HCA 13/72 f.480r Annotate

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
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shipp, sent per advijse to the said fernandez, importing and
expressing the said severall quantities and qualities of
the goods soe laden for the said fernandez his proper accompt
but also the letter of the Master of the said shipp sent to the said Mr
fernandez importing as much, and knoweth that the said fernandez
upon the receipt of the said Policarpio's said advise, did by a letter,
which this deponent hath seene and copied, immediately informe and
advertize his said Correspondents at Roan concerning the said
severall quantities of sugars shumacks and Tobaccoes soe laden
as aforesaid for his accompt./ And further to this article hee saieth
he cannot depose./

To the 7th Article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That it is a thing
publique and notorious by diverse and sundry letters of advise from
Portugall, That not long after the buying and lading the said
222. Chests of sugars, 113. baggs of shumacke, and fortie rowles
of Tobaccoe's on board the said shipp the New England Merchant
the said goods were all seized upon by the Officers of the
Inquisition at Porto Porto aforesaid, or other Ministers or
Officers of the king of Portugall there, under the notion and as
being the goods of the said Policarpio de Oliveira, and being there
unladen and brought ashoare they were and are detained, and
the said fernandez thereof deprived to his great losse and dammage
and that the said seizure and detention was and is upon a
pretence of some crime said to be committed by the said Policarpio
de Oliveira. All which this deponent is assuredly convinced to be
really and truely so, for that the said shipp is returned destitute
and deprived of her said lading, which the Master thereof hath
by letter before his retune, and since by word of mouth in this deponents hearing declared
to have beene so done upon occasion or pretence as aforesaid
And further to this Article he saieth hee cannot depose./

To the eighth Article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That the said
goods, to witt the sugars shumack and Tobaccoes aforesaid were
and are (since the buyeing and ladeing thereof in manner as aforesaid)
really and truely the proper goods of the said Antonio fernandez
Carvajall, and that he alone doeth and must stand to and beare
the whole hazard and adventure of them, as this deponent upon the
grounds and reasons of knowledge by him predeposed is most fully
convinced and assured, and by and upon the like grounds and
reasons, to witt the fundamentall disposall and carryeing on of the said voiage
designe, the said Policarpio's advise to the said fernandez sent as