Port trades

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Port trades

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Port trades

Brewers clerk

  • ”this deponent hath bin a Brewers clarke theise 30 yeares last or thereabouts and is so at present, and thereby is well acquainted with the primes and valewes of all sorts of beere and caske” (HCA 13/71 f.146r Case. Crosse against the shipp the ?Chase aforesaid; Deposition: 4. Francis Hynde of the parish of Saint Buttolphes without Allgate London citizen and Marchant-tailor of London aged 45; Date: 08/05/1656)

Brewers servant

  • John Calcott of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Brewers servant aged twenty fower yeares (HCA 13/71 f.450v Case: Sarah Smith Executrix of Robert Smith against the Swan alias the Giant etc; Deposition: 1. John Calcott of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Brewers servant aged twenty fower yeares; Date: 05/03/1656 /1657))


  • “carried him and Mr Shipton a broker in this deponents boate aboard his said shipp the wildeman then lying at anchor right before Greenwich a little above the bridge, where (as her company said) shee had come to an anchor that night” (HCA 13/71 f.130r Case: XXXX; Deposition: XXXX; Date: XXXX)



  • John Fremlett of the parish of Stepney and the County of Middlesex Labourer aged forty two (Case: Huggerly Turpin and Company against Captaine John Tott(e)y; Deposition: 4. John Fremlett of the parish of Stepney and the County of Middlesex Labourer aged forty two yeares; Date: 19/08/1656)

  • William Coxe of Wapping wall labourer aged forty one yeares (HCA 13/71 f.446v Case: XXXX; Deposition: 3. William Coxe of Wapping wall labourer aged forty one yeares; Date: 31/01/1656 (1657))

  • John Danies of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Labourer aged thirty sixe yeares (HCA 13/71 f.563r Case: Watson against Naylor; Deposition: John Danies of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Labourer aged thirty sixe yeares; Date: XX/XX/XXXX)

- “the labourers aboard the sayd lighter and amongst them this deponent did worke up to the Knees, in water to heave out the rest of the ballast remayning on board her after shee had receaved the dammage aforesayd…” (idem)


  • See: (HCA 13/71 f.221v Case: On the behalfe of the foresaid Meyenbergh and others touching a losse of goods in the Hare in the feild; Deposition: 6. Henry Briggs of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London Packer aged 35 yeeres; Date: 15/05/1656)



  • See: (HCA 13/71 f.24r Case: Keats Jennings and others against ffredericke Chowne and others ; Deposition: 5. Samuel Dun(e?) of limehouse in the County of middl mariner late cheife masters mate and steevador on board the shipp the Thomas Bonadventure. Captaine Hughes commander of the voyage in question aged 36 yeares; Date: 24/02/1655 (1656))


  • Henry Harling Wharfinger of Ralphs key London, aged 27 yeares (HCA 13/71 f.300v Case: On the behalf of the XXXX; Deposition: Henry Harling Wharfinger of Ralphs key London, aged 27 yeares; Date: 14/07/1656)