MRP: Martin Noel will

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PROB 11/318/84 Will of Sir Martin Noell of London 06 October 1665

PROB 11/318 Hyde 108-162 Will of Sir Martin Noell of London 06 October 1665

Editorial history

1712/11, CSG: Restructured page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Dame Elizabeth Noell will (Widow of Sir Martin Noell; died within days of him of plague)
See Thomas Noell will (Son of Sir Martin Noell)
See Thomas Massam will (Scrivener, former servant of Sir Martin Noell)
See George Peryer will (Scrivener, former servant of Sir Martin Noell)

See Barbados

To do

(1) Check the transcription


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Three and Twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God 1665 And in the Eighteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of god King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith I Sir Martin Noell of London Knight being at present in some indisposition of health but of perfect mind and memory, and calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transitory life doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I most humbly give and committ my soule unto Almighty god my Saviour and redeemer in whome and by the mervills of Jesus Christ, I trust and believe assuredly to be saved And my body I committ to the earth to be buryed discretley, in such place


where it shall please my executors hereafter named to appoint And for settling such Temporall estate and goods Chattells and debts as it hath pleased god to bestowe upon me I doe order give and dispose the same in manner and forme followng (That is to say) Whereas I have purchased the Manson house wherein I now dwell, in the parrish of Saint Bartolphs Bishopsgate London and two small Tenements, which I have lately erected and built in Petty France in the said Parish now in the occupacon of William Skinner and John Baker in the Joint names of my selfe and my deare wife Dame Elizabeth Noell to hold unto us and the longer liver of us dureing the respective termes in the severall Leases menconed And whereas I and my said deare wife together have ingaged the said mansion house to a certaine widow woman by the procurement of M:r George Perryer and M:r Thomas Massam Scriveners for three hundred pounds principall money Now it is so my expressed will order and desire that the said Three hundred pounds with dammages be paid and the said Mortgage discharged with the first convenience after my decease out of my generall estate and that this some nor noe parte thereof be charged to my said deare wife Dame Elizabeth Noell

ITEM I give and bequeath All that my moyetie of that Plantation in Barbados called Horne Hall in the Joynt and equall right title and inheritance of John Worsam of the said Island and myselfe with all my moyety of the apputenances therein belonging Alsoe all my moyety of all the Christian servants Negroes Cattell goods provisions and stocks of what nature kind of quallitie whatsoever upon or to the said Plantacion belonging and all such goods debts and other things as shall be in the hands of John Lufton of Barbadoes merchant at the tyme of my decease which I allwayes designed for the supply of mye parte of stocke in the said plantacion unto my children Nathaniell Noell Theodore Noell Grace Noell and Eliyabeth Noell Nevertheless it is my expresse will and desire That there bee paid unto my said deare wife Dame Eliyabeth Noell the one third parte of the ?neate proceed of the said Plantacion dureing her naturall life And it is my order and desire That M:r George Robinson[1] should have the direction correspondence and supplying of the said Plantacion from tyyme to tyme dureing their minorities of my said children And to give an account from tyme to tyme of all his proceedings therein And it is my will and intent That if any one of my said fower Children shall happen to dye dureing their minority that parte and porcon of any and of my said fower children soe dyeing shalbe xxxxxx and setled upon my sonne James Noell his heires executors & assignes which if any more than one of my said fower children shall happen to dye as aforesaid That then the said parte and porcon of the children soe dying shalbe xxxx and setled unto my said sonne James Noell his heires executors & assignes And if any more than one of my said fower children shall happen to dye as aforesaid That then the said parte and porcon of the children soe dyeing shall goe unto my said Sonn James Noell and to the remainder of my said fower Children as shalbe alive at the tymeof such of their decease And that my said children shall have such parte and proporcion of the neate proceeds of the same plantacon yearely for their maintenance as my executors hereafter named shall thinke fitting And my will is that M:r George Robinson shall have five per cente commission for all the proceed coming from the said plantacion and three per cent Commission for all the Supplyes sent from home to the said Plantacion

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne James Noell All That my moyety of the office of Secretaryship to the Governor & Counsell of the Island of Barbadoes And the moyety of y:e disposall of the Clarkshipps of all the Courts of the said Island And all my moyety of all the fees and dueties Emoluments perquisites proffitts belonging or any otherwayes


appertayning to the said two offices which said Offices I purchased of John Dawes Esquire and to hold the same dureing the naturall life of the said John Dawes onely and in the grant which I have from the said John Dawes there is a Covenant That if the Pattent for these Offices shall be removed it shalbee for the Jointe use and account of the said John Dawes Richard Morley Esquire and my selfe and my assignes which I hope and earnestly request the said M:r Dawes and M:r Morley to performe accordingly In regard I paid them more for the xxxx than the same is worth And I desire my sonne Thomas Noell and M:r George Robinson to assist my sonne James Noell in the management of such Offices in the best manner they can

ITEM I doe will and desire that all the debts and estate that I have in the hands of my brother Thomas Noell of Surrinam may be gott in by the best effectualll wayes that can be Alsoe I doe likewise will and desire that all the debts and estate that I have in the hands of Edward Bradbourne[2] of Barbadoes by mortgage or otherwise be received gotten in by the most effectuall wayes and meanes that can possible bee And in case my executors shalbe constrayned by the ill usage of the said Edward Bradbourne to reenter on the Plantacion house stocke or other things mortgaged unto mee by reason of the non performance of of those rents Then I doe will and desire my executors to make sale of the said plantacion houses stocke or other things mortgaged unto me and to convert into money for the payment of my debts and other uses in this my will mencioned

ITEM my will and desire is That the reversion (after the decease of Sir John ?Tufton of the Lands in Warwickshire and Yorkshire which I purchased of the Honorable Edward Noell Sonne and heire apparent of the right honorable Lord Viscount Cambden be sould and converted into monie as soone as conveniently may bee next after my decease for the payment of my debts and other uses in this my will menconed

ITEM I further and declare that all such shipps or parts of shipps That I shalbee owner of att the tyme of my decease should bee sold for the uses above menconed

ITEM my further will and desire is that all the parte and share of stocks that I have in the royall company may bee sold after my decease as soone as conveniently may bee for the uses above mencioned

ITEM I give unto my sonne Martin Noell and his heires for ever all my lands and Tenements that I have in Staffordshire

ITEM I give unto my sonne Martin Noell and his heires for ever all my lands and Tenements that I have in the County of Tipperarie Kings Countie Queens County in the Kingdom of Ireland And after all other lands and tenements that I have in the said Kingdome of Ireland except the Towne of Wexford

ITEM I give unto my deare wife Dame Elizabeth Noell all my houses and Tenements in the said towne of Wexford w:ch remaine undisposed and not setled upon my sonne Thomas Noell To hold the same dureingher naturall life And after her decease I bequeath the same to my sonne Nartin Noell to him and to his heires for ever And forasmuch as I have taken greate care and paines in the setling the reversion of the Baronie of Cary in Ireland upon my sonne Martin Noell George Robinson and John Blake for the payment of Tenne shillings in the pound to such as my Lords of Antrims Creditors as will accept of the same in full of their whole debts & doe declare their acceptance thereof I before the nyne and twentieth day of September 1667 To be acknowledged and registered before the Masters of the Chancerie eyther in the Kingdome of England or Kingdome of Ireland as by a clause in the late bill of Settlements will more fully appeare I doe will and desire my executors That they doe in duety declare their acceptance of the said Tenne shillings in the pound in full of all such debts as ever assigned over unto mee or to any other for my use and that according to the lymitations of the said Clause And I desire my executors and theTrustees of the reversion of the said Baronie to take notice that there is a deed past betwixt m:r John Bradbourne and myselfe Toucheing such debts as should be assigned unto him and in or any other for his or my use which I declare may be performedon my part &expect it shalbe performed on his

ITEM I will and desire that that Lease which Lindsey (?) and I did take of the Duke of Buckingham[3] of the Mannor of Villers (?) in the Queens County in the Kingdome of Ireland and afterwards I did purchase of the said BLANK IN DOCUMENT Lyndsey his moyety of the said Lease soe that the whole purchase is my owne I say my will and express order is That the same Lease may be sould as soone conveniently if may after my decease and the money to bee raised upon the sale therof to be imployed towards the payment of my debts and such other uses as by my will is directed

ITEM I give and bequeath to my sonne Martin Noell the moyety of all my interst of and in the ffarme of the Customes and imported excise of all Ireland to xxxxx the next quarter after my decease ye paying unto my deare wife Dame Elizabeth Noell Fiftie pounds p Annum out the said moyety there bequeathed unto him dureing the contunuance of the said Farme The other moyety of the proffitts of the said Farme I doe will order and appoynt to goe towards the payment of my debts and other such uses as by this my said will is appointed And I doe hereby nominate and appointe my sonne Martin Noell to be my deputy tro manage my interest of and in the said farme and to receave the Sallary due thereupon

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Martin Noell The one Moyety of all my interest of & by the farme of the excise of Beere and ale and Lycenses for Alehouses in Ireland hee paying unto my deare wife Dame Elizabeth Noell fiftie pounds per Annum out of the said moyety thus bequeathed unto him dureing the continuance of the said ffarme The other moyety of the said Farme I say the proffitts of the said Ffarme I doe will order and appoynt to goe towards the payment of my debts and such other uses as by my said will is appointed And in case the private articles between the partnership of the said Farme be not perfected in my name with the reste before my decease Then I doe desire and earnestly request the partnership of that ffarme bee inserted in the name of my sonne Martin Noell in stead of my owne y:t my said sonne Martin Noell declareing before hand under his hand that he will performe in all parts my will true intent and meaneing as is above declared

ITEM I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Noell one Sixth part of all the profitts arising by my interest of and from the ffarme of the Additional dutie in the Kingdome of England And I doe nominate and appointe him my said sonne Thomas Noell to bee my deputy for the management of the part that I have in the said Farme of the Additionall Duety and to receave the sallary thereof And for the residue of the proffitts arising from the said ffarme I doe will ordaine and appoynt shalbe be disposed towards the payment of any debts and other uses as is appoynted in this my said will

ITEM and bequeath unto my dear wife Dame Elizabeth Noell one hundred pounds per Annum To be past unto her yearely from the tyme of my decease out of my interest in the Farme of tymber deales Glasses stones and Stone Ware or dureing the continuance of the said Farme the remainder of my interest of the proffitts of the said Farme I doe order and appointe to goe towards the payment of my debts and other uses in my said will expressed And as toucheing all my personall Estate which shall arise by ready money Plate Jewells Householdstuffe Merchandize and other commodities And for the sale of all the Lands and revercons and other things by this my will ordered and appointed to be sold I doo hereby order


will and dispose of the same as followeth. First I doe will and desire that all such debts as I justlyand truely owe to any person or persons whatsoever shalbe justly paid and satisffied by my executors hereafter named And for the remainder of the said personall estate which is all that the Cittie of London can take note of (?) I doe order will and devise shall be devided into three equall parts The first third parte thereof I doe give and bequeath unto my deare wife dame Elizabeth Noell as to her of Right belongeth The second third part thereof I doe give and bequeath (the two elder being already provided for) unto and amongst my four younger Children vizt to James Noell Nathaniell Noell Theodore Noell Grace Noell and Elizabeth Noell To be paid unto them at their respective ages of one and Twentye yeares or respective dayes of Marryage which shall come first or next happen, And if it shall happen any of my said five Children to depart this life before hee or shee shall attayne the age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage That then the part or propocion of such of my said Children soo dying shall come and be declared unto and amongst the rest of my said children surviving to be parted amonst them share and share alike And for the last third parte I doe will and devise the same as followeth viz:t To my brother Mathew Noell fiftie pounds To my brother Thomas Noell fiftie pounds To my sister Jane Blake fiftie pounds To my sister Atterton fiftie pounds To my daughter Martha Noell wife of my sonne Thomas Noell one hundred pounds to my Cosin Mary Haines widow fiftie pounds To her daughter Mary Haines Thirty pounds To Thomas Haines sonne of my cousin Mary Haynes widow hee being an Ideatt Twelve pounds per Annum during his naturall life To be paid unto him by three pounds every quarter day To the rest of the Children of my Cousin Haines widdow tenne pounds a peece To the Children of my sister Anne ?Egerinton that shalbee liveing at the tyme of my decease twenty pounds to each of them to M:strss Robinson wife of George Robinson fiftie pounds To my friend M:r John Mersam of Barbadoes tenne pounds to buy him a ring To my worthy friend Alderman John Bence fiftie pounds To my worthy friend Sir George Smyth tenne pounds to buy him a ring To my worthy friend Captaine George Clarke tenne pounds to buy him a ring To my worthy friend M.r John Fenne tenn pounds to buy him a ring to my worthy friend M:r John ??Colate Twenty pounds of XXXX to buy him a ring To his worthy servant William King fiftie pounds to my ancient servant Alice Hough Twenty pounds And to the rest of my servants that shalbe liveing in my house at the tyme of any decease forty shillings for every yearey:t they shall have lived with mee The rest and residue of the said last third parte of my personall estate I doe will and devise to and betweene my two sonnes Martin Noell and Thomas Noell And I doe hereby nominate appointe and declare my two sonnes Martin Noell & Thomas Noell and my loveing friend M:r George Robinson to be executors of this my last will and Testament And I doe give and bequeath unto the same M:r George Robinson one hundred pounds per Annum for the tearme of seaven yeares to commence from the tyme of my decease for and towards his paines and trouble in the execucion of this my last will & testament

ITEM I doe order and appointe my loveing Brother M:r George Blake and my loveing freind M:r Massam to be overseers of this last Will and Testament desireing them to bee aydeing and assisting to my said executors in performance of this my will as occasion shall require And I doe give to each The said overseers fiftie pounds a peece

In Testimonie whereof I have this my last Will and Testament written in six sheets of paper sett my hand and seale dated the day and yeare above written


Sealed published and delivered by the said Testator for and as his last will and testament in the presence of W:m King Richard : Hutchinson William Falconar William Mathewes Alice Hough



Possible primary sources


PROB 11/318 Hyde 108-162 Will of Sir Martin Noell of London 06 October 1665

PROB 11/468 Dogg 1-44 Will of George Robinson, Merchant of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, City of London 15 February 1703
  1. Martin Noell was a deponent in a suit brought at the High Court of Admiralty in 1656. In his deposition, dated April 12th, 1656 (CHECK) Noell described Robinson as "this deponents servant but permitted by this deponent to trade for himselfe, and to make use of this deponents correspondance XXXX ParXXX of Rotterdam." (HCA13/71, f. 214r., f. 214v)
  2. Edward Bradbourne. Edward Bradbourne (b. ca. 1637, d. ?), former servant of Martin Noell. Was examined in a High Court of Admiralty case, ?June 1656, on behalf of George Robinson, a former servant of Martin Noell. At the time of the examination he was a servant of Martin Noell, and gave his age as nineteen (HCA13/71, f. 195r, f. 195v, f. 196r)
  3. George Villiers (b. 1628, d. 1687), 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 20th Baron de Ros of Helmsley. Son of Charles Villiers (b. 1592, d. 1628)