MRP: Jamaica

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Editorial history

30/12/11, CSG: Created page & uploaded image

Suggested links

See Barbados
See New England
See Virginia

To do

Internal wiki references


Map of Jamaica


Image credits & copyright information

Country profile


Mentions of Jamaica in primary sources

Sir George Oxenden correspondence


Law suits


See Alexander Hosea will (Written in 1684)
- "ITEM I give and bequeath to my ?Cousin hxxxx in Jamaica the sonne of my Coen Robert Hosea Carrier deceased Three hundred pounds"

See Francis Man will (Written in 1674)
- Frances Man was a son of James Man, a merchant, who was a subscriber to the SVJS[1]
- "JAMAICA. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I ffrancis Man of the Island of Jamaica aforesaid Merchant"
-" I doe give and bequeath unto my deare and loveing brother M:r Samuell Man of London Grocer all that my one fourth or quarter parte of that Plantacon and ground comonly called Marchants Valley and formerly knowne by the name of Coveneyes hole containeing in all seaventeene hundred and twelve Acres of land most of it being maintained by two patents one in the name of Jn:o ?Noyce for fifteene hundred Acres and the other in M:r Sam: Lewis and myn name beaing date the [BLANK IN ORIGINAL] scituate lying and being in the parish of Saint Catherines in the Island aforesaid with all my fourth parte of all Negroes Servants horses Cattel ?xxxx fowles or other stock whatsoever belonging to the said plantaton and of all tooles utensills necessaries and appurtenances thereunto belonging xxxxing and accounting all the negroes and servants xr stock that is at John Ellis plantacon where wee now ?live ?to appurtance thereunto and alsoe all that my halfe of the Boysary land contained in Two Pattents in M:r Lewis and my name One for one thousand Acres and theother for two hundred fifty and six Acres beearing date the [BLANK IN ORIGINAL] and alsoe all that my halfe parte of another parcell of Land in S:t Elizabeth Parish to Leeward q:t xxxx xxxx one thousand and fifty Acres as per the Pattent in the M:r Lewis and my name bearing date [BLANK IN ORIGINAL] And all that parcell of Land at ?Perrces Savana in the parish of Clavendon q:t one hundred sixty and six Acres patented in my owne name And that Plantaton at Seaven Plantatons which I purchased of Robert ?Sliver and David Williams with the old Cocoa Walke and ground thereunto belonging bought by my Bro:r of ?Cob Doyly which is his owne with the Negroes thereunto belonging as ?Hector Maria his Wife ?Bette and Moll Rich:d and Johnson their Children and Jacke a man Negroe with ?Goulaloo who is a kinde of a Planterer and workes with us and one Mare and one horse Colt fower yeares old and three other Colts running with the same Mare and are in the ?Cearole and on horse called Robin all which belong to that plantaton as alsoe a Mare and three Colts more which I had of Jn:o Hewit for Cocoa farmes ?I lent him which are alsoe with ?Cearole All and singular the premisses I give and bequeath to my said brother and his heires for ever"
- "ITEM my Will and desire is that the Negroe Womon called Marthah which is our house Negroe with her Pickenninie though shee belonged to the plantaton at seaven plantatons may bee and remaine to M:r Sa: Lewis forever"
- "ITEM I give and bequeath to M:r Lewis aforesaid all that my halfe parte of eight hundred and eighty Acres of Land at Morant which hee sold me some time past"
- "ITEM my Will and desire is whereas one M:r Fountaine that is settled in the North side hath laid an order the Governour gave me in exchange for one hundred feete SQUARE OF LAND ON P:T ROYALL ATT BONNAMS POINT that where it is patented two hundred Acres patented in my brothers John Mans name and five hundred Acres in my Coz An: Crofts name at his Charge"

See James Man will (Written in 1668)
- "And the rest of my estate whateverit shall appeare to be either here in England or out of England in any part of the world as in Turkey and Jamaica in the confines of America in the West Indies proceeding upon adventures that I have made thither and that was bequeathed me by my deceased son John Man by his Will who dyed in Jamaica"

Suggested image sources

Suggested primary sources


PROB 11/350 Bence 1-54 Will of Francis Man, Merchant of Island of Jamaica, West Indies 18 March 1676
PROB 11/473 Dogg 205-250 Will of Sir Thomas Modyford of Saint Jago de la Vega Island of Jamaica, West Indies 13 December 1703

Suggested secondary sources

  1. James Man will; Smirna Venture Joint Stock subscriber list