and out of them tooke all the Masters bills
of ladeing bills of Exchange and other shipp papers, and all other writings
that were in the boxes chests and truncks of other of the shipps company and
a great number of letters which were sent in the sayd shipp from England
to be carried to the English ffleete in the Sound, all which as the sayd [?XXX GUTTER
and others then aboard her affirmed they carried away and put aboard their [?said GUTTER]
smacke and commanded the shipps company then on board to weigh her Anchor
which they refused askeing them whether there were any warr betwixt England
and holland and upon what grounds or authority they committed such [?acts GUTTER]
or to that effect whereupon the said Company refuseing the sayd Wigarts and
drewes and their confesderates (as the sayd Peter Wilkinson and others [?aboard GUTTER]
at her seizure affirmed) threatened the sayd shipps company to hang them
or inflict some other punishment upon them and tooke the sayd wilkinson
the Masters mate and put him aboard their smack and carried him priosner
to delfes Isle and then caused the sayd shipps Anchors to be weighed and
her and her ladeing of salt to the same place and there brought her to an
Anchor neere the [?Scouce] there And hee this deponent knoweth that after the
sayd shipp was delivered againe to the sayd Lemmon and Company at delfes
Isle and this deponent and others who were on shoare permitted to come aboard
her there hee found that the sayd masters chests and truncks and boxes (whereof
this deponent had the keys of on shoare) were broken open, and all his bills
of ladeing and bills of Exchange and other shipp papers taken away and
this deponents chest broken open and about a hundred letters which hee
had therein and were sent from England to be delivered to the English ffleete
at the sound taken out thereof, and two [?schicls and two pages of [?XXXX GUTTER]
and a peece of eight and a sea Instrument called a quadrant and some
handkerchiffs and bands and other cloaths taken out thereof, and that the chests
and boxes of others of the sayd shipps company were alsoe opened and
their papers and many of their cloathes taken out of them, and much
other dammage done by the sayd seizers to the sayd shipp and her ladeing
and alsoe found that the sayd shipp (whereas shee was of this deponents sight and knowledge very tight
and stanch before her sayd seizure) was made very leakie in soe much
that her company during all the tyme this deponent continued in her after her seizure
(which was till her comming to Elsenore) was soe leakie that her
Company were forced of necessirt to keepe her witj continuall
pumpeing to keepe her above water shee being soe much damnified in
her hull and otherwise that her ladeing alsoe by the water shee tooke [?in GUTTER]
was much damnified to a very considerable value, but what to estimate
the sayd dammage at hee knoweth not, which dammage (as hee hath
credibly heard from those of the sayd shipps company who were aboard her when
shee receaved the sayd dammage, was occasioned by reason the sayd Wygarts
and drewes and their associates by either their willfullnes or carelessnes
in bringing her on her owne Anchor soe as shee twisted the shanke [?XXX GUTTER
and alsoe wrung her upon ground in a strong tyde All which hee saith hee
well knoweth might have bin prevented if the sayd seizors had
not removed her but lett her alone neere Embden where shee
was And further to these articles hee cannot depose/
