HCA 13/71 f.113r Annotate

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The seventh day of March .1655.

Thomas Rowse Williams and others}
against Rowse and ffowke.}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of Mr Williams
and Company.

>XXXXXX dt. 1.

Humphrey Hardwick of Crutched ffriars London merchant aged
twenty nine yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith as
following. videlicet

To the sayd allegation given in by Mr Smith in the Acts of Court this deponent saith
that he knoweth well the shipp Elizabeth and Anne whereof Richard Langford was
master being merchant or Supra Cargo of her this last voyage she made, And
saith moreover that the Currants that were laden in her and now in question did and
doe belong to the arlate William Williams and Company and they are in the
quiet possession of the same, which he knoweth to be true for that he this deponent
caused the same to be laden on board the sayd shipp Elizabeth and Ann for their
use and aććompt, and came himselfe home in the sayd shipp. Since which tyme hee
hath heard that the sayd Currants have bene arrested by a warrant out of this Court.
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory hee saith he was factor to the sayd Williams and Company in this im=
ployment. and went out and returned SupraCargo as aforesayd. And further ćannot

To the second Interrogatory he saith that he this Rendent is the same person who by the name of Humphrey
Hardwick is sayd in this Interrogatory to have bene arrested, and ˹For˺ whom bail is putt into this Court
to answer the action. And the Interrate Langford, is the same person for whom Bayle is
in like sort putt into this Court to answer this action. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third Interrogatorie he saith he hath neyther part nor share in the sayd Currans; but saith that
he bought the same as aforesayd, and payd for them with ready money on shippboard
in Nathalagoe Road. And further he ćannot answer.

To the fourth Interrogatorie he saith he did know one William ffooke who pretended himselfe
to be Consull of Morea with in the tyme interrogate, and whether he were indeed Consull
for the English within that tyme hee knoweth not.. And he doth know the interrate
Thomas Oliver who did pretend himselfe to be vice Consull for the English att Morea
within the tyme aforesayd; And further or otherwise he cannot answer

To the fifth Interrogatory he saith he mett with and spake with the sayd ffooke first at Zant and
afterwards in Nathalagoe Road; and that the sayd Thomas Oliver did in the same Road
and before this Rendent had bought any Currants aćquaint him that neyther the sayd
ffooke nor himselfe nor any other person for the sayd ffooke had bought any Currants
in Morea And other or Nathalagoe. And otherwise negatively for his part
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 6th Interrogatory. he saith he well remembreth that the sayd ffooke was on board the
Cesar in Nathalagoe Road, and that he went from the sayd shipp to shoare, But
what he carryed with him this Rendent knoweth not. and further otherwise than
negatively canot depose.

To the 7th. Interrogatory he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 8th Interrogatory he saith the sayd William ffooke did returne on board the Cesar from the shoare
and dyed on board some few dayes after, but this Rendent did not see him during his
sicknes nor ever heard that hee was poysoned, till his arrivall there. And further
otherwise than negatively hee cannpt depose.

To the 9th. Interrogatory he saith he remembreth not the particular day or month when the sayd William
ffooke dyed. but saith he well remembreth that a considerable quantity of the sayd
Currants were laden before he the sayd ffooke returned from shoare to the Cesar, and
that the better halfe were laden before his death. And further otherwise than
negatively he ćannot depose.

To the .10th he answereth negatively for his part.

To the 11th he saith that having bought the sayd Currants as aforesayd he did imploy one
Tappenhe a Greek and one Codge hill aswel before the sayd William ffookes death
as after to assiste this Rendent in the lading of the sayd Currants. And otherwise
saving his foregoeing deposition he cannot answer



Primary sources


PROB 11/296/306 Will of Humphry Hardwick, Merchant of London 08 December 1659

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner