MRP: Thomas Cutler will
Thomas Cutler will
Editorial history
30/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription on wiki
Abstract & context
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The two and twentieth day of ffebruary 1692/3 I Thomas Cutler Esq:r Consull for the English Nation resideing in Stockholme in the kingdome of Sweden being sick of Body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to God And calling to minde the uncertainty of this transitory Life and that all fflesh must dye doe make and ordaine and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) f
first and principally I commend my Soul to Allmighty God my Creator assuredly beleiveing I shall receive remission of sinns and Salvation by the precious death and meritts of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body to be buryed in such decent manner as my Executors hereafter named shall think convenient
And for the settling my temporall Estate and such goods chattells or debts which it hath pleased God to lend or bestow upon mee I doe order give and dispose the same in manner and forme following (that is to say) ffirst I will that all just debts I owe to any person whatsoever shall be truely contented and paid
ITEM I give and bequeath to ffrances my wife One Thousand pounds out of the first money that shall come in from my Estate together with all her plate Jewells and householdstuffe
ITEM I give twenty pounds to be distributed to the poore at the discretion of my Executor
ITEM I give to my son ?ffreman as a token of primageniture One hundred pounds The rest and residue of all my
Estate I give and bequeath to my Children by the said ffrances my wife namely ffreeman Thomas John Samuel and Sarah to be divided amongst them by even and equall portions And my Will is that my daughter Sarah’s portion shall remaine in her Mothers hands till she attaine the age of twenty ffive years unless her Mother shall think good to putt it under her disposall sooner And my Will and meaning is that if any of my said children shall depart this Life before enjoyment of this Bequeathment that the same shall bee divided amongst my surviveing Children by equall shares
ITEM I doe hereby nominate consitute ordain and appoint ffrances my Wife and ffreeman my eldest son to by my true and lawfull Executors of this my last Will and Testament Revokeing all former Wills whatsoever haveing writ this altogether with my own hand and confirmed with my seale dated in Stockholme the day and yeare before mentioned
Tho: Cutler
Signed sealed and published in the presence of us underwritten
J: Robinson ?H: Moyon Rob: ?ffarkson Philip fforsten
PROBATUM fuit huhusmodi Testamentum apud London coram verti vivo Johanne Exton Legum Doctore Surrogato vertis et Equregii viri Domini Richard Raines Militis Legum Xiam Doctoris Curiae Praerogative Cantuarixxx Magistri Custodis sive Commisari xxxx constituti XXXX die Mensis ffebruariij Anno Uno (stilo Anglia) millesimo septingentesimo quarto Juramento ffrancisca Cutler Relicta dicti defuncti et Exectaris in dicto Testamento nominate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX