MRP: C20/803/34 f. 7

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C20/803/34 f. 7



//DEPOSICONNS of witnesses taken at Plymouth in the County of Devon on Monday the eleaventh day of March//

//the Thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of o:r Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance//

//and Ireland Kinge defender of the ffaith x:r before us Emanuell Pyper & Samuell Weale Gent & William ??Yeo Esq:r by virtue//

//of a Commission yssued out of his Ma:ties high Court of Chancery to us and alsoe to William Bennett gent deceased for Examinacon//

//of Witnesses in a cause there dependinge betweene William Love Esq:r & Thomas Murthwaite the survivinge Exec:trs//

//of John Young Comp:lts and Jacob Searle the Exec:r of Jacob Searle def:t as followeth//

//JOHN MAYNE of the pish of S:t Johns in the County of Cornwall Marriner aged eight and fforty yeares or thereabouts pduced to the//

//first second third fifth & sixth Interr and thereunto sworne & examined sayth as followeth//

//1. To
