MRP: Martha Pennoyer will

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Martha Pennoyer will

PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Martha Pennoyer, Widow of London 29 July 1674 (See also PROB 11/346 Bunce 104-150 Sentence of Martha Pennoyer, Widow of Saint Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex 23 July 1674)

Editorial history

03/12/11, CSG: Created page & pasted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

See William Pennoyer will (predeceased husband of Martha Pennoyer)
See Samuell Penoyer will (predeceased brother of William Pennoyer)

See PROB 4/18483 Inventory of Martha Pennoyer, 1674, f. ?1 (scroll)


THIS PRESENT SIXTEENTH DAY of July Anno Domini 1672 And in the ffoure and Twentieth yeare of the Rayne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second of England x:r I Martha Pennoyer of London Widdow Relict of William Pennoyer late of London Esquire deceased Being att this present in Reasonable good health of Body And (through the great Mercy of God) of sound and perfect mind and memory Doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say)

FIRST I give and bequeath unto my Brother M:r Edward Joslin one hundred pounds of lawfill money of England And to his daughter Ann Joslin Seaventy Pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto


My Neece Susan Ervin Twenty pounds And to her Three Children now living Twenty Pounds a peece To be paid to the sonnes att their Respective ages of Two and Twenty yeares And to the Daughters at their like Respective ages of Marriages ffirst happening And if and of them dye before such age of Marriage The same to Remaine to the Survivor:s and Survivor of them

ITEM I give and bequeath unto John Joslin sonne of M:r Thomas Joslin Minister Twenty pounds of like money

ITEM I give to my Cozen Susanna ?Lansdill Seaventy pounds of like money

ITEM I give to my Executor:s hereafter named one hundred Pounds To the intent and purpose They or one of them shall ?settle and pay ffive shillings weekly from the ytme of my decease unto my Cosin Elizabeth Davis the wife of Benjamin Davis To her owne hands and for her own particular use for the space of Tenn yeares next after my decease (If she the said Elizabeth shall soe long live ) And if she dye before the end of y:e said Tenn yeares My will is the Residue unpaid att her death till the end of the said Tenn yeares shall be paid To her Two Children att one Future payment Att their Respective ages of Two and twenty yeares

ITEM I give and bequeath To my Cosen Andrew Cater Minister att Hide=hall Twenty pounds And to his brother Henry Cater Twenty pounds And to their sister Cater Tenn pounds Alsoe I give to the daughter of the said Henry Cater Tenn pounds

ITEM I will and order That the sume of one hundred pounds shalbe paid into the hands of on:e Benjamin Andrews for him with the advice of M:r Mathew Mead M:r John Pearce M:r Robert Williams and Cap:t Arthur Bayley or the major part of them To give and dispose of To honest poore people att their discretion

ITEM I give and bequeath to the said Mathew Mead Thirty pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath to Avis Sherwood formerly my maid servant and now servant att M:r Loves Tenn pounds

ITEM I will and Order That the sume of one hundred pounds more shalbe paid and distributed by my Executor:s To and amongst such distressed families and widdowes as they in their discretion shall think fitting By fforty shillings To a ffamily and fforty shillings to a widdow And accordingly I leave the same wholly at their dispose

ITEM I give to Elizabeth ?Dewduig Twenty pounds

ITEM I give to Hephsiba Jarvis daughter of M:r Jarvis in Moorfeilds Twenty pounds To be paid to her mother for her use She giveing bond to my Executo:rs to pay the same to her daughter att her age of One and Twenty yeares or marriage ffirst happening And I further give and to her said Mother Tenn pounds

ITEM I give to my Cosin Jane Courtman of Colchester Twenty pounds and To her ffoure Children ffifteene pounds a peece To be paid to the sonnes att their Respective ages of Two and twenty yeares And to the daughters att their like age or Marriages ffirst happening And if any of them dye before such age or Marriage Respectively The same to remaine to the Survivo:rs and Survivo:r of them

ITEM I give to Michaell Davison Esquire Twenty pounds To Buy him a Ring

ITEM I give and bequeath to John Davis Merchant ffifty pounds and to his Sonn John Twenty pounds

ITEM I give unto M:r William ?Bather of Bunhill twenty Pounds

ITEM I give to Isabell Edes of ?Yllinghall in the County of Warwick Ten pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath to Tobias Glover tenn pounds


ITEM I give to Anne Cruse the wife of Richard Cruse of Clifford in the County of Hereford tenn pounds To be paid to her owne hands

ITEM I give to the poore of Pulham Mary in Norfolk fifteene pounds And to the poore of the Parish where I shalbe att the tyme of my decease Tenn pounds To be disposed and distributed att the discretion of my Execdutor:s

AND I doe make name and appoint my Loveing ffreinds Richard Laton (possibly Leton) Esquire and Benjamine Andrewes Brewer Executor:s of this my last will and Testament And I give unto either of them twenty pounds a peece And moreover I give unto Either of their wives Tenn pounds a peece And I doe declare my further will and mind to be That if by Badd debtors or otherwise my Estate shall fall short and not come in sufficiently to pay my debts and Legacies Then each Legatee shall beare a part and proportion thereof Equally answerable to the Legacie given to each of them Respectively

The Residue unbequeathed of all and singular my goods Chatteles and personall Estate whatsoever (My debts and ffunerall Charges being ffirst paid or deducted) shalbe disposed of to such poore people And by such proportions as my said Executors or the Survivor:s of them shall think fitting

IN WITNES whereof I the said Martha Pennoyer The Testatrix to Two parts of this my last will and Testament (Being both of one Tenor) have put my hand and seale whereof one being duly Broxxx Th’other to remaine onely as a Coppy Dated the day and yeare ffirst above written

The marke of the said Martha Pennoyer

Theis presents being written in ffoure sheets of Paper were by the said Martha Pennoyer the Testratrix signed Sealed published and declared as and for her last will and Testament After amendment of the Twenty pounds given to John Joslin Sonn of M:r Thomas Joslin Minister this present Eighteenth day of July 1672 in the presence of us Leonard Bates Scr Chr: Hawkeshead his serv:t John Bates Exam:r

PROBATUM FUIT Testamentum suprascriptum apud London XXXX die Mensis July Anno Domini Millimo Sexcentesimo Septnagisimo Quarto Coram ven:bli vivo Richardo lloyd Legum Doctore Surrogato ven:blis et Egreji vivi Domini Leolin Jenkins militis Legum atram Dtoris Curia Prerogative Cant Magri Custodsini Comissarij XXXX Constitute Juramentis Richard Loton Armigeris et Benjamini Andrewes Ex:torum in humori Testo noiat Quibus Commissa fuit Ad:to omnium et singular Administrand ead:m Ad Sita Dei Evangelia Jurate Lataxxxx Sinia diffintiva pro valore et validate ejusdem Testamenti exut ex artis Curis Liquit


Concordat cum Orili testo
Fra Collacone p noo
XXXX Cottle Reg: XXXX

20:o July 1674
Recepi testum xxxx
Ni usum Ex:xxx

Tho: Rockexxxx

