HCA 13/72 f.453r Annotate

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Rp. 3

Bartholomew Moline of London gentleman aged
nyneteene yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith saving his
subsequent deposition hee cannot depose thereto./

To the 2: 3: 4th and 5th articles saving his subsequent deposition hee
cannot depose/

To the 6th 7th 8th 9th and 10th articles of the sayd allegation and bill of ladeing therein mentioned hee saith that hee
hath knowne the arlate John Walgrave for the space of a yeare
and a halfe last past and lived in house with him in London
for twelve moneths of that tyme (ended
about five or sixe moneths since) as his servant, and was thereby well
acquainted with and privie to his merchandizing affayres, and thereby knoweth
that the sayd John Walgrave in the yeare 1657 and moneths
therein concurring was, and still is a Merchant of London and
did that yeare (as hee beleebeth still doth) drive a trade from London
to the Canaries with goods and Merchandizes and thence to this port of
London for wynes and other Merchandizes And well knoweth that the
sayd John Walgrave did in the moneth of September 1657 lade
or cause to be laden for his owne Accompt at London aboard
the arlate shipp the Golden Sunne (whereof ffrancis ffrancis was
Master) thirteene peeces of linnen Cloath, and consigned the same
to be delivered at the Canaries to the arlate don Alonso da
Molina y Marina who then was (and as hee beleeveth still is)
the factor of the said John Walgrave at the Canaries, and by
his letter of advise sent therewith (which
letter hee this deponent being then the sayd Walgraves servant did
by the sayd Walgraves order write to the sayd don Alonso) did order
the sayd don Alonso to dispose of the sayd linnens for his the sayd
Walgraves Accompt, and invest the same or the proceeds thereof
in wines or other Merchandizes and send the same to London for
his the sayd Walgraves Accompt, this hee deposeth for the reason afore=
sayd as alsoe for that hee sawe the sayd linnens shipped aboard
the sayd shipp Golden Sonne for the sayd Walgraves Accompt And hee
further saith that by a letter and bill of ladeing which hee this deponent about a fortnight or three weekes since receaved and
opened and was by order and consent of the sayd Walgrave sent by
the sayd don Alonso from the Canaries directed to this deponent
in London, with the sayd nill of ladeing being the bill in this cause exhibited and to the
allegation annexed therein incloased) it appeareth to this deponent that
the sayd thirteene peeces of linnen Cloath were arrived safely at
the Canaries and receaved by the sayd don Alonso, and that hee had



John Walgrave


Primary sources


C 6/108/141 Short title: Philpott v Walgrave. Plaintiffs: Henry Philpott . Defendants: John Walgrave , John Page and James Willmott . Subject: manor of Kelshall, Hertfordshire. Document type: bill, two answers. 1650