MRP: Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy will

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Mathew Hollsworthy/Holleworthy

PROB 11/356 Reeve 1-55 Will of Sir Mathew Holworthy of Hackney, Middlesex 25 November 1678
PROB 11/358 Reeve 106-156 Sentence of Matthew Holworthy of Hackney, Middlesex 13 December 1678

I Mathew Holworthy of Hackney in the County of Middlesex Knight being through the Mercy of Almighty God in perfect health both of Body and Mind and of sound memory and sensible of the instability of this fraile and uncertaine life am willing and desiring to settle my Estate and all my worldly concernments before I be taken from here unto my long home and be noe more free to which purpose I doo make and constitute this my last will and testament in manner and forme following - Revoking and nulling all former wills First and principally I doo humbly Comitt my soule into the hands of God my Creator and Redeemer who gave it unto me to be received into his eternall Rest my body I Comitt to the Earth from whence it came To be decently buryed as to my Executor hereafter named shall seeme meete And touching

that Temporall Estate wherewith through the Blessing of the Lord I am possessed I doe will his gratious leave and assistance give and dispose as follows IMPRIMIS I doe will order and appoint that my said Executor shall out of the ffirst moneys that they shall draw in of my Estate pay and discharge all my debts And shall afterwards pay and discharge all my gifts and Legacies bequeathed and given by me in and by this last Will and Testament Item I doe give and bequeath unto my deare wife Susanna Holsworthy over and above her Joynture and other settlements made unto her and for her use the summe of three hundred pounds and all her Jewells and ornaments of her body forever And the use of my plate and furniture and goods of my house during her naturall life And after her decease I doe give the same unto my sonne Mathew forever I doe further give unto my said deare wife full power by this my last will to sell the ffee of my now dwelling house in Hackney aforesaid with all the Grounds and Appurtenances thereto belonging and to retaine unto her selfe to her proper opportunity there to belonging ad to retaine unto her selfe to her proper use one Third part of the moneys that shall be made thereof Theother Two Third parts thereof I doe give and bequeath unto the Colledge or university in or of Cambridge in New England the summe of one Thousand pounds to be paid and made over to the Governors and directors thereof to be disposed of by them as they shall Judge best for promoting of learning and promulgation of the Gospell in those parts The same to be paid within Two yeares next comeing after my decease ITEM I doe will and ordaine That there shall be land bought and purchased to the Import and vallue of six hundred pounds as neare as Conveniently may be unto my Mannor of Spoke in Norfolk I say in the County of Norfolk And that the yearly Rents and proffitts thereof shall be given and paid unto such Minister as shalbe fittly qualified for the Ministry and knowne to be of a good life and Conversation and shall every Lords day preach Two sermons in the Church of their parish (viz:t) one in the morning and another in the afternoone att the usuall houres And shall continue to be soe paid to the succeeding Minister and Ministers who shall preach accordingly But att all times of XXXX mission and xxxxxx in soe doeing The said Rents and proffitts shalbe retained by my next heire and heires to their proper use dureing all the time of such faylure in Preaching And I doe will and desire that the same be done without delay ITEM I doe will and ordaine That the sume of Two Thousand pounds shalbe given and disposed of In and to such Charitable use and uses as shall be directed in and by a schedule hereunto annexed by any other writing under my hand writing The same to be paid within Two yeares next ensueing my decease And for default of such schedule and writing I doe entreate my Exector:s to dispose thereof in and to such Charitable use and uses as they shall judge best ITEM I doe give unto the poore of the Towne of Sporle aforesaid the sume of Twenty pounds And to the poore of the parish of Hackney Twenty pounds To be paid within Six months next ensueing after my decease unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of those respective parishes To be by them paid and distributed to and amonge theire said poore ITEM I doe will and ordaine that there shall be paid unto Edmond Channell the sume of nyneteene pounds Thirteene shillings and unto Sisley Binner Thirtysix pounds Six pence which severall sumes I have made good to their respective accompts in my now Books of accounts, begun the ffirst day of December last past And I doe will that that the same be paid back within Six months next ensueing after my decease ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto John Burrow All the debt he oweth unto me by his Acco:t And all my wearing apparell And All my house goods That are in the keeping of his Brother Robert Burrow

I doe also give unto him All their severall sumes of moneys oweing unto me severall Bonds of his Brother Thomas Burrow paid and furnished unto him by himselfe without and against my will and order And doe will that the said Bonds be delivered rather said John ITEM I doe give unto all and every of my servants ffive pounds, unto each of them for putting themselves into mourning ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto all and every of my Nephews and Nieces Tenn pounds I say TennTenn pounds to each of them to dispose of in mourning or otherwise as they shall see good ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my sister Mary Madocke Eight pounds per Annum to be paid unto her during her naturall life and noe longer to Commence from the next day after my death ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my sister Croft six pounds per Annum to be paid untoher during her naturall life and noe longer and to comence from the last paymen made unto her of the like allowance I have given and doe give M:r Thomas Conge to promote his labour in Interesting the Welsh as long as he shall continue in that pious work ITEM I doe give and bequeath the sume of Three hundred pounds To be paidunto such Ministers as my Executors shall Judge deserveing and to be need supply not exceeding Tenn pounds unto any of them Singlye And that the same be paid within Two yeares next comeing after my decease at furthest but rather favour as my moneys shall come in ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my sonne Mathew All the remaines and remainders of my Estate both Reall and personall to him and his heires for ever he paying to every other Child begotten mee the some of Three Thousand pounds to each of them as soon as any of them shall have attained unto the age of Twenty one yeares And shall alsoe pay unto every and each of them ffourty pounds per Annum dureing the life a xxxxx deare wife for their maintenance and breeding up And after her decease shall allow and pay unto every and each of them one hundred pounds per Annum for their maintenance and they shall have attained their respective portions of Three Thousand pounds, hereby given and bequeathed And I doe will and ordaine that my Mannor of Spoke aforesaid doe stand engaged for the payment thereof untill the full and entire payment shall be made ITEM I doe will and ordaine (That if my sonne Mathew shall dye and depart this life Childlesse without issue lawfully begotten) That the same the whole and every part of what given unto him by this my last will shall be given unto my next eldest sonne with the same lymittations and comitments and In Inheritance for ever And in default and failure of issue and of and from such Eldest Sonne or other Sonne of mine I give the same the whole and every part thereof unto my Daughter and daughters lawfully begotten by mee to them and their heires in Inheritance forever And upon faylure of issue from my selfe in a direct Lyne (That is to say) from any Child or Children of myne I doe give and bequeath unto my nephew George Holworthy to enjoy during his naturall life All my Mannor of Spoke with Great Polgrave in the County of Norfolk And after his decease unto his next heire male and to his heires male In Inheritance for ever lawfully begotten And in deafult of such his heire and heires male I doe give and Bequeath the same unto his brother John Holworthy to enjoy during his naturall life And after his decease unto his heire and heires male lawfully begotten In Inheritance for ever And in default of such his heire and heire male I doe give and bequeath the same unto my nephew John Holworthy sonne of my Brother John Holworthy to enjoy during his naturall life And after his decease his heire and heires male Lawfully begotten In Inheritance for ever. And in default of such heire and heires male unto my selfe and my heires for ever. And my said sonne and very other Child of myne shall all depart this life without issue I doe then give and bequeath All the Remaines and remainders of my personall estate unto the Children that shall be then liveing of my Brother Richard Holworthy deceased of my brother John Holworthy of my sister Mary Madocke and of my sister Anne Launce To be paid unto them respectively in Equal parts and portions. The words (unto my myselfe and my heires for ever) were entered before the sealing and delivery hereof. AND LASTLY I doe xxxxx Constitute and appoint my ffather Henry Healy esquire [CSG: CHECK – I THINK THIS IS PROBABLY HENRY HENLY, SUSANNA’S FATHER] and my deare wife Susanna Holworthy to be my Lawfull Executors unto this my last Will and Testament And doe leave and recomend unto them the Guardianshipp of my sonne and make them his Guardians entreating them to endeavour the improvement of my Estate given unto him upon good morgages I say to endeavour the soe improvement thereof or in purchasing of Lands as to their Judgments shall seem best and most secure And cheifly I doerecomend unto their undoubted xxxx in seeing him well brought upp and Educated in the nature and Admonition of the Lord That he may be serviseable to his xxxx ffurther I doe confirme all and every the Guifts bequests and Legacies given and bequested in and by this my Last Will and Testam:t And in witnes therof have hereunto put my hand and seale this Ninth day of May One Thousand Six Hundred Seaventy Seaven I say the Ninth day of May 1677. Mathew Holworthy. Memorandum that the said Mathew Holworthy the same 9th day of May wee say the 9th day 1677 did signe and seale this writing And did declare that the same was and did constitute his last will and Testament in the presence of us wee say this ninthday of May 1677 George Trouthard John Ball John Burrow

PROBATUM apud London fuit homo [?] Testamentum Coram ven:ble vivo Duo Richardo Lloyd milite Legum Droye Surrogato ven:ble et Egregy vivi Dui Leolin Jenkins miltis Legum etiam Dronis Curia Praerogitiva Cant Magri Custod XXX Comissary Latine Constetate sixtesisimo Quinto dei Measis Novembris Annie Dom Millimo Sextentismus Septuagesimo Octabo Juranisites Henriti Henley et Due Susanna Holworthy Relicta dei defuncti et Executorum in hxxxx Testo nominate Qunbus Comissa fuit Administrate Omnum et singulorum bonerum Juridica et Creditor ditte defuncti de bene et fidelter Administrand adm Ad Sancta Dei Evangelia Jurate.
