HCA 13/71 f.376r Annotate

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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Proprietor of the sayd shipp and was ordered by them to sayle her
with her ladeing then on board to Leith in Scotland which hee did where hee found the
sayd Colonell Atkins who as owner of the sayd shipp ordered this deponent
to goe to Generall Monke then in Scotland and acquainte him that thee this
deponent had in the sayd shipp brought a Coach for him, and that hee had
alsoe brought some topp masts, and hoopes, and twigges, for the stoares of
this Commonwealth there, and ordered this deponent to take freight
of the sayd Generall Monke only for the six topp masts, and leave
the freight of the rest of the sayd goods soe brought to bee rewarded of
the sayd generall Monke by this deponents Owner of the sayd shipp (as hee called him
selfe) the sayd Atkins, and this deponent accordingly did soe, And
saith that afterwards the sayd shipp being wholly unladen all the
sayles of the sayd ship and most of the sayd shipps provisions were by the sayd Atkins his order taken from
on board the sayd shipp and carried to his the sayd Atkins his house,
after which, the sayd Atkins coming one morneing on board the sayd
shipp and finding this deponent walking upon the deck, hee told this
deponent that hee the sayd Atkins did not intende to allowe him this deponent
sixe pounds a moneth for walkeing upon the deck with hs hands before
him, whereto this deponent sayd, hee knew not that hee the sayd
Atkins had anything to doe with him this deponent, and that those that
shipped him Master of the sayd shipp the Sarah that voyage should allow him sixe
pounds a moneth according to the contract they had made with him, whereto
hee the sayd Atkins replyed to this deponent and sayd, you shall knowe
I have to doe with you, whereto this deponent answering and sayeing
why what you, the sayd Atkins answered and sayd I am the
Owner of the shipp (meaning the shipp the Sarah aforesayd) And hee
the sayd Atkins thereupon ordered his brother in lawe the foresayd Thomas
Pitt who was then at Leith and present with the sayd Atkins and this deponent
to pay this deponent and his Mate their wages presently for
the sayd voyage, and to commande this deponent and his sayd mate to take
all their goods, cloathes and other necessaries from onboard the sayd shipp
and bee gone, and the sayd Pitt did in persuanse of the sayd order pay
this deponent part of his wages, and discharged this deponent
from being longer Master of her though hee the sayd Pitts and the foresayd
Collins had when they first shipped him Master of the sayd shipp
contracted and agreed with him to goe Master for severall
voyages to bee performed with her after the sayd voyage
to Leith by all which hee is induced to beleeve that the sayd
Colonell Atkins at the sayd two and
twentith day of Aprill 1656 was and still is the sole Owner of
the sayd shipp the Sarah of Leith or at least owner of the greatest part of her and also for that Bilton and Trent
two of the parties to this suite commoing on boarde the sayd shipp at Leith
before the sayd Atkins had given order as aforesayd to discharge
this deponent of his Mastershipp of the sayfd shipp did tell them they being
drinkeing sack with this deponent in the great Cabbin of the sayd shipp that hee
heard at London that they the sayd Bilton and Trent were part owners of the

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner