MRP: Lawrence Moyer will
Lawrence Moyer will
Editorial history
05/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted partial transcription to wiki
Abstract & context
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this fourteenth day of January Anno Dmi one thousand six hundred eighty four and in the six and thirtieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland france and Ireland King defender of the faith x:r I Lawrence Moyer of Lowlayton als Lowleighton in the County of Essex Esq:r being at this present of perfect and sound memory (blessed be Almighty God) and considereing my age and that frailty and Mortality which attends all mankind in this transitory life doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament as followeth
first and principally I commit my soule into the protection of Almighty God hopeing by the alone merritts of my deare redeemer Jesus Christ to enjoy an Inheritance with the saints in glory and my body I committ to the earth to bee buried in such decent manner as to my Executrix hereafter menconned shall seeme fitting and Convenient the temporall estate which it hath pleased God to blesse mee with I doe dispose of the same in manner and forme following (that is to say)
IMPRIMIS I doe hereby ratify and ?consigne the severall deeds of settlemenen and conveyance by mee amde of my Messuages aLands and tenements in Lowlayton als Lowleighton aforesaid dated the nine and twentieth day of may Anno Dmn one thousand six hundred seventy three and all and singular the uses trusts and Lymittations therein specifyed as well to my deare and loveing
wife ffrancis as to the other persons therein menconned according to the tenor and purport thereof
ITEM as for touching and concernining all and singular my messuages or tenements scituate and being in Buttersbury in the parish of S:t Stephen Walbrooke in London and my Ground rent there with theappurtenances holden by mee for a long terme of yeares yett to come by vertue of severall leases made by and from the Company for propagacon of the Gispell in new England and the parts adjacent in America and by severall XXXX Assignments and Conveyances come to mee I dispose of the same as followeth (vizt) I give and bequeath the same messuages and Groundrent to my daid deare and loveing wife ffrancis Moyer for and dureing soe long time of the termes of yeares of the said Leases which shall bee to come and unexpired ast the time of my decease as she the said ffrances shall happen to live and from and after the decease of my said wife to my loveing brother William Moyer for and dureing so long time of the termes of yeares of the said Leases which then shall bee to come and unexpired as the said William Moyer shall happen to live and from and after both the deceases of the said ffrances amy wife and William Moyer then I give all the said messuages or Tenements and graound rent unto James Moyer sonne of the said William for and dureing soe long time as then shall bee to come and unexpired of the said Leases as hee the said James shall happen to love and from and after the deceases of them the said ffrances William and James then I give the said messuages or tenements and groundrent and the said Leases thereof and ll the terme and termes of yeeares which shall nee then to come and unexpired therein to the first sonne of the body of the said James lawfully to bee begotten and the heires of the body of such first sonne lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue my will and mind is that the same sa