HCA 13/73 f.147r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.147r.

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K. K.

The twelveth of March 1658.

The claime of Philip van hulten, henry Mathias,}
Christofer Co[?t]senburg, and Cornelius Mayeart}
of Amsterdam for their hides and other goods, seized
in the shipp Santa Maria', John van Lienen Master.}
Smith. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation given in
on the behalfe of the said claimers
and schedules thereunto annexed


John van LIenen of Amsterdam, Mariner,
Commander of the said shipp Santa Maria,
aged 37 yeares or thereabouts, a witnes
sworne in this busines, saith as followeth.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and ddeposeth That
hee well knoweth the producents Philip van hulten, hendrick Mathias,
Christofer Cotsenburg and Cornelius Mayeart, who hee saith are all
Marchants of Amsterdam where this deponent alsoe dwelleth, And further
to this article hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee saith and deposeth That the said Philip van hulten
did by Charter partie bearing date the fifteenth of May 1657 (new stile)
hire of this deponent and take the said shipp Santa Maria to freight for a
voyage to be made with her from Amsterdam for the Canaries, and from thence
to any such parts and places as the said van hulten or his Agents should desire, and
then to retourne to Amsterdam according to the said Charter partie.

To the third article hee saith and deposeth that the first schedule annexed (now
showed unto him and by him p[?a]rused) is a true copie of the said Charter partie
or contract of affreightment made betweene the said van hulten and this deponent,
And that this deponent and the said van hulten on or about the said day of the
date thereof signed the originall thereof in the writing office of Adrian Lock
Notary living in Amsterdam, with their owne hand in presence of each other
and there hee beleeveth the said originall (the contents whereof hee saith are true)
is still remaining.

To the fourth hee saith that after and upon the said affreightment, the said
van hulten at Amsterdam and in the Texel by himself and such as hee imployed
laded and put aboard the said shipp a cargo of Marchandizes consisting in Linnen,
and kerseys and other goods, and declared that they were for account of him the said
Van hulten and company, and said that henrique Mathias Christofer
Cotsenburgh and Cornelius Mayearts were his company therein, and saith they
were soe laded to be carried to the Canaries and such other places in the West Indias
as the said van hulten or his Agents should direct and order, and to be disposed
as his factors and agents should order, which hee knoweth being Commander of the
said vessell for the said voyage, and signing bills of lading for the said goods soe received

To the fifth hee saith that upon the said affreightment the articulate John Matt[?ar]
a hamburger, dwelling in Amsterdam, was by the said Philip van hulten appointed
and put Sopra cargo or Capa Merchant of the said shipp, and to him the said
Mattar was committed the management of the lading and trade of the said shipp
the said voyage, the said Philip van hulten soe declaring to this deponent, And further
cannot depose.

To the sixth article and second schedule now showed unto him, hee saith hee cannot
depose, saving as aforesaid.

To the seaventh hee saith that after the said affreightment and receiving the said
outwards cargo aboard; the said shipp under conduct of this deponent her Master
sailed from the Texel for the Canaries, and arived at The Iland of
Teneriff one of the Canarie Ilands, where (namely at Santa Cruse) the said
Mattar delivered out a parcell of deales (part of the said shipps said outwards
lading) and there was there brought aboard as the proceed thereof thirtie pipes
of Canarie wine and some oile, of this deponents sight and knowledge.
