MRP: Thomas Pearle will

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Thomas Pearle will

PROB 11/357 Reeve 56-105 Will of Thomas Pearle, Merchant of City of London 18 July 1678

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See Henry Pearle will

See Smirna Venture Joint Stock subscriber list

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN: I Thomas Pearle of the Cittie of London merchant being sick and weak in bodie, but of sound and disposing mynd and memorie, praised be God, doe make constitute and declare this my last Will and Testament, And doe hereby revoke and make void all former and other Willes by mee made; In the first place I doe commend my Soule into the hands of God Allmightie from whence it came, And my Bodier I commit to the earth to be decently buried as my Executrix hereafter named in her discretion shall think fit, And as touching that worldly Estate that it hath pleased God Allmightie to blesse mee with I doe give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth: (that is to say) First, Whereas my Mannor of Churchland in the Countie of Sommerset is nowe mortgaged unto John Cullen my Sonn in Lawe for that Securitie and true Payment of thirteene hundred and fiftie pounds principall money, with such interest as shall become due thereupon, Which said Mortgage is forfeited by the not performing the Conditions therein contayned and the Estate thereby become absolute to the said John Cullen and his heires, But I the said Thomas Pearle have nevertheless a good Title in Equitie to redeeme the same , I doe therefore foregive devise and bequeath unto my loving wife Mary and to her Heires my Equitie of Redemption of the said Mannor of Churchland with the Appurtenances in the said Countie of Sommerset, and all my Estate right Title Interest clayme and demand whatsoever either in Lawe or Equitie to the said Mannor and to every part and parcell thereof, And I doe farther give and bequeath unto Mary my said Wife all my Goods Chattells and personall Estate whatsoever, desiring her with the same to pay and satisfie my just Debts, and with the residue to doe as shee in her discretion shall think fit; And I make constitute and ordaine Mary my said loving wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament: In witness whereof I the said Thomas Pearle have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seale this three and twentieth day of May in the thirtieth yeare of the Reiyne of Our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the Faith per Annuq (?) Domm One thousand six hundred seaventie eight:


Sealed subscribed and published by the said Thomas Pearle in the presence of John Culling: John Powell: Mary Chomdler: Susanna Pearle:

PROBABATUM fuit Testamentum suprasereptum apud London coram venerabili Nico Henrico Fauconberge legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et xxxxx Xxx domini Leolin Jenkins militis legum Xam Doctorio Curia praerogative Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis xuie Commissary legitime constituti decimo octavo dit Mensis July Anno domini millesimo sexetatesimo septuagesimo octavo juramento Maria Pearle relicta et Executricis in hujusmode Testamento cui commissa fuit Administratio ommum et singuloru Bonorum jucium et creditorum dictidefuncti de bene et fidelite administrando eadem ad sancta Dei Evangelia in debita Jurio forma jurata:- XX


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