MRP: C6/597/21 f. 1

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C6/597/21 f. 1



//18 May 1667//

//To the right hon:ble Edward Earle of Clarendon Lord High Chancellor//
//of England//

//Humbly complyning sheweth unto yo:r good Lordshpp yo:r Orato:r William Cutler of London Esq That whereas yo:r Orato:r for the space of ?Seven yeares last past was possessed for tearme of diverse yeares yett to come of and in all that great Capitall//

//Messuage or mansion house being here to fore pcell of the late dissolved monastery of the Augustine ffryers and afterwards called by the name of the glassehouse scituate lying & being in the pish of S:t Peters the Poore London and yo:r Orato:r being thereof soe//

//possessed and the sd Capitall messuage being XXXX to ?lesse and uninhabited att the time of the late fyre w:ch happened in the Citty of London & being a house of a very large extent and standing in Broad Street neere the ??new Exchange a place fitt for//

//trade and the sd Capitall messuage alsoe being very convenient for erecting and building of XXX all shopps and for laying severall Roomes to the sd Shopps fitt for habitations, diverse & sevrall persons useinge//

//and exercisinge the trad of gold smithe and liveinge in Lombard Street of London whose habitaton were burned in the sd Great and Calamitous fyre did by joynt Agreem:t to and among themselves agree to seate themeselves in ?some//

//convenient place for trade altogether, and takeing into theire consideraconn the sd manconn house and well weighing and consideringe the Great conveniences of the sd house & place suteable to theire desires in every ptiucler did sewall//

//times come and ??vewue the same & did agree to and among themselves there to ?fix theire sayd trades & habitacons and thereupon had sewall genall discourses w:th yo:r Orato:r about the sd p:rmisses to take some Lease or Leases thereof for some//

//certaine number of yeares but for that there was soe many persons of the sd Goldsmiths to be concerned therein some whereof in respect of theire sewall occasions alwayes absent att such times & places where the severall meetings were//

//appointed to treate conclude & agree w:th yo:r orato:r as for and concerning such tearmes of yeares as should be demised and such yearly rent as should be paid for the p:rmisses by reason whereof sewall meetings pved fruitlesse & ineffectuall//

//for avoidance whereof & in respect of theire sewall urgent necessityes for a ?speedy place of abode & managem:t of theire s:d trade it was agreed by and betweene them the sayd Goldsmiths by and w:th all theire joynte consents that the whole//

//businesse in XXXXX of contract w:th yo:r Orato:r for the said p:rmisses should be committed to the care and managem:t of two of them onely (to witt) Hohn Colvell of London Goldsmith & John Portman of London Goldsmith to treat for and agree w:th//

//yo:r Orato:r as for and concerning the takeing of the s:d p.rmisses both as to the tearme of yeares to be demised & rent so ?served w:th s.d Agreem:t soe had and made to and amongst themselves was soone after by them or some or one of them XXXXXXXated//

//to yo:r Orato:r from and after w:ch time the s:d Colvell and Portman did undertake to and with yo:r Orato:r to treaat as well for and on theire owne behalfe as on the behalfe of y:e other Goldsmiths who had soe impressed them And yo:r Orato:r further/7

//shewes that after these transacconns as aforesaid there were severall meetings and treatyes had & made by & betweene yo:r Orato:r the s:d Colvell and Portman at which s:d meetings yo:r Orato:r did truely declare and discover to them y:e s:d Colvell//

//& Portman how & in what nature his interrest stood in the p:rmisses that yo:r Orato:r had some part thereof in Lease onely for a tearme of a great number of yeares and had contracted for the inheritance in fee of some other parte thereof & had entred//

//into sewall Articles declaring his s:d intended purchase & the consideracon w:ch yo:r Orato:r was to paye for the same and that in pursuance of yo:r Orators s:d Articles for the s:d purchase he had then payd sewall thousand pounds and did alsoe//

//further declare to the s:d Colvell and Portman or the one of them that yo:r Orato:r stood in need of y:e summe of three thousand pound to cleere his s:d purchase w:ch he would galdly have that soe hee might have his conveyances executed before such time as yo:r Orato:r did make and possitive//

//contract for the demiseing of the p:rmisses whereupon the s:d Colvell or Portman or the one of them demanded of yo:r Orato:r for ?w:t time he would have occasion to use the s:d summe of three thousand pounds to w:ch yo:r Orato:r replyed he must have it for the space of two yeares//

//to w:ch time they the s:d Colvell or Portman or the one of them did not at first assent but pposed yo:r Orato:r should have it for the space of one yeare to w:ch yo:r Orato:r further alleadging he could not repay it soe soone they the s:d Colvell or Portman or the one of//

//them did afterwards consent that yo:r Orator should have the same for the s:d space of two yeares at interest or by way of rebate either out of the fynes or yearely rent to be reserved upon such demise of the p:rmisses as should be made XXXXX Colvell//

//withall to ?les yo:r Orator that would imediately in parte the pposiconn to the rest of the s:d Goldsmiths for theire assent w:ch the s:d Colvell shortly after did accordingly and came forthwith againe to yo;r Orator & told yo:r Orato:r that he had XXXXXXted yo:r//

//Orato:rs s:d pposiconn as concerning the s:d three thousand pound to be advanced as aforesaid to the rest of the s:d Goldsmiths who well approved thereof and at the s:d meeting the s:d Colvell did pmisse and agree to and with yo:r Orato:r that yo:r Orato:r should be furnished//

//therewith accordingly & thereupon it was then or within some short time after mutually agreed betweene yo:r Orato:r and the s:d Colvell that the security w:ch yo:r Orato:r should give for the loane of the s:d three thousand pound (if the same should should not be agreed by way of//

//rebate in ffynes or yearely income of the p:rmisses to be sXXXX) should be referred to John Morris and Robert Clayton of the Citty of London Gent to settle And yo:r Orato:r haveing soe concluded the first point in order to the settlement of yo:r Orato:rs estate fully in the p:rmisses yo:r//

//Orato:r the s:d Colvell and Portman or the one of them did enter into debate both as to the tearme of yeares that the p:rmisses were to be demised for and as to the rent to be reserved upon such demise whereupon after many and sundry discourses it was concluded//

//and agreed by and betweene yo:r Orato:r and the s:d Colvell and Portman or the one or both of them that yo:r Orato:r should demise the s:d p:rmisses for the tearme of seaven yeares att & under the rent of five hundred & sixty pounds p Ann & that yo:r Orato:r should//

//alwayes have a yeares rent before hand in respect that yo:r Orato:r had agreed to take noe fynes for the p:rmisses and soe yor Orato:r for the lasty yeares rent was onely to have a pepper corne And y:or Orato:r further shewes that this agreem:t being in every pticuler//

//soe had and made was possitively XXXX and agreed upon by and betweene yo:r Orato:r and them the s:d Colvell and Portman or the one of them for and on the behalfe of themselves the residue of the same Goldsmiths and yo:r Orato:r expected the XXXXX XXXX thereof//

//accordingly and yo:r Orato:r further shewes unto yo:r good Lordspp that yo:r Orato:r heretofore had lett some part of y.e Capitall messuage consistinge of diverse rooms and sellers unto one William ??Gumbleton to take of and from him the s:d ?Gumbleton//

//yett to come and they the said


