Tools: HCA 24/111

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HCA 24/111

HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window


HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window

ffor Tennbages of Cotton woole weighing}
300 pound per bagg for the accompt aforesaid}

ffor ffowerteene butts of Molasses for the}
accompt aforesaid}

ffor ffowerscore and Nyneteene plancks Three}
Inches Thicke and 25 foote in length per plancke}
for the accompt aforesaid}

ffor ffive greate peeces of Brasseele wood}
for the accompt aforesaid}

ffor the Master and Marriners Adventures}
Apparrell Instruments and other necessaryes as}
by their perticulers may appeare}

ffor fforty ffower Chests and a halfe of white}
and Muskevadoes shugar, whereof Thirty Three}
and a halfe are white sugars being for the}
accompt of Mr William hargrave then Commander}
of the shippe Called the Roe bucke aforesaid which}
said Chests of Shugar weighing from 18teene
Rooves to 35 Rooves}

ffor ffifty five roules of Tobaccoe weighing
from 60 pound to 110 pound per Roule being
for the accompt of the saiid hargrave}

ffor Apparrell Instruments plate Stuffes Stockens}
books and other Commodities for the accompt of the}
said hargrave and worth} 150: 00: 00

ffor Apparrelll plate books and other necessaryes}
for the accompt of Mr George Braughton}
Merchant of the aforesaid shippe worth} 120: 00: 00

ffor Tenn Chests of white and Muscavadoes
shugars, whereof Eight are white Sugars}
weighing from 18 Rooves to 35 Rooves for the}
accompt of Edward Garratt Masters mate of the aforesaid shippe}

HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window


HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window


HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window


HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window


HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window


HCA 24/111: No. 125" Right click on image for full size image in separate window