HCA 13/71 f.147v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.147v.

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The eleventh day of .April. 1656.

A Busines of Examination of witnesses}
in a matter of Ensurance on the}
behalfe of Dan: Bradley touching}
a losse in the Christopher whereof}
the sayd Bradley was master}

Examined upon certayne interrogatories on the behalfe
of the sayd Dan: Bradley.

Rp .j.

John Harris of Wapping in the County of Middlesex
Mariner late Boatswayne of the sayd shipp the Christopher
aged twenty yeares or thereabouts, a witness sworne
before the right worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes
one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
ánd examined saith and deposeth as followeth. videlicet

To the first Interrogatorie this depondent saith he knoweth well the shipp Christopher
interrate whereof Daniel Bradley was master. And was boatswayne
of her the voyage in question which he saith was from Saint Remo neere
unto Genoa and was designed for this Port of London. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the second Interrogatory this deponent saith that whileth the sayd shipp lay at
Saint Remo neere Genoa the said Daniel Bradley of this depondents
certayne knowledge and sight did lade on Board her for his
owne use and accompt a quantity of wyne, lemmons, and oranges,
which their lading happened in the month of december 1655 last
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third interrogatory hee saith that after the sayd goods were laden the sayd
Shipp Christopher departed in the sayd month of december from Saint Remo
aforesayd upon her designed voyage for this Port of London, and
was in her Course mett withall and surprized by an Enemy being a mann of warr #

  1. named the Saint ffrancis Captaine

Haynes Commander, on or
about the fifteenth day
of January 1655 last past
and about 10 or 12 leagues
off of Scylly

and ćarryed to a place ćalled Shashaene
in the kingdome of Spayne and there with the lading made prize
And the sayd goods of Daniel Bradley were on board att the tyme.
of such surprizall at and by reason thereof were and are utterly
lost to him the sayd Daniel, which he deposeth being aboard the
sayd shipp Christopher att the tyme of her being so seized as
Boatswayne of her. And the Company of the Man of warr
that made the surprizall did say that their sayd Man of warr
was formerly belonging to Brest in ffrance. And otherwise
he saith he cannot depose.



The same day Examined upon the sayd interrogatories

Rp 2

John Clements of Sunnage in the County of Dorsett Mariner
late one of the Mariners of the sayd Shipp Christopher aged .21. yeares
or thereabouts a witness sworne before the sayd right worshipfull John
Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of
Admiralty saith upon his examination as followeth. videlicet.


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