HCA 13/71 f.312v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.312v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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1. of the Master and Company and passengers were in, and well
2. knowing that if she should continue long there at Anchor
3. shee would boate to peeces and all her ladeing and passengers and
4. Companys lives bee lost, did cutt the Cables of her Anchor
5. by which shee roade and turne the shipp afore the winds and
6. runne her before the winds as far as they durst to seeke somme
7. deeper place to Anchor in and having gone as far as as they durst
8. that day goe, they cast a sheate Anchor out and roade by that
9. upon the sande till almost high water, and at high water th
10. though it were in the night tyme, did to prevent XX as much
11. as they could the danger the shipp and goods was in cut that
12. sheate Cable and runne the shipp againe before the winde
13. and by Gods great blessing brought her with much difficulty
14. to shoare about a myle below the Reculvers aforesayd
15. to the great joy of all the passengers and Company aboard who
16. all accounted themselves while they were soe upon the sayd
17. sands as lost men, and every moment ˹looked ˺ the sayd shipp and
18. goods and they should all perish together all which hurt and
19. damage done to the sayd shipp and losse of her ˹Rudder and˺ Anchor and
20. such dammage as happened to the sayd shipps goods and provisions
21. ˹on board her˺ were occasioned meerely by the sayd Wareings willfullnes
22. and refusing to take any advise either from the Master, Company
23. or ˹such˺ passengers of the shipp as were seamen, and his commanding and
24. causeing the sayd shipps company to put up the mayne sayle and his
25. carelessness in not observing the boyes aforesayd and neglecting
26. and refusing when they were showed him to prevent the danger by timely
27. casting Anchor, And he saith by the meanes aforesayd the sayd
28. shipp also became unserviseable and unfitt to proceede on her sayd
29. voyage and the sayd voyage was thereby lost And further saving his
30. subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./
31. To the 6th and 7th articles of the sayd libell he saith that by reason
32. of the hurt done to the sayd shipp and the sayd Wilkinson and company the
33. Owner of her their looseing the sayd voyage and looseing their Anchor and
34. Cables and by reason divers of their goods were spoiled by water
35. which Came into the hold of the shipp by meanes of her being bruised and
36. hurt upon the sands and all her provisions spoiled with wett the sayd
37. Wilkinson and Company were ˹and are˺ damnified to the value of two thousand pounds ˹sterling˺
38. at the least in this deponenets judgement and estimate besides the losse of
39. divers cases and vessells of stronge water and sack ˹belonging to the passengers aforesayd˺ which was staved and utterly
40. lost and other goods belonging to the sayd passengers which by wett taken was
41. spoiled and dammified and the passengers put to great charge to bring such
42. goods as were saved back to London and beside all moneys paid for their
43. passage and forfreight of theirin goods all which losses of the sayd passengers
44. besides the sayd Wilkinson and Company their losse did in this deponents judgement
45. amount to two thousand pounds sterling at the least All which hee saith
46. as aforesaid happened through the willfullnesse and negligence of the
47. sayd Waring and by noe other meanes, And he saith the sayd Wareing
48. <margin value="Bottom right, below main body of text, as lead to next page">after the</margin>

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner