Team Three - Colin's team
Team Three - Colin's team
Editorial history
Created 31/05/14 by CSG
Purpose of page
This page is the team page for Team Three on the MarineLivfes 2014 Summer Programme
Suggested links
Team One - Phil's team
Team Two - Jill & Alex's team
Team members
Rowan Beentje
Melvyn Desler
Colin Greenstreet
John Layt
Katherine Parker
Kickoff Skype call
Team Three will have its kickoff on Sunday June 1st in a one hour Skype call.
The Skype call is scheduled for 6-7 pm on Sunday, and will be originated and chaired by Colin Greenstreet
(1) Introductions
(2) What we each want to get out of the programme
(3) Review the programme structure and timings
(4) Plan the coming week
(a) Doing transcription training and practice
(b) Becoming familiar with MarineLives-Tools
SKYPE addresses
Colin: colingreenstreet.marinelivesorg
Katherine: katherine.parker88
John: johnlayt
Rowan: rowanbeentje
Melvyn: live:melvyndresner