MRP: Thomas Broadnax will

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Thomas Broadnax will

PROB 11/291 Pell 249-299 Will of Thomas Brodnax, Gentleman of Godmersham, Kent 21 May 1659

Editorial history

29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Thomas Broadnax was the father of Jane Papillon, wife of Thomas Papillon. Thomas was a correspondent and friend of Sir George Oxenden. TBC that this will has been correctly identified.


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the last day of November one thousand six hundred fifty five I THOMAS BRODNAX of Godmersham in the County of Kent gentleman in my perfect health mynd and memory, thanks be to God I doe make this to be my Testam:t and last will in manner and forme following.

FIRST I doe Commend my Soule unto the blessed Trinitie in unitie God the Almighty and doe beleive and humbly hope to be saved in and by the merritorious passion of my alone Saviour JESUS CHRIST Second person in the Trinitie and bynone other xxxxx I committ my body to the earth decently to be accompanied to my buriall which if God permitt I desire may be in the parish church of Godmersham in the ?saide manner to be done as my deceased wives M:rs Elizabeth Broadnax, was lately made and not exceeding the Charge touching my said wives M:rs Elizabeth Brodnax, her ??guift limitted to my consent I have ?pfected in a good part and the rest I have left unto my Exectors to be done which I hope will prforme accordingly I will that whereas I have taken the Guardianship of William ?Lysing ?Orphant-according to the Will of the deceased ffather Soe will I that my said Exector doe take uppon him his like education after my decease and make a ?true Accomp:t unto him att his full age of my said Executor and my receipts hee makeing no our Allowances according to such xxxx shall disburse


For him during his minoritie.

I will further that Whereas Walter Mardon is sued by Henry Downe that my said Executor doe save harmeless the said Marden of the sayd suite and alsoe doe save harmeless the said marden of all future charge hee may be att in education of the Bastard Child Katherine Bagly ordered by him to be kept, His fourty pounds in my hands of Mardons being expended and my promise to save him harmless from any further charge then the said fourty poundes towards the education of the said Bastard,

I will further, that whereas I have received since the Lady Howells and my xxning whereby wee were even of her ?Demandes she Michaelmas Lent last past being as quittrents and Parliament Taxes thereof to be deducted, the said Executor to pay unto my daughter Howell her xxx duty, this alsoe to be the last will and Testament touching the xxxx Acres of Land comonly knowne by the name of XXXX XXXX Land lying in the Parishes of Westwell and Eastwell or one of them Allsoe of my six Acres of Marshland lying in the Parish of ?Warrhams in the said County and Which said twelve Acres with their appurtenances moreorless I will and give unto Thomas Brodnax and John Brodnax Sonnes of John Brodnax my Sonne to them and their heires for ever I will further unto Martha Brodnax my daughter and to her heires my Annuitie or rent charge that I have unto mee and my heires of the grant of S:r William Brockman Knight late deceased and is thirty five poundes by the yeare as may appeare on the said Grant And my Will further is that if five hundred ??of the principall ??rent together with all arrearages of the said Annuitie or rent charge be tendred and really payd unto the said Martha and her heires att any tyme uppon one Monethes warning given by the heires or Assignes of S:r William Brockman deceased then the said Annuitie or Rent Charge to be delivered upon the sayd payment of the said five hundred poundes principall and arrearages as aforesaid I doe Will unto every one of my Sonnes and Daughters now livieing and to every of their Wives and husbands and to the Children of my Sonne Thomas Brodnax and John Brodnax Alsoe to the Children of my deceased daughter White and daughter ??Knowles allsoe of my sonne Robert Brodnax that may be liveing at my decease twenty shillings peece of Gold I farther Will unto my daughter ??Howell the wedding Ringe that was my deceased Mothers M:rs Julian Brodnax given her by my deceased ffather M:r Thomas Brodnax I allsoe give unto Robert Brodnax Sonne of my said Sonne Thomas Brodnax tenn pounds And unto Henry Brodnax and Robert Brodnax Sonns of the said Thomas Brodnax my Sonne five poundes a peece and unto M:r Daniell XXXXX and John White my late deceased Sonne in Law and husband of M:rs Elizabeth White five pounds a peece And I doe make the said Thomas Brodnax my Sonne my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and to him my debts Legacyes and funerall first discharged and payd I doe give my ready money bonds goods household and hoousehold stuffe Plate Cattell and Chattells whatsoever not before given or bequeathed and hereby doe revoke all wills att any tyme by mee formerly made

ANUNCUPATIVE CODICILL TO BE ADDED TO the last Will and Testament of THOMAS BRODNAX the elder late of Godmersham in the county of Kent deceased dated the last day of November one thousand six hundred fifty five and since further explayned by the said Codicill dated the fourteenth day of January One thousand six hundred fifty eight.

MEMORANDUM That THOMAS BRODNAX the elder heretofore of Godmersham and late of the precincts of Christ Church CANTERBURY in the County of KENT gent deceased the fourteenth day of JANUARY in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and eight lying upon his sicke bedd and being of Sound and pfect mynd and memory was the evening before


Before he dyed in the presence and hearing of M:rs DOROTHY BRODNAX, ELIZABETH BRODNAX, Mary Smallwood and XXXX demanded by his daughter M:rs MARTHA BRODNAX what provision hee had made for her in Case he should dye hee answered hee had made a Will And being asked where that will was he answered it is safe under locke and Key his grand Sonne William Brodnax that was drowned writt it. Then his said daughter say:d S:r if you meane that Will which my Nephew William Brodnax writt I shall have nothing by that; hee asked, why soe, she sayd because in that Will as my Nephew told mee you gave mee those moneyes which you had in my Cosen Brockmans hands and you have since taken the same from him, he replyed what then have I given them away, are they not in your Brothers hands Whereupon his Sonne M:r Thomas Brodnax said S.r doe you then give my Sister Martha the five hundred pounds of yours that is in my hand, he answered what else he being then allsoe asked how hee did dispose of his household stuffe he sayd that he gave his said Sonne M:r Thomas Brodnax all his householdstuffe and that he must have his buriall amongst them, and Wills his debt must bee paid he further then declared, that certaine of his Lands which he valued att Seaventeene poundes by the yeare hee meant them to be divided amongst his XXXX XXXX XXX of his Sonne M.r John Brodnax deceased But as for ?’Doll and her daughter meaning the Widdow and daughter of the said Sonne John he said that he had made noe provision for them they must xxxx for themselves

In Witness whereof the said Dorothy Brodnax, Elizabeth Brodnax and Mary Smallwood have subscribed their names


THIS WILL AND CODICILL NUNCUPATIVE was proved att London the one and twentie day of may in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty nine before the Judges for probate Wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of Thomas Brodnax the Sonne of the said Deceased the Sole EXECUTOR named in the said Will To whome was ?Comitted Administration of all in singular the goods Chattells and debts of the sayd deceased he being by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx first sworne truly to administer the same
