Bound for Barbary

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Bound for Barbary

Editorial history

08/11/12: CSG, created page

Purpose of page

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Background on Barbary

  • "the Christian shore may bee discovered one day and the Barbary shore another day" (near majorca, where channell narrows) (HCA 13/71 f.30v Case: XXXX; Deposition: 2. Captaine Thomas Chinn of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged 40)

  • Mention of the "Turkish language" (HCA 13/71 f.76r Case: XXXX; Deposition: 2. Jacob Salter of the parish of Stepney Mariner aged 30)

  • Hamett Bashawe; "one Constantine" (HCA 13/71 f.84r Case: XXXX; Deposition: 4. William ffudge of Wapping in the parish of St. mary of matfellon of Whitechapel and County of Midd Mariner master of Cesar aged forty two years)

Case: Deposition of William Anderson of Stockdon within the Bishoprick of Durham, late Gunner of the sayd shipp the Fortune=

  • Deposition of William Anderson of Stockdon within the Bishoprick of Durham, late Gunner of the sayd shipp the Fortune (HCA 13/71 f.131r)