Team Two - Jill & Alex's team
From MarineLives
Revision as of 14:00, August 5, 2014 by Jillwilcox (Talk | contribs)
Team Two - Jill & Alex's team
Editorial history
Created 31/05/14 by CSG
Purpose of page
This page is the team page for Team Three on the MarineLives 2014 Summer Programme
Suggested links
Team One - Phil's team
Team Three - Colin's team
Team members
Karen Gunnell
Phillipa Hellawell
Alex Jackson
Sue Jones
Jill Wilcox
Mini Bios
Jill Wilcox is co-director of the project,and has a degree in History from Hertfordshire and a MEd in education from Cambridge. Jill has a strong interest in history and family history, and combines her work on MarineLives with teaching. In her spare time she is learning French and is a volunteer with Waterside Experiences.
Research for Team 2