HCA 13/73 f.276r Annotate

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Revision as of 08:12, August 16, 2013 by ColinGreenstreet (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.276r.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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To the 22:th hee deposeth not:

To the 23:th hee can not depose.

To the 24:th hee cannot deose, saving that every hundred weight
of the said Pepp at the time of the unlading thereof at Lighorne did
make a quintall

To the 25:th hee daith that at the said time of unlading
the said shipp at Leghorne every Quintall was worth about
fourteene peeces of Eight cleare of al Charges (sccounting
every oeece of Eight at five shillings a pXXXX and XXXX
and about that rfate a Quintall of Copper (sic) was then and
there usually sold for. And further hee Cannot depose

To the 26:th hee saith that the said 672 Bahaizes of
pepp soe laden on board the said ship as aforesaid at
Andra (sic) Ponza, and Carried in the said ship XX XXXX did
cost at Indra Ponza XXXX thousand seaven hundred &
fifteene peeces of Eight or neere thereabouts accounting
every peece of Eight at five shillings a peece at Indra
Ponza, w:ch doth amount unto 2428:li 15:s sterl: And saith
that the provision and ?scuturage of the same doth amount
to about 375:li sterl. The p:rmisses hee deooseth being
supra Cargoe of the said ship the said voyage; and
Laid out the said peeces of Eight at Indra Ponza
And further cannot depose:

To the 28:th hee saith that the said S:r John Dethick
Knight, and the rest of the ffreighters aforesad, have abd
must pay all y;e Dead ffreight, and for the Dammage
of the said Bantam ffrigot by the Dutch aforesd
And further hee cannot depose:

To the 29:th hee saith that the said S:r John Dethick and all
the partyes in the suite; (w:ho are all Englishmen and
subjects of this Comonwealth of England) besides the
foresaid damages , have sustained great Loss; and
Damages in forbearance of their principall money.

And further cannot depose.

To the 30:th hee saith that during the time that the said
ship the Bantam ffrigot was upon y:e Coast of Sumatra
& in y:e East Indias y:e Voyage in question; this depo:t
and the said Captaine Taylor and Company of the
said Ship Did Carry and demaneane themselves very
Civilly, and peacably, and did not doe any Injury or
wrong to any of the ships, goods, or psons, of or belonging
to the said Dutch East India Company, And that in