HCA 13/68 f.207r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/68 f.207r.

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HCA 13/68 f.207r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the three kings or not so long before there were seaven shipps in Company
with her being ffrench men three whereof hee sayeth [?XXXXX] to fight with
the Saphir ffrigott interrate for the spece of five or six howres or
thereabouts and sayeth That hee this dendent recoming out of the Port of
Saint Malloes with the said ffrenchmen and beinge in company
did shoot five or six gunns at randome att the Saphir Frigott
interrate which hee beleeveth was noe way endamaged or hurt thereby
but that hee was threatned by some aboard the said ffrench
Shipps that If he this rendent would not fire att the English ffrigott
tat they would fire or shoot att him or to that purpose And
as to the agreement [?XXXX] her answeare [?XX] negatively as [?XXXXing]
but particuler and as to the generall report interrate he knoweth nothing thereof
nor hath heard And further cannot answeare

To the 17th hee answeareth That att the tyme of the seizure of the three
Kings interrrate the said Shipp did weare the Hamborough Colloures
and the ffrench Shipps he sayeth did fight inder their owne Collours
And the Saphir ffrigott fought under the English Colloures/

Repeated before doctor Clarke and doctor Godolphin:-/



16th December 1653 uppon the allegation given on the
behalfe of the Claymer. [CENTRE HEADING]

The clayme of Alonzo da Syerra}
[?XXX XXX] [?Machuca] for the Tobachoes}
[?XXX] in the Salvadore et cetera.

Michael [?Stevas] of [?Vallenie] in Pomerland Quarter master of the
Shipp the Salvadore aged 29. yeares or thereabouts a witnesse produced
and examyned in this Cawse deposeth as followeth

To the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth That hee this deponent was [???man]
of the Shipp the Salvadore in the allegation mentioned and present aboard
the said Shipp at Cadiz in Spayne about eighteen or 17 monethes sithence when and where there
were laden aboard the said shipp severall potacchoes or [?Sernes] of Tobacoho
but the number or quantity thereof hee cannot say some whereof were


marked with the marke in the margent and some of them unmarked
but how many of each hee cannot say buut sayeth some of the said Tobaccoes were
taken aboard the said shipp for the accompt and adventure of the producent
Alonzo de Ayerra Bargo, merchant and sawe a younge man [?XXXXXXXX] [?conceived] to be the sonne of the said Alonzo de Syerra
aboard the said shipp after the Stoweing
the said Tobaccoes some of which this deponent sawe the said [?Peeter] marke with the mark of a [?XXX]
but for that the said [?Petar [?XXXX] [?XXXXg] stowed it was exceedingly troublesome and could [?not]