HCA 13/71 f.625r Annotate

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1. To the second ˹and third˺ Interrogatories hee cannot answere, knowing nothing
2. touching the contents thereof./
3. To the 4th hee saith that there was an Anchor taken up by this deponent
4. and some others at Jamaica being there forced, and the same was by
5. this deponents order put on board the Negro, and saith that the same
6. was purloyned away f{ro}m on board trhe sayd shipp by the Interrogate
7. John Everett and Beniamin Beare, and beleeveth that the Interrogate
8. Wetherell did upon oath testifie that the same was taken out of the
9. Negro by the sayd Beare and Everett and saith they were not acquitted
10. for the same but they having sold it the Court at New England did order
11. part of the wages of the sayd Beare and Everett to bee stopped
12. to make satisfaction for the sayd Anchor And further hee cannot answere/
13. To the 5th hee saith hee saith hee this {res}pondent (being the Interrogate
14. Lockier) well knoweth the Interrogate Whitfeild and Edwards and
15. did him selfe hyre them both to goe the voyage in question the sayd Edwards
16. to goe Master Gunner at the rate of two pounds tenn shillings per month
17. the sayd Whitfeild to goe Carpenter of her at the rate of three pounds
18. a moneth and beleeveth the sayd Edwards to bee a reasonable experienced
19. Gunner and the sayd Whitfeild an indifferent good Carpenter And
20. further to this Interrogatorie saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot
21. answere./
22. To the 6th hee saith hee cometh to testifie at the request of the producent
23. Mr Bushell and to the rest of this Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively
24. for his oart. and further cannot answere/
25. To the 7th hee saith hee knoweth that the Interrogate Whitfeild did
26. not stopp all leakes which the Negro sprang in the voyage in
27. question for that hee knoweth hee this respondent by reason of
28. the sayd Whitfeilds Neglect did hyre {other} Carpenters to stopp
29. some of them And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively
30. not beleeving the contents thereof to be true/
31. To the 8th hee saith hee was master and Commander of the Negro the
32. voyage in question and hath not yet receaved his salary for the same but
33. expecteth to receave it of the Owners of her but hath as yet had noe
34. treatie with Mr Bushell or any other about the same and XX to the
35. rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively for his part and
36. further cannot answere/
38. To the Interrogatories in the second place CENTRE HEADING
39. To the first it concerneth him not to answere thereto the same
40. being directed only to Wetherall, neither doth hee know any thing
41. pf the contents thereof
42. To the 2 hee saith the Interrogate Carter did (as hee rembreth) serve about
43. sixe months in the Negro And further hee cannot answere knowing
44. nothing thereof./
45. John Lockyer SIGNATURE, RH SIDE

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