Seamens' wages

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Seamens' wages

Editorial history

08/11/12: CSG, created page

Purpose of page

The MarineLives project is seeking to link and enhance HCA 13/71, not just to transcribe it.

Unpaid seamens' wages are often the subject of cases and depositions in HCA 13/71, and occasionally the depositions include schedules of such wages, by named individual and role aboard ship, together with details of the terms of employment, and the intended voyage

All associates, facilitators, advisors and PhD Forum members are encouraged to contribute to this page from their knowledge of the material, and from their broader knowledge and interest in the topic.

  • Which cases and depositions mention specifics of seamens' wages?
  • Which cases and depositions include or refer to schedules of seamens' wages?
  • What can we learn about the contractual terms of marine employment?
  • What evidence is there of non-monetary benefits, such as clothing, profit sharing, and bonuses?
  • What evidence is there that perceived risk of a specific geographical route and/or voyage affected seamens' wages?

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- HCA 13/71 f.XXXX Case: XXXX; Deposition: XXXX; Date: XXXX. Transcribed by XXXX[1]

Suggested links

PhD Forum

Demands during voyage for payment of overdue wages

Alleged desertion by crew of George Bonadventure at Zant to pressure Master for payment of two months overdue wages

  • "1. tooke speciall notice thereof that the sayd Christopher Nock

2. during the voyage in question did lye ashoare and absent him=
3. selfe for the space of about ˹eight or tenn˺ fifteene nights and the greatest
4. of the dayes of those nights And hee saith that divers of the
5. Company of the sayd shipp to the number of 14 vizt Abraham CoXX GUTTER
6. Theodor Nookes Richard Galhampton John Brookes Robert MorXXXXXX GUTTER
7. John Jackson Henry ffoot William Richbill Nicholas Miller Richard
8. Brooke aforesayd ffrancis William William Toft Robert Collins
9. Thomas Richards did at Zant in the moneth of June 1655 deserte the
10. sayd shipp the George Bonadventure and keepe on shoare which they
11. did to and XXXXXXX sayd they would not come on board till they
12. had two moneths pay paid them whereupon the Master of the sayd
13. shipp and Mr Dobson factor of the sayd Mr ffarington did cause them
14. to be seized upon Souldiers and át length the Consull with
15. much persuasion prevailed with them to goe on board againe the
16. Master causing them to bee paid one moneths pay and thereupon
17. this deponent did by order of the sayd Master and the sayd dobson pay
18. unto all the shipps company who desyred the same (many which
19. the parties to this suite plaintiff in this suite were comprehended) one
20. Moneths pay"

- HCA 13/71 f.270v: Case: Beniamin dimmock John Godden Christopher Knecke Richard Brooke and henry denbe against George ffarington; Deposition: 1. Robert Thompson the parish of Saint Martin in the Vintrey London Cittizen and Merchantaylor of London late Purser of the shipp the George Bonadventure of London aged forty sixe yeares; Date: 02/07/1656. Transcribed by Colin Greenstreet.[2]

Dispute about half and full pay


  • "13. To the Crosse=Interries. CENTRE HEADING

14. To the first Interrogatory he saith he was one of the Company of the sayd shipp the
15. voyage in question. And there is about eight pounds wages due to him
16. for his service in the sayd shipp. which he hopes to have, but hath ˹not˺ yet
17. Layd in his Clayme or action for the same. And otherwise hee cannot answer.
18. To the second Interrogatory hee saith hee was not att the hiring of any of the
19. persons interrte.
20. To the third the saith he saith he saith he was about 6 weekes in the sayd shipp att
21. halfe pay, before she departed from Gravesend, and then was in her and in
22. whole ˹pay˺ till she came to Millford haven and about ˹a˺ month longer. And
23. there he left the sayd shipp. and saith she did not make her designed port,
24. or voyage being insufficient. And saving as aforesayd cannot further
25. answer
26. To the 4th. hee saith he was payd his sayd halfe pay upon the eighth
27. day of december 1654. and some small tyme after videlicet day or
28. two or ˹three dayes after˺ the like the sayd shipp went upon her sayd voyage. And
29. further not remembring the tyme of the day she departed he ćannot
30. depose or answer
31. To the .5th. he saith that the sayd shipp when she so departed from Gravesend did
32. seeme to be an able and sufficient shipp as to outward view. but it soone
33. after appeared that she was not sufficient for such a voyage. And other
34. wise hee cannot answer.
35. To the .6th. he saith the sayd shipp became leaky first about the downes, and
36. afterwards sprang a leake about forty leagues from the Lizard, as
37. this Rendent did then judge the distance. And from thense {she} came
38. into Milford haven And otherwise hee ćannot answer."

- HCA 13/71 f.172v Case: XXXX; Deposition: XXXX; Date: XXXX. Transcribed by XXXX[3]

Freighters responsibility to pay mariners wages specified in contract to let a ship for freight

Contract to let the ship the Alexander for freight of tobacco from Virginia to London specified freighter pay mariners wayges


  • "29. To the 4th 5th ˹and 6th˺ articles of the sayd libell hee saith that hee being Supracargo

30. as aforesayd hath ˹heard the sayd Watson acknowledge that hee receaved˺ XXXX severall letters sent from one Mr Marston the right GUTTER
31. sole owner of the sayd shipp the Alexander to Ireland before her departure
32. thence to Virginia defying him the sayd Watson to be carefull to performe
33. all things on his part to be performed touching the sayd voyage or to that
34. effect And saith that hee hath heard the sayd Captaine Watson alsoe
35. confesse and acknowledge that the sayd Warner was to victuall the sayd
36. shipp for the sayd voyage and pay Mariners wages, and over and about this GUTTER
37. charge to pay fowerscore and five pounds a moneth for soe longe tyme
38. as shee continued upon the sayd voyage in lie?u of three hundred
39. tunnes of Tobaccoe at fower hogsheads to the Tonne which hee the sayd
40. Watson was to lade aboard the sayd shipp at Virginia and transporte
41. thense to London And hee this deponent well knoweth that hee this deponenet
42. in order to the performance of such things as were agreed to be performed
43. on the behalfe to the sayd Warner did cause to be paid unto the sayd GUTTER
44. Watson at Corke in Ireland a hundred pounds in money towards the
45. payment of Mariners wages, And alsoe saith that after the rate of
46. fower Virginia hogsheads to the Tonne the sayd Watson ought for the
47. compleateing of the three hundred Tonnes of tobaccoe by him to have
48. bin brought thense in the sayd shipp to have laden twelve hundred
49. Virginia hogsheads of tobaccoe and noe lesse And further hee cannot depose/"

- HCA 13/71 f.401v Case: Warner against Howe and Watson ("Examined upon the libell on behalfe of the sayd Warner"); Deposition: 7. George ffaulckoner of London Merchant and supracargo of the shipp Alexander the voyage in question aged 40 yeares; Date: 24/10/1656. Transcribed by William Kellett.[4]

Payment of gratuities

The forty-six year old mariner, John Stevens of London, gave evidence as to the payments of gratuities to Englsih ships' captains in Cadiz.

  • "16. To the second hee saith that as hee hath heard the said Thomas

17. Browning had an Adventure of his owne on board the said shipp
18. the said voyage, and this deponent XXXeth the said allowance of
19. a peece of eight per day in the case aforesaid to be a duety from the
20. owners and not a gratuitie, in as much as a master or purser cannot
21. well be on lesse daily expense XX
22. shoare; and hee doth not conceive that the owners having a factor
23. on shoare shall not expresse the said allowance, for a master is soleman
24. as XXXX consigned to XXXXXX, XX whXXXXX the owners having a factor on
25. shoare shall ˹not˺ excuse the said allowance, for a master is soleman
26. as XXXXX consigned to anyXXXX the owners have not sXXXX
27. further or other person to give him assistance, and that the masters
28. gaines ashoare to him and staying there and writeing when about
29. the shipps business is ˹for the most part˺ equall expense to him as if there were noe
30. further XXXX, and that rate of a peece of eight per diem is a
31. XXXXs ordinary expense there, and ofXXXXr more than lesse. And
32. otherwise cannot answere saving as aforesaid.
33. John Stevens SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
34. Repeated before doctor Godolphin"

- HCA 13/71 f.102v Case: Browning against Vanderpost and Company; Deposition: 2. John Stephens of London Mariner, aged 46 yeeres (Signature of "John Steuens" at end of deposition); Date: 28/02/1655(56). Transcribed by Colin Greenstreet.[5]

Payment of primage and average to Master and crew


Specifying length of mariners contract for wages


  • "1. To the 7th hee saith hee was present at the Barbados and heard the sayd

2. Nayler and horne and Company agree with the foresayd Kerwall and others
3. owners of the shipp Justine to give them fifty pounds a moneth for seaven
4. monthes certayne and eight moneths uncertayne, under which pay the sayd shipp
5. was at the tyme of her seizure and saith the sayd shipp was by contract
6. to be delivered to her Owners at Barbados after her returne from
7. Guinney and further hee cannot depose./"

- HCA 13/71 f.400r Case: XXXX; Deposition: XXXX (Signature of "William Buckland"); Date: XXXX. Transcribed by William Kellett.[6]
  1. Electronic link to a digital source
  2. HCA 13/71 f.270v
  3. HCA 13/71 f.172v
  4. HCA 13/71 f.401v
  5. HCA 13/71 f.102v
  6. HCA 13/71 f.400r