MRP: '''Sir Thomas Piers' house, Stonepitt, Kent'''

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Sir Thomas Piers' house, Stonepitt, Kent


Stonepitts (Stonepit, Stone Pit(t)(s)) was the manor house and residence of Sir Thomas Piers, Bt., the husband of Jane Oxenden, sister to Sir George and Sir Henry Oxenden, and to Elizabeth Dalyson. Hasted describes the house as dating from the reign of Elizabeth I and lying on poor quality soil, near Seal in north Kent. According to Hasted it became the property of Lawrence Piers of Westfield, Sussex, through marriage, and was passed to his son Thomas, later Sir Thomas Piers. In the south chancel of the parish church of Seal(e) there is a memorial to Sir Thomas Piers. Situated in the parish of Seale, it is in the diocese of Rochester and deanery of Malling. The property still exists, described in an English Heritage Grade II listing as ‘Stonepitts Manor House.’

Google aerial view of Stonepitts Manor House, 15/08/11

GOOGLE AERIAL VIEW Stonepitts Kent copy2.png