MRP: HCA 13/129

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HCA 13/129 1658-1662

Editorial history

26/04/12, CSG: Created page

Summary information on volume

Worked on HCA 13/129
Personal answers, October 1658- August 1662.
This Volume is ca. 10 in x 6 in x 1 in
Bound in leather, with original cover, and two leather straps to close
No foliation or page numbering
No index or contents

Digital images made on 25/04/12 from P1100949 to P1110021 (73 IMAGES)




Personal answers of Robert Oxwick, William Weilday and John Jefferyes: Allegation: John White & others: Date: 4th Feb. 1658

[328 word count]

//The personall Answeres of Robert Oxwick[1]
William Weilday and John Jefferyes made to
the posXXXns of an Allegacon given in ag:t
them on behalfe of Thomas White & others
doe followe.

1. To the first pretended posicon they and every of
them answere and beleeve that Henry ?Tyler, John
Hall, ?Chidock Newby, Ambrose Baxter, Cristopher
Oberman & Thomas White, John White, Richard Crispe
Thomas Salter, John ?Picknell, John Phillips, Sum?ner
Sputtée, Richard Spunier, were as they have heard
and beleeve hyred by Godfrey Jones the M:r of the
Ship the Content to serve in the said shipp from hence
to Ginny, & to other ports & places in the West Indies
and so home againe to this port of London but what
time they entred into pay, or when they began the said
voiage or how long they continued therein theis rendents
know not, nor know not well what to beleeve in regard
it is so long afgoe, about eleven yeares since or there
-abouts, but they beleeve that the sd ship did dept from
Gravesend about September or October 1647. & from thence
(as they have heard & beleeve went to Ginney & there
tooke in Negroes, & with them sayled to Barbadoes on
their owne accord without any order from theis rendents
or any of the other fraighters or Own:rs as they beleeve
but neither put any goods or passengers on shoare ther
as they beleeve, and soe goeing to the West INdies
shee and all her ladeing were as they beleeve cast
away, & never made any port as they beleeve, but
about what time the same was theis rendents know
not, nor know what to beleeve for the reasons aforesd
they not being there, nor never seeing the M:r of the
sd ship afterm hee dyeing before hee came home, And
otherwise they nor any of them doe not beleeve the
sd posiccon to be true in any ?jot thereof saveing their following Answeres-//

[276 word count]

//2. To the second p:rted posicon they & every of them
answereth & beleeive that the voiage arlate the sd ship
did carry out Iron, Strong Water, Wine, & other commodities
to the value of about three thousand pounds, & sailed therew:th
as they beleive to Ginney, and there as they beleeve & have
heard tooke in 100: and some odd negroes for
pt of the sd ladeing and therewith & the other goods went
away for the West Indies where they were lost & cast away
without makeing of any port of discharge as they beleeve
and theis rendents beleeve that the
said ship and marrin:rs before expressed did
abide well the said ship at Ginney by the space
of Three moneths & not above as they beleeve & that from
the time of her departure from Ginney was about the
space of six moneths and not above as they beleeive
And othewise they nor any of them doe not beleeve
the sd posicon to be true -

3. 4. To the Third and fowrth prtded posiccons they
answere & refer themselves to their former answeres
& beleeve that from Gambo (sic) the sd ship sett saile, &
without any order from theis rendents or the other
Own:rs sailed to Barbados and there stayed as they
have heard & beleeve avout three weeks to take in
fresh water but neither tooke in to delivered out
any goods or merchandizes & then went towards
Margaritta & there in the way was lost & cast
away and they beleeve that the foresaid pties
were hyred by the M:r of the sd ship as they beleeve
to serve//

P1100952 recto

//to serve in her the sd voiage but whether any others were
hyred or did serve in here or whoe, or at what rates theis
rendents know not nor know what to beleeve, in regard they
did not hyre them or have noe list of whoe were by XXXX or
at what reates, And otherwise they doe not beleeve the sd
posiccon to be true in any part, saveing they beleeve the
pties mencconed in theis rendents answers might be hyred
for the sewall summs expressed in the schedule hereunto
annexed & not more as they beleeve -

5. To the fifth prtded posiccon they & every of them answere
& beleeveth that this rendent Robert Oxwick was fraighter
of three sixteenth pts of the sd shipp the sd voiage and
noe morem this rendent John Jefferyes fraighter of one
sixteenth pt and noe more, this rendent William Wildye
Owner & fraighter of one sixteenth pte & noe more, And
otherwise they doe not beleeve the said possicon to be trie

6 To the sixth prded posiccon they answere that for their
pts they doe not beleeve the sd posicon to be true -

The Schedule

Henry Tylor Surgeon ............50:s p moneth
John Hall Quarter master..... 23:s p moneth
Chid?ork Newby................... iij:li x:s p mo:
Ambrose Bayrer................... 35:s p mo:
Cristofer Overman............... 40:s p mo:
Thomas White & servant..... iij:li p mo:
John White.......................... 32:s p mo:
Rich: Crispe......................... 24:s p mo:
Tho: Salter.......................... 30:s p mo:
John Picknall....................... 20:s p mo;
John Phillipps...................... 23.s p mo:
Samuell Sputtle.................. 24:s p mo:

Robert Oxwick [His signature]

4:° ffeb:ry 1658 Rich: ?Pumer
Repeated before ?D:r ?Coll
XX Cocke in his Chamber xr
by M:r Oxwicke onely

?Will Wildey [His signature]//

There is a page on verso side of the above page which has not been digitally imaged

P1100953 recto

[Document starts in mid-answer: Need to transcribe previous page, which has not yet been digitally imaged]

//other pson on board the sd ship to defray the said
charges, & it being very notorious & well knowne to
the sd M:r Wayn Wright & all other mrchants that use
the East countrey trade that every Last of wheate
payeth one dollar the charges at Stettin & Stralsound
& the charges for Smacks & boates to bring y:e sd corne
on board, & petty pilotage & other dutyes, all w:ch hee
this rendent did really pay, & also for custome of the
?roales carried to Stralsound, of all w:ch he hath long since
given the sd M:r Wayn Wright a pticular accompt w:ch
was in every pticular realy true as he beleeveth
And otherwise he doth not beleeve y:e sd arle to be true
in any part.

ROBERT GIRLING [His signature]

Repeated before both y:e Judges in
Court the 12:th of November. 1659:

Hitherto accounted to the Reg:
March the 11: 1658: by
Cha: Moore.


Personal answers of Thomas Ewens: Allegation: Humfrey ffosse, John Tucker & Charles Howgate: Date: 2nd June 1659

The personal Answeres of Thomas
Ewens made to the posiccons of an Allon
given in ag:t him on the behalfe of
Humfrey ffosse, John Tucker & Charles
Howgate do followe

1. To the first prded posiccon he answereth
& beleeveth y:e same to be true -

2. 3. To the 2. & 3:d prded posicons he answereth
& beleeveth That y:e time arlate this rendent
was designed & went out with his sd ship
from home for Genoa & Legorne, & there this
rendent was to seeke any Implyment hee
could meete with ther and at Genoa the
rendent did let out y:e sd ship to goe for Smirna//

P1100954 verso
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//and that at Genoa this rendent tooke in
some pte of her lading & was to goe to Legorne
to take in y:e remainder, & at his arrivall
at Legorne the merchant who freaighted this
rendents ship failed so that this rendents
designe was overthrown, & then this
rendent went from thence to Allegant (sic)
thinking there to get a fraight for Venice
with wools but at his arrivall there by
reason the ffrench taking so many of o:r English
ships the Spaniards would not lade any goods
on board this rendents sd ship, and from ?there
this rendent tooke a Lading of Spa?rte to Lisborne where this rendent safely
arrived with his sd ship, where after hs arrivall
there were also found foure other English ships
all of w:ch came out of y:e Straights & other places
thereabouts, & at Lisborne this rendent did w:th
his sd ship take a fraight for Brazeele & back
againe to Lisborne in y:e Service of the Brazeele
Company & all y:e other English ships as he beleeveth
did the like, & this rendent beleeveth y:t he did
hirey:e sd ffosse, Howgate, & Tucker to serve
him in y:e sd ship to y:e ports of Genoa & Legorne
& from thence to any port or place whatsoever
where this rendent could get Imploym:t for & this
rendent beleeveth he did agree to give them as
much wayges as is or was usually given to such
men for y:e Brazeel?es & he further beleeveth y:t
marrin:rs will servce in a ship at as lowe rates
from Lisborne to Brazeele & back
againe as from London to y:e Straights & back
againe & the danger is no more as he beleeveth
And otherwise for his pt he doth not beleeve
y:e sd posicon to be true//

P1100955 recto
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//4. To y:e 4:th prdded posicon he answereth & beleeveth that
y:e arlate ffosse Tucker & Howgate were hired by this
rendent to serve in y:e sd ship the Scipio from home
to Genoa & Legorne & soe to any ports or places
whatsoever where this rendent should or could get
Imploym:t & so back againe for London at y:e sewall
rates hereafter expressed vizt the sd ffosse at 22:li p Anna both at sea & on shoare, & so he had con
-tinued upon y:e sd ship as he beleeveth by y:e space
of 12. or 13. yeares before, the sd Tucker at 25:s p
moneth the sd voiages & the sd Howgate at 16:s p
moneth the sd voiage & no more. And otherwise
he doth not beleeve the sd posicon to be true in
any pt, Saving this rendent beleeveth six moneth
of every of w;ch wages this rendent was still to keepe
in his hands the better to ingage their stay with this
rendent in the sd ship

5. To the 5:th prdded posiccon he answereth & beleeveth
y:t the arlate ffosse Tucker & Howgate did after their
said hireing pceed upon y:e sd voiage w:th this rendent
in y:e sd ship to genoa & there this rendent discharged
pt of his ladeing & then went to Legorne
& there discharged the remainder, & from thence went
to Allegant (sic) & so to Lisborne, & after this rendent had
arrived there & had taken a fraight to Brazeele
the sd ffosse Tucker & Howgate having about Eight
moneths wages then due to then, would not goe
& pceed upon y:e sd voiage unles this rendent would
pay unto them their whole wages due unto them
without keeping six moneths pay in his hands
according to custome & agreem:t, & also pay them
what was soe due in dollars at 4:s 6:d p dollar
whereas the same wa worth 6:s p dollar, & also
prmise to pay ç augment there wages, which this
rendent beleeveth he was forced to doe, &
must have done or else his designe would//

P1100956 verso
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//have bin overthrowne And otherwise he doth
not beleeve th sd posicon to be true in any pt
saving he did not prmse them any certaine
summe over & above their wayges but he beleeveth
he did say unto them that in case he did returne
home in safety & got his fraight without trouble
that then & not otherwise he would allow them
something over & above their former wages
but no certaine sum as hee beleeveth

6 To y:t 6:th prdded posiccon he answereth and
accepth the contents of this psiiccon
so far forth as y:e same do make for him & not
otherwise & he referreth himselfe to his former
answeres, And otherwise he doth not beleeve
the sd posicon to be true

7 To y:e 7:th prded possiccon he answereth and
beleeveth that after such time as the said ffose
Tucker and Howgate had ?force this rendent to
the termes aforesaid and not before they
did condiscend to proceed upon the voyage to
Brazeele and did accordingly proceed in the
said shipp and voyage and arrived at
Brazeele and discharged the said shipps
outward ladinge and came backe againe in
the said shipp to Lisborne and there the
said shipp was also
discharged but before her discharge the
said ffosse left her and went away from
her without any order from this
rendent and that the said shipp was
upon the designe by the same 16
months & a halfe and noe longer from the time of her going out from Lisborne to the time
of her unlading there againe from Brazeele//

P1100957 recto
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//And otherwise hee doth not beleeve the said
posicon to bee true in any pte

To the 8:th p:tended posicon hee answereth y:t
hee hath beene required as is arlate and
that hee hath dXXXXed to doe the same for just
reasons as hee beleeveth

To the 9:th hee an swereth and referreth himselfe
to the Regtry of this Court

To the 10:th hee answereth & beleeveth that hee
this rendent is a subiect of this Commonwealth
and subject to the Jurisiccon of this Court

THO: EWENS [His signature]

Repeated before doctor
Godolphin one of the Judges
xr the second of June 1659.


Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658

The personall Answers of Peter Cornelius
Youngboare made by y:e posiccons of a prtded
Allegacon given & howsoever in fact admitted
ag:t him on behalfe of Maurice Trent doo follow

1 To the first poscion he answereth & beleeveth That in
& by all y:t time arlate y.e sd ?Coerer was M:r of y:e
arlate ship y:e ?Grasse-mower by & w:th y:e consent of all
y:e Owners; whereof this rendent was one, And otherwise
doth not beleeve y:e same to be true in any parte

2. 3. 4. To the 2. 3. 4:th arles he answereth & accepteth of y:e same
so far forth as they make for him, & beleeveth That he was
prte at y:e making of y:e Chrepty for y:e voiage arlate
but doth not beleeve that by y:t Chrepty w:ch he was pnte at
y:e making of, the sd John Co?erer was obliged to returne
with y:e sd ship to Rochell but was at liberty to saile his
ship after her discharge of the salt at In?vernesse
where he pleased or at least to such as ?Maurice Trent[2]//

P1100958 verso
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or his ffactor at ?Innernesse[3] should appoint for
which sd ?Maurice Trents accompt & not for y:e sd
Richard Trents y:e sd voiage was undertaken & the
Chreparty made And otherwise for his pt he doth
not beleeve y:e sd posiccons to be true in any pte

5 To the 5:th posiccon he answereth & beleeveth That after
the delivery of y:e salt at ?Innernesse y:e sd Maurice
Trent would not nor did lade y:e goods in y:e sd ship to
be carried to Rochell in regard there was no good market for
them there but he beleeveth that in y:e moneths arlate
William Trent y:e brother & ffactor for y:e sd ?Maurice Trent
at Innvrnesse did for & upon y:e accompt of y:e sd ?Maurice
lade aboard y:e sd ship y:e Grase-mower XXXX XXXXX XXX
of salmon & ?some herrings the certaine quantity whereof he
knoweth not to be carried to CXXXhire within the
dominions of XX y:e states of the United Provinces
and there to be delivered to Richard ?Were and
Robert Anderson to whom they were consigned
by the said W:m Trent for y:e account of the said
?Maurice Trent, And he beleeveth that every
last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels and
was worth 20:li sterl p last & not above and y:t
everyLast of herrings cont 12 barrells of herrings
worth 10:li ster p last, And he beleeveth that
in y:e sd voiage from Innvrnesse to CampXere
there were also laden goods in the said ship
upon the acco:t of other men for y:e fraight of
w:ch sd goods this rendent reced 600. Lyvers
every Livre worth xxij:X sterl & not above
as he beleeveth, And he beleeveth that the sd
?Maurice Trent paid at Innvrnesse for y:e fraight
of y.e voiages aforesd to y:e sd XXXX before his going
to CompXXre 150:li sterl & that all y:e goods as well
those for y:e acco:t of y:e sd ?Maurice Trent as for
other men were all delivered to y:e pties to whom
they were consigned, and that y:e sd ?Maurice//

P1100959 recto
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Reasonable digital image quality

//Trent had such notices for he the sd Maurice Trent some
y.e delivery of y:e sd goods at CamXXre paid to this rendent
y:e other 150:li remaineing due upon the Rochell voiage
&never soemuch to doubt of y:e delivery of y:e goods at
CampXXX, nor questioned their delivery at y:e place
nor hath any iust reason to question the same nowe
as this rendent beleeveth, And otherwise for his pte
he doth not beleeve y:e sd posicon to be true in any pte

6. 7. 8. To the 6. 7. & 8:th posicons he answereth & referreth himselfe
to his former answeres & beleeveth that after y:e voiage
at Camp?hire the sd ship was sailed to XXXes to Scotland
& went not to Rochell within 3 moneths after, And
otherwise he doth not beleeve the sd posiccons to be
true in any pt

9 To the 9:th posiccon he answereth & beleeveth That the
weather ?serving a ship doth usually & may saile
from Innvrnes to Rochell in ?20 dayes or thereabouts
but that y:e sd CoXrer had no order to saile thither
but to go to Camphire, And otherwise doth not ne
-leeve this posiccon to be true in any pte

10 To the 10:th posiccon he answereth & referreth himselfe
to his p:rcedent answeres, And otherwise doth not
beleeve the same to be true in any pt

11. 12 To the 11. & 12:th posiccons he answereth & beleeveth
that Salmon & herings were no vendible commodity
at Rochell in y:e moneths arlate, And otherwise hee
doth not beleeve the sd posicon to be true in any pte

13. To the 13:th he answereth & acknowledgeth y:e ?requisicon
arlate by this suit, And otherwise he doth not beleeve
it to be true in any pte

14. To y:e 14:th he referreth himselfe to the Acts & Registry
of this Court, And otherwise he doth not beleeve
the same to be true in any pte

15. 16 To the 15:th & 16:th he answereth & beleeveth that
he is subiect to y.e Jurccon of this Court, but not
by reason of this suite as hee beleeveth//

P1100960 verso
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//And othewise he doth not beleeve y:e sd
posicons to be true many parte

To y:e last he answereth and beleeveth as
he hath formerly answered & beleeved &
otherwise negatively.

Repeated before drrr Godolphin ?prijeter XXXXXX
in his Chamber xr XXX
17:th of March: 1657


Personal answers of Humfey ffosse John Tucker Christofer Mills: Allegation: Captain Thomas Ewens: Date: XXXX

1 The first arle of the said All:on they answere
& beleeve & every of them answereth & beleeveth
that y:e sd Thomas Ewens at the time of hireing of their
rendents to serve in the ship the Scipio in y:e voiage
in question, he did hire them to serve him in y:e sd
ship from this port of London to Genoa & Leghorne
or any other ports or places within y:e Straights of
?Giblatere , and not elsewher, & so to returne to this
port of London, And otherwise for their parts they nor
either of them doe beleeve this arle to be true in any pt thereof

2 To the second arle of y:e sd allon they answere &
every of them doe answere that they nor either of
them doth beleeve the same to be true in any pt thereof

3 To the3:d arle of y:e sd allon they answere & beleeve & every
of them answereth & beleeveth y:e same to be true saving that
they beleeve that onely one of the fowre English ships
arlate (to wit) the ship the Three Brothers came out
of the Straights to Lisborne to seeke a freight there,
& saving that y:e sd ship y:e Scipio brought her lading of ?sparke
to Lisborne intending there to take in her lading of salt or
such other goods as shee could gett for England as the//

P1100961 recto
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//sd Thomas Ewen himselfe declared to the Company

4 To the fourth arle of ye sd allon the answereth & beleeve & every
of them answereth & beleeveth that after y:e sd shipp the Scipio had
arrived at Lisborne & discharged her lading there, y:e sd Thomas
Ewen did without y:e knowledge of theis rendents lett & sett his
ship to fraight upon a voiage for Brazeel, And that after
-wards the sd Thomas Ewen making it knowne to theis rendants
& the rest of y.e Company of y:e sd ship that he had taken a freight
for Brzeel, they theis rendents, & the rest of y:e Company of
y:e sd ship not being hired for such a voiage, and being
contrary to their Agreem:t at y:e time of their
hireing. in regard that it is beyond the Lyne, & a sickly
Climate, & subiect to the hazard of Enemyes there the
Hollanders being then in Enmity there w:th y:e Portugueses
did declare their unwillingnes of goeing or to goe in the sd
voiag, unles y:e M:r would give them some consideraccon
extraordinary above what they were in the first place hired
for, And that thereupon y:e sd Thomas Ewens y:e M:r did voluntarily
?pfor to pay them off y:e Eight moneths wages formerly due
unto them, & to advance & pay them five shill by y.e
moneth in the mound more than they were first hired for in case they
would proceed upon the sd voiage to Brazeel, they did accept
of & in consideracon thereof prmise to go y:e sd voiage & did
accordingly go y:e sd voiage, And thereupon y:e sd M:r did pay
themoff freely Eight moneths pay in dollars at foure shills
six pence per dollar, which is y.e usuall rate that English marrin:rs
receive their wages at in dollars, the sd Ewens never desiring or
ppounding to have a greater allowance for y:e same in regard they
come to noe more in English money. And otherwise for their pts
thex nor either of them doth beleeve this arle to be true in any pt therof

5 To the 5:th arle of y:e sd allon they answere & every of them answereth
& refer themselves to their former answeres, And otherwise for ?theire
pts they do not beleeve this arle to be true in any pt thereof

& To the 6:th arle of y:e sd allon they answere & beleeve & either of them
answereth & beleeveth that y:e sd ship the Scipio did enter upon & begin
her voiage for Brazeel to wit in y:e lading of her goods for that place
the 3:d of September 1649. and that y:e sd ship did dept from
Lisborne upon y:e sd voiage the 5:th day of November arlate//

P1100962 verso
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//1649 & ?arrived at Brazeele the 6:th day of March 1649 & there discharged her lading about y:e end of Aprill 1650
& that upon the 20:th of June 1650. y:e sd ship did set saile in
company of the portugall fleete for Lisborne againe, and
was afterwards put back with the rest of y:e fleete by the
command of y:e Admrall for Brazeel where they arrived
againe about the first or second of July 1650. And
otherwise for their pts they nor either of them doe
beleeve y:t sd arle to be true in any pt thereof

7 To the 7:th arle of y:e sd allon they answere & beleeve and
every one of them answereth & beleeveth y:e same to be true
saving that y:e ship did not XXXX at Lisborne untill the
24:th of December 1650

8. To the 8:th Arle of sd Allon they an
-swere and beleeve and every of them
answereth & beleeveth y:t XXXX of XX y:e
arrivall of the sd shippe the Scipio
at Lisbon the English marriners had
liberty to come aboard of the Scipio upon
an order of y:e Kinge of Portugall as they
beleeve, But had not y:e charge or custody
of the sd ships ladeinge, But was under y:e
guard & command of the Portugall pff-
-cers, who kept the keyes of the hatches & the
?Barres & y:t y:e marriners had leave to
?pompe & to helpe ?unlade y.e goods
when the Portugall officers pleased & y:t
the sd XXXXles one of these rendents
kept and ?continued aboard the Scipio
& came in her to Lisbon from Brazeele
& y:t Humphrey ffosse came aboard her
at sea & y:t the said XXXX & Tucker
came aboard her at Lisbon & otherwise
for theire parts they ?as either of
them doe beleeve this Arle to bee
true in any pte thereof//

P1100963 recto
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This digital image is the RH page following the LH page above (P1100962), however, it is in a heavier hand and ink, and does not appear to be the same case - has a page become unbound in the original volume?

//pumpe & bale upp as well pepper as
water and through it overboard for
the pepper being ett and not being
?stopped with baggs could not in that
extremity stowe it betweene y:e decks
It being soe cleare y:e we stXXX sewall
of o:r seamens chests y:t lay in y:e way for
accomodacon thereof There ?fore having great
reason to feare dammage w:ch damage (what
as it hee was by us unavoydable we here as in
conscience & reason bXXXX ptest in y:e p:sence of
s:e subscribed witnesses y.e y.e sd dammage
is XXXXX to be reputed to y:e violence of y:e seas
& not to any default of XXXX soo y:e for it wee
neither ought nor can be accomptable dated
aboard shipp Jonathan this 30:th of January

As to y:e violence of y:e storme y:e time
most of y:e said effects of it wee are
sensible witnesses to it

Chr: Yarley
Hen: Dacres
Joseph Thomson
Gar: Russell
Robert Lane
Alexander Precot
Robert ?Graves
John Russell
Sam: XXwright
Wm: StapXXXX
Richard Seaward
BazngrX Dinsdall
Tho: BrookerWm: Downes Chirugion
Tho: Andrewes
Jn: Stephenson
James Marriner
Nath: Thomas
Samuell Wright
W:m Steephens
BarX Dimswall

14:° Decemb 1658
Repeated before Dror
Godolphin one of the
Judges yr: In the Hall xr//

Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659

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//The personall answeres of Augustine
Coronell made to the pretended posiccon of
an allegacon given on the behalfe of
John Charker concerning the possession
of 200 quintalls of Brazeelewood
brought to this port of London in the
shippe the Jon and Abigall of which Thornas Morley Cap:t as followeth.

To the first hee answereth that hee beleeveth that the
allegate S:r Marcuo Verolo de Silvera, was for all
the time allegate and is resident at Lixon and
the said Duarte Munez de la Costa for all the
time aforesaid hath beene and is resident att
hamburgh and is a merchant there, but hee doth
not beeleeve there is any Correspondency of
trade betweene him the said De la Costa and
ffrancis Pardini And otherwise hee doth
not between the said arle to bee true in any parti.

To the 2:d hee answeareth that hee doth not bealeeve
the same to be true in any pte

To the 3:d hee answeareth and beleeveth that the
said Silvera did really cause the sd Brazeelewood
to be laden on board the arlate shipp for the accomt
of the said Brazeel Comp:a and consigned y:e same to
the said ffrancis Pardini And otherwise hee doth
not beleeve the said posicon to be true in any pte

To the 4:th hee answeareth that hee doth beleeve the
Originall bills of lading signed at Lixon for the
goods in question and subscribed by the sd Thomas
Morley And otherwise hee doth not beleeve the
said posicon to bee truesaving that hee beleeveth the
true Translacon of the said bill of lading.

To the fifth he answeareth that hee doth beleive
the said de Silvera not knowing the said
ffrancis Pardini was failed did send the bill of
lading unto him as he beleiveth but hee doth not

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//beleive the said John Thacker did
really buy the said wood of the said M:r
Pardini or pay him any thing for the
same, neither doth hee beleive that the said
M:r Pardini or any other merchant that
is failed hath a legall power to make
any sale of any goods that come to him
during the time they absent and are not
able to pay their debts, but hee doth beleive
the said M:r Thacker being imployed by y:e
said M:r Pardini as his sollicitor to make
his composicon with his creditors hee & the
said M:r Pardini did contrive together
to gett the said goods into their hands if
possibly they could and in order thereunto
he beleiveth the said M:r Pardini did
colourably, and fraudulently signe the
bill of sale or schedule alleadged and
deliver the same for his XXX as hee
beleeveth and otherwise hee doth not beleive
the said article to bee true in any parts

To the sixth hee answeareth that hee doth
beleive that the said M:r Pardini did in
further ?prosequucon of the said fraudulent
contrivance betweene him and the said
M:r Thacker his sollicitor endorse the bill of
ladeing as is alleadged but hee being soe failed & absented hee doth beleive the same is
utterly voyd and of noe effect.

To the seaventh & 8:th hee answeareth that hee
doth beleive that hee is the generall prcrator
of the Brazeel Company here in this port of
London and beleeveth the goods in question are
for their account and hee doth beleive hee hath

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//speciall power to interpose & meddle with
?the goods in controversie and to use his
endeavours to keepe them from the hands
of the said M:r pardini as hee beleeveth
whichhee is ready to shew to the Court if
they shall require the same and otherwise
hee doth not beleive the said articles
or either of them to bee true in any part.

To the ninth hee answeareth that hee doth not
beleeve the same to bee true in any part

To the tenth hee answeareth that hee doth
beleive the said Brazeele Company seldome
or never lade any goods in their owne name
but doe generally make use of the
name of the said duarte Munez de Costa
because hee is a free person, who was they
are or were subiects to bee taken either by
Spanish or Dutch shipps or such as may p:rtend
power from either of them and other wise hee
doth not beleive the said article to bee true in
any part.

To the 11:th & 12:th & 13:th hee answeareth that hee
doth beleive the said da Silvera is the agent
of y:e Brazeele Company and hee this rendent
hath often receaved goods for their account
laden by him and yet expressed for the
account of the said Munez da Costa who
is now menconned, and otherwise saveing
his former answeares hee doth not beleive
the said articles ar either of them to bee true
in any part.

?ANGUSTI CORRONELL [His signature]

June y:e 23:th 1659
Repeated before dror
Godolphin In his Chamber

Case: XXXX: Answers: Andrew Rickard Esq:r, William Vincent Esq:r, Nicholas Penning, Phillip ffarewell, John Sandys, and Michael Evans: Date: 5th October 1659

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The personall answers of Andrew Rickard
Esq:r, William Vincent Esq:r, Nicholas
Penning Phillip ffarewell, John Sandys
and Michael Evans made to the p:rtended
posiccons of an allegacon given in and
admitted on the pt and behalfe of
Humphrey Hardwicke as followeth vizt

1. 2. 3. 4. To the first second, third and fowrth pretended arles
they answear and beleeve that they theise rendants
and Company were and soe ought to bee as they
beleeve the true and lawfull possessors of all &
singuler the very Currans in question, they theise
rendants and Company having by their factors
(as they beleeve) beene peaceably rightfully and
absolutely possessed thereof and in the full
and actuall possession thereof as they
beleeve at our about ?Petras in the Morea
where the said possession of all & singular the
said Currans was as they beleeve de?fined
by the first and originall Owners thereof or
their factors or servants or by their order unto
theise respondents and Companies factors
for their use, theis respondents & Companies
factors having paid and satisffied as they beleeve
unto the said first owners for the said Currans to
their Content as they beleeve And theise
rendents and Company being by their said
factors in the said peaceable full & actuall
possession of the said Currans in question, and
now under the arrest of this Court as they beleeve
the same Currants were as they beleeve by order
of their said factors laden on board the
Lady ffriggott to bee therein by sea transported
to this port of London and here to be delivered

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//for their respondents and Companies use and
account unto theis respondents and Company
or their order, as the true possessors thereof
and bills of lading were as they beleeve
signed for the said Currans to be deliverd
to theis responednts and Company or their
order, here at London, accordingly. And they beleeve that the said Lady ffrigott
with the said Currans on board, peaceably
riding at anchor upon the sea intending to
have sailed therewth uppon the said voyage
towards this port of London was sett upon
and forcibly assaulted , and in a forcible
and violent manner seized, and taken
by certaine spoylers, or sea depredators
who by forec and violence (as thes rendents
beleeve) dispoiled theis respendents and
Companie of the said Currans now in question,
and under the arrest of this Courte but
then being aboard the said Lady ffrigott,
as they beleeve; And these respondents
beleeve that theis rXXdents and Company or
some of them , shortly after the said spoyle done,
hearing newes thereof, but not being then informed
certainly by whom that spoile & depredacon
had been made, but conceaving it had beene
done by some spanish man of warre, & ?concea
-ving that if it had been soe, in respect the
said Currans in question were not a Commoty
fit for Spanish that the Spaniards would
lett them be redeemed at easie rates, Theis
rendents and Company or some of them as they
beleeve did give order or cause to be written to
Thomas Dethicke and Company at Leghorne

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//as alsoe to their factors els where to redeeme &
purchase them againe, at as low & easy rates
as could bee done, or to such Effect as they
beleeve, but shortly after theis respondents
and Companie or some of them (as they
beleeve) having further intelligence that
the said spoile and depradacon had been
committed by the ?Genoses, whoe are in amity
with this Comon wealth, and not by Spaniards
in enmity, as they at first supposed, & had
been or were transported to Leghorne
theis respondents and Company or some of
them as they beleeve, Conceaving then that
they ought to bee restired to their rightfull
possession of the said Currans, and soe
have the said Currans redelivered, or
restored for their use, and accompt, did
as they beleave cause to bee declared or
intimated both at Leghorne and here in London
and els where that the said currans belonged
to their respondents and Companie, and that
they had beene unduly dispoyled thereof
or to such effect, and caused notice to bee
given thereof that none might pretend
ignorance of the said spole, or adhere
thereto, or partake therein, or goe about to
gett or deale with the said spoylers or
any on their behalfe, for the said Currans
in question, the same right fully belonging
to theis respondents and Company, (as
they beleive (And they further beleeve that

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//the said declaraccoms or inXXXaccons or notice
of the said premisses was soe
made that it came to the knowledge of
the said Humphrey XXXXXX pty in
this Cause, and to his factors att
Leghorne, and that both hee, and they
had understanding or notice before
tehy dealt for the said Currans, that
the said Currans in question, werte
the Currans of theis respondents and
Company and truly belonged to them,
and were in their peaceable posson
and for their use of the said Lady
friggott and untill they were by the
said spoylers focibly dispoiled thereof
as aforesaid, or to such efefct. And
doe further beleeve that other English
merchants or factors at Leghorne,
taking notice alsoe thereof (it being
publiquely spoken of, there) refused to
meddle about the said Currans or to deale
for the same, the factors or agents of
their respondents and Company having
complayned of the said Spoile att
Leghorne, (as they beleeive) and declared
XXXXX for the restitution of the said
Currans. All which notwithstandinge
the said hardwicke or some other on
his behalfe and with his knowledge
having written or as theis rendents
beleeve to Humphrey Sidney and John
Ashby, their factors at Leghorne that
it would be a profit, to gett the said

P1100971 recto

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//Currans, and therefore to layout and deale for
them with out regarding that they belonged to
theis respondents and Company or to such effect, in substance,
as they beleeve The said Humphrey
Sidney and John Ashby factors or agents
of the said Hardwicke and his freinds
with his allowance as theis rendents
beleeve adhering to the said spoyle, and
willing to partake thereof and to gett
profit thereof and therby did (as theis
respondents beleeve) unduly soe labo:r
and endeavo:r that the said spolers
or their agents or such as under them
had gotten the said Currrants into theire
hands, did by practice deliver the said
Currans in question, (as they beleeve)
unto the said factors or agents of the
said Hardwicke and his freinds, to be
shipped a board the said ship Companion,
and therein brought to this port, & here arrested, were and are as theis rendents
beleebe the very Numericall (sic) Currans
whereof theis respondents & Companie
were soe as a foresaid peaceably
possessed, and whereof they were soe
forcibly dispoyled as aforesaid,; And they
doe beleeve that the factors of theise
rendents and Company at Leghorne
did (as was just for them to doe) there
make a protest against the said factors
or agents for their medling w:th ye said
Currans in question whereof theis rendents

P1100972 verso

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and Company had been soe dispoyled, and
for dealing and allowinge & ptaking
thereof, or to such effecrt XX substance
And theis rendents doe nott know
nor beleive that the said Currans were
in any other ?sort, but by the practise
betwixt the said Humphrey Sidney
and John Ashby factors or agents
of the said Hardwicke and his
freinds on the one pt and the said
Spoylers and their principalls and
Adherents and those that were
imployed or dealt under them on
the other pt)bought or sold in opem
market, but doe beleeve that what
ever was done touching any buying,
or selling of the said Currans, in question
by or on the behalfe of the sd Hardwicke,
or his factors, or agents, was done by
fraud and practice, and by adhering
to the said spoile, and was & ought (as
they beleeved) to be reputed as voyd &
of noe Effect at all. And these rendents
doe not beleeve that the factors of theis rendents and
Company did offere to give the factors or
agents of the said Hardwicke 1000 dollars
or other summe for their pretended bargaine
about y:e said Currans, but beleeve that one
?Centurione a Gennoses a principall pson, on
whose behalfe the said spoyle was made being

P1100973 recto

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//questioned about it and knowing that it was a
fowle spoyle, or depredacon, and conceaving
himselfe lyable to bee condemned for it,
did offer or treate w:th the sd factors or
agents of the said Hardwicke, after they
had (by the said preactive) gotten the said
Currans into their hands to give them
1000 dollars or some such summe, to deliver
them backe that they might bee restored
for the use of theis respondents & Company,
from whom by the said spoile they had
been taken and to whom they truly
belonged and doe belong (as theis rendants
beleave) And they doe beleeve that the
said factors of the said Hardwicke &
his freinds having b the said adhering
to the said spoyle & practive aforesaid
gotten the said Currans, did ship then
into the arlaze shipp Companion
but doe not beleeve that they had any
right or lawfull possession in them
soe as to putt them to any accomt,
but touching what bill of lading was given
for the receipt thereof, by the M:r of the
said shipp the Companion, they referre
themselves to it, w:th this, that they doe
beleive that all that was done therein
by the factors of the said Hardwicke,
his freinds or Company was done by
fraud & practice and by adhering to, &
participacon in, & of the said spoiles &
was & ought to be held voide and null &

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//not to be objected or alleadged agt theis
rendents & Company, to whom the
said Currans truly belonged & of w:ch
they were no other wise thean by the
said forre, and spoyle disposessed, &
where unto the said Hardwicke or Comp:a
pretend (as theis respondents beleeve)
any manner of possession other than
by and under the said forcible spoile
such (as they beleeve) was and is
XXXXXXX & unlawfull, & not to be
accounted any quiet peaceable
possession of the sd Currans
in Question And other wise they, nor
any of them doe not beleeve the said
arles or any of them to bee true in
any pt

To the 5:th p:rtended posicon they nor either
of them doe not beleeve the same to be
true in any pt

ANDR Riccard
Wm Vincent
Nicholas Penyner
Phill: ffarewell
John Sandys
Michael Evans

Repeated before dror
Godolphin the Common
Hall x:r the fifth day of
October. 1659, in the
p:rsence of Sam: Howe no:ty XXX://

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P1100976 recto

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//The personall answeares of Humphrey
Hardwick made to the pretensed
positions of an allegation given
against him on that behalfe of
Alderman Riccard & Company
as followeth:

To the first hee answereth that hee doth not
beleive the same to bee true in any part.

To the second he answeareth that hee doth not
beleeve the same to bee true in any part.

To the third hee answeareth that hee doth not
beleive the same to bee true in any part.

To the fourth hee answeareth that hee doth not
beleive the same to be true in any part

[CROSS-HATCHED OUT: To the fifth hee answeareth and beleiveth that in
or about the moneth of ffebruary 1658: there was
report here in England that the Lady ffrigott
with a parcell of Currants & other goods in her and]

To the fifth hee answeareth and beleweth that in or
about the moneth of ffebruary: 1658: there was ?reported ?a
here in England that the Lady ffrigott with a pcell
of Currants and other goods in her, was taken in
or neere Petras roade by a Spanish man of
warre and soe much hee beleiveth hee did
about the time aforesaid heare reported, and
soe much hee beleweth hee hath acknowledged
and otherwise hee doth not beleive the same
to bee true in any part.

To y:e 6:th//

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//To the sixth hee answeareth that hee referreth
himsefe to the records of this Court & otherwise
hee doth not beleive the same to bee true in any

To the seaventh hee answeareth & beleweth that
after hee had heard the report heere in England
of the taking of the Lady ffrigott by a Spanish man
of warre with a parcell of currants and other
goods in her, and before the arrivall of the Currants
now brought home in the shippe the Companion
at Leghorne as hee beleweth, hee did write
over (OR, even) to y:e said Humphrey Sidney and John
Ashby his factors there, that there was a
report come to England that the Lady ffrigott
with a parcell of currants and other goods was
taken by a Spanish man of warre in or neare
Petras and advised them that if any Morea
Currants should come to Leghorne and a
publique and lawfull sale bee made thereof
that they should buy the same for his accompte if
they could procure the same att such rates as
hee have them order by his said letter, or to that
effecte as hee beleweth, and hee doth beleive
the said Sidney and Ashby or one of them had
and receaved the said letter before such time ?XX
and those Currants arrived at Leghorne which XX
are now brought hence in the Companion and
otherwise hee doth not beleeve the said article
to bee true in any part.

To the eighth//

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//To the eighth hee answereth tht hee doth not

To the nineth



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//claime or demand made to the said XXX
on the behalfe of y:e said Alderman Riccard or
others of the Morea Advebturers or any other
persons whatsoever as hee beleeveth no any
?prohibition or ?restrraint to any person to buy
the same but all or most of y:e factors did XXXX
?bidd what they had a desire to give for the same
as hee beleiveth, and after the said Sidney &
Ashby had receaved the said Currants and XXX
in the quiet and peaceable possession thereof
XXX did lade and cause the said twoe hundred
twenty and sixe caske of Currants now
arrested and in question to bee laded on board
the said Companion for the accompt of him XX
respondent and did drawe bills of exchange
upon him this respondent for the cost & charges
of the same which hee hath accepted and ?paid
and otherwise hee doth not beleave the said
arlate to bee true in any part.

To the tenth hee answeareth and beleeveth that
the parcell of Currants which were taken in the
Lady ffrigott were taken by a Spanish man
of warre, and not by a Genoa pirate as hee
beleeveth, and after the said seizure of y:e
same they were carryed to Messina as hee
hath heard and beleweth and were there
condemned for prize as hee beleiveth and


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//after the said XXXX


otherwise than hee hath

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//here expressed ?it hee doth not beleive the
same to bee true in any part.

To the eleaventh hee answeareth that hee
refereth himselfe to his answeares to the
precedent article and otherwise hee doth not
beleive the same to bee true in any part.

To the twelfth hee answeareth that hee doth
not beleive the same to bee true in any

To the thirteenth hee answeareth that hee
beleeveth the same to bee true.

To the fourteenth hee answeareth that hee
beleeveth those things hee hath beleived
and denieth those things which hee hath
denyed; and otherwise doth not beleive the
same to bee true in any part

HUM: HARDWICKE [His signature]

Repeated before DrX:)
Godolphin in his)
Chamber xr the fifth)
day of October 1659.)//

P1100982 verso

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//imployed about ?her And otherwise he cannot answere

3 To the 3:d pXXX arle he answereath & beleeveth that y:e XXXX & XXX XXX
?delivered to y:e ship were deliverred in August or September 165?9
arlate, & that hee this rend:t did w:th in two moneths frō y:e delivery
thereof commence this suite ag:t the sd Eagle ffaith & his sd shipp the
Orange Tree, And otherwise he doth not beleeve y:e sd arle to be
true in any pt thereof

To the last ?p:XXded arle he answereth & beleveth his?former
answeres to be true And otherwise doth not beleeve y:e sd
arle to be true in any pte thereof

DANIELL XXXX [His signature]

Aprill y:e 10:th 1660:
Repeated before dror
Walter in his Chamber

Case: XXXX: Answer: Simon Delbo: Date: June 27th 1660

The personall answers of Simon Delboe
made to the posiccons of a libell given ag:t him
on the behalfe of James Marshall &
Companie own:rs of the Jonathan of TXXX
as followeth.

To the first and second he answeareth That hee doth not
beleeve the same to be true in any pt

To the 3:d 4:th & the rest of the arles of the said libel he
answereth That hee knoweth nothing of the content
of the said posiccons of the said Libell or either of XXX
nor doth beleeve the same or any pt of them to bee
true Saving that the ship the Love als the Charity
of w:ch he this rendent was pt own:r was ?arrested
by a warrant from this Court & some satisfaccon
demanded by this suite and he hath hust reason to
refuse to give any as hee beleeveth, and saving that
hee is a subiect of this Kingdome of England
And otherwise he doth not beleeve the sais
arles or either of them to be true in any pt.

SIMON DELBOE [His signature]

Repeated before dror
Zouch in Courte June
y:e 27:th 1660.//

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Close up of Simon Delboe signature

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//The personall answeares of John
Connys made to the prsed
posicons of a libell given against
him on the behalfe of y:e Goodman
and Company of English merchants
trading to the East Indies as followeth,

To the first he answereth and beleeveth
that for severall yeares last past and at this
present there is a Company or society commonly
called or knowne by the nam of the Gouvernor
and Company of English merchants to trading to the East Indies and otehrwise hee doth not
beleive the said article to bee true in any pte.

To the second third & fourth & exhibits therein
menconned hee answereth that hee doth accept
the contents in the said articles menconned
soe farre as the same & make for him and not
otherwise and doth beleive that hee did lett the
said shippe the Marygold to freight to the said
Governour and Company of East India merch:ts
and they did hire and take the same to freight
and that the Charter party menconned and
expressed in the said 4:th article was made and
agreed upon by & betwene them for the said
voiage and was & is subscribed by him this
responden and the said ffrancis Dashwood &
John Sweeting, and the coontents hee be beleeveth
were and are true & soe had and done with
therein is expressed as hee beleiveth and
otherwise hee doth not beleive the said articles
or either of them to bee true in any part

To y:e 5:th, 6:th

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//To the 5:th 6:th & 7:th & the rest of the articles mencconed
he answereth & beleiveth that within that time
alleadged and after the sailing of the said
Charterparty, hee did saile with his said
Shippe to Guinney and from there to
Macassar & Coromandell in the East Indies
according to the order & direccon
and soe to & fro from place to place in the
East Indies according to the order and
direcon of ?the factors and assignes of the
said Gouvernour and Company of English
merchants trading to the East Indies &
did and in all the said severall ports and
places unlade & relade such goods and
merchandizes as the said factors & Agents
of y:e said Gouvernour & Company did direct
& appoynt for their XXXXXXX ad XXXX
and then did XXXX XXX XXXX
London with his said shippe & brought ?therein
such goods & merchandies as the said factors
and agents of y:e said East India Company

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//as he beleiveth and though hee doth humbly

Company, besides the said Gouvernour and

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//Company have by their said Charterpty
prohibited and excepted some kinde &


with his charges & ?Justice. xr.//

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Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX

//Responsa personalia Georgij
?Broad et ffrancisca Gunnett
fra pembus et arles cujuXXXum
allais als rend eos ex plt donXXX
Jonathan Keate militis Lodovici
Tayte et Nathanielis Barnardiston
XXXXXXX pprieta navis the
Little Lewis Dat XXX oblat sequuntur

1 Ad prima arlum dra pXXXsa Allns rendent
et nescit et XXXX aklter rendet et credit That
the freights that were made by the said shipp
from Lisbone to the Maderas and from the
Maderas to Angola were made by Capt
Ell[4] in in his life tyme and that hee & his purser
kept the Accompts thereof were the pffits
thereof and that theise rendents nor either
of them knew not what the said fraights ampunted
to Et alr pparte sua non neXXXX not XXXX aller
credit Ad arlum in esse verso ni aliquo Saveing
that the Accounts which the said Capt Ell kept
concerning the same were kept in Italian and
the same have byn delivered upp to the sd M:r ?Eagle
by Anthony Maynard the M:r of the sd shipp

2. Ad secunda arlum Alnis rendent et referMat
se et XXXX after rendet et refert se ad causa XXX
priora fra 3:° arlo Alnis prioris XXXX dos XX XXX
causa Dat ur oblat et credurit quilet XXXX credit
That the negroes being delivered upp unto the
Magistrates of Regenero upon XXXX as they were
taken in out of Capt Rands Prize by theise
rendents and the rest of the Company of


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//the Little Lewis
Little Lewis
the Magistrates of
but finding the sd Officers not
hee the sd Anthony Maynard and Company
were discharged and
further trouble
some of the Company of the said shipp
Little Lewis did
number of thirteene Negroes great and
out of the Dutch shipp
given to
thirteene Negroes and with another XXX
XX that
and noe more and that the XXXX of them
being there sould came to Seaventeene
Chests of Sugar and noe more, which XX
Chests of Sugar as were brought hence in the
said shipp and XXX marked with the C
being for the Accompt of the Company
of the sd shipp and did yet XXX
the CustoXXX or under the ?power of
the said XXXX they
otherwise for their XXXX
beleeve th
part thereof//



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3 Ad zertia Arle dXX AllXXXX XXXX XXX
XXXXX et XXXXX aller rendet et XXXX
That the Governour of ffXXXXXXXXbucke
did there lade aboard the said shipp the
Little Lewis for his owne Accompt the
quantity of sixtx one small XXX rolls of
Tobacco and entrusted the said Anthony
Maynard with the disposall thereof And
they doe beleeve that at the Isle of XXX
arlate the sd shipp the Little Lewis, wanting
sailes cables and all sorts of provisions
the said Anthony Maynard finding the
sd Tobacco somewhat damaged w:th ?wett
and finding that a good Market fir sale &
disposall there of for the benefitt and
advantage of the said Governour did
there sell the said Tobacco for six pence
p pound amounting in the whole to the
summe of Seaventy seaven poundsm ?tenn
shillings and noe more as the XXXXXX
for which the said Anthony Maynard
doth undertake and XXXX to cleare and
free the Owners of the sd shipp from
and Dammage, to be by them sustained
thereby, And otherwise for their
parts referring themselves to the


//Lawe they doe not beleeve this Arle be
true in any part thereof saveing their
subsequent answeres and saveing they
beleeve that the Boatswaine of the Little
Lewis hath made up his Accompt with
M:r Tayte, and that there were brought
home to this port of London and discharged
out of her to the use of the ffreighte:rs the
full number of chests that were laden
by them.

4. Ad quarta arlum drra Allons rendent et
?redunt et coram aller rendet et credit
That at the time arlate the Boatswaine
of the Little Lewis did being did (sic), being
demanded what hydes were recd aboard
the said ship reply and say three
hundred and thirty or thereaboutes
but that since hee haveing prsed his
booke doth find that there were laden
aboard the sd shipp in all but three
hundred twenty one some where of were
whole Drayed hydes in hayre, and
some were sydes of Leather tann'd w:ch
hee reckoned and accompted as hydes
severally though in truth they were
but half hydes, And that there were
delivered out of the said shipp at


London One hundred thirty five tanned
sides of tanned Leather and fifty
XXX whole hydes And that there ?were
delivered out of her at the Isle of Wight
ninety foure sydes of tanned leather
thirty six dry hydes and
that foure sydes of the tanned leather
were used and ymployed aboute the
pumpes of the sd shipp, and two ?Rawe
hydes were used instead of ?Tarpawling
to cover the hatches of the said shipp for
want of Tarpawlings to p:rsrve the
Marchants goods, which severall quantities
make upp the whole number as they
And that they beleeve that
the sydes of leather and dry hydes
delivered out of the said shipp at the
Isle of Wight were laden aboard for
the Account of the said Anthony
Maynard and the Purser of the sd
shipp And otherwise for their parts
they doe not beleeve this arle to bee
true in any part thereof

5 Ad quinta Arle die Allon XXXX
et credant et XXrn aller rendet XXX
credit That the Chests at RegXXXX//


wherein one usually laden Sugars have
markes on them when they are there
bought and when sugars are putt into
them the Own:rs of the sugar sett
downe on the Chests the ?Reeves and
waight of the sugar putt into them, &
then sets his owne marke to Justifie the
weight of them sett downe thereon, soe
that the buyers of theise chests doe
usually XXtt out the old marks and
put on their owne markes and they
doe beleeve that divers of the Chests
Arlate and perticularly the Chests
haveing the mark 'G' & & 'AASD' were
soe done and otherwise for their parts
they doe not beleeve it to be true in any
part thereof, Saveing that at the
Isle of Wight the sd Anthony Maynard
did take out nine Chests of Sugar
seaven whereof were his owne pper
Chests and the other two belonged to
aparcell of Sugars w:ch M:r Parker
tooke upp, soe that the said M:r
Parker haveing recf from the sd
Anthony maynard two other of his


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//Owne Chests of sugar in leiu of the XX
that belonged to that parcell is XXXXXX

6 Ad 6 Arlum drra XXX rendent et XXX
of the said shipp had but fourty two chests
of sugar or thereabouts aboard the sd shipp
for their accompt as they beleevem and they
beleeve that when the said sugar was
delivered out of the sd shipp they were not
at all plundered or abused as they beleeve
And otherwise for their parte they doe
not beleeve this Arle to be true in any
part thereof Saveing that some Chests
of Sugar brought home in the sd shipp by
reason of the XXXX thereof had XXXX
some wett, and some of the sugars there
were Leaked out

7 Ad 7:nd Arlum drre AllXXX rendent et XXXX
XXXX pteXXX for what the negroes did put XXX
and XXXXX, But what he XXX
extremely XXXX
noe fraight was made by the sd shipp the Little
Lewis from RegenXX to XXXXX
being sent to ffarXXXX
saveing that the said Anthony Maynard had


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records of this Court & lawes of this nation
they doe not otherwise beleive the said
articles or schedules therin menconned soe
farre as concernes either of them to answer
to bee true in any part.


Case: XXXX: Answer: Nathaniel Barnardiston and Lewis tayte: Date: XXXX

//The personall answeares of
Nathaniell Barnardiston and
Lewis Tayte made to an allegacon
in the arle of court of the 20:th of January 1661: as followeth.

To the said allegacon made in the arle x:r
the said Nathaniell Barnardiston doth
answear and for his part deny that hee hath
any freight in his hands for the transportation
of any goods or merchandeses belonginge
to any persons whatsoever that hath beene
?earned by the said shippe the Little Lewis
since the moneth of Aprill 1659. and XXX
said Lewis tayte doth for his part say
that hee hath not recd of the said shipp
earnings since the said moneth of Aprill
1659: more than will defray the charges that
hee hath been at & is engaged for about
the said shippe as he beleiveth, but hee doth
not conceive it any wayes concerneth the
said Reade whatsoever hee hath untill hee


//prooved an interest therein neither doth
hee conceive hee is bound by lawe to
make any answer thereunto, an otherwise
doth beleive the same to bee true.


Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXXX: Date: XXXXX

The ffulla nd plaine personall
answeares of Peter Cornelius
Youngboare (or Beare) made to the posiccons
of a pretended allegacon given
and heXXXXXXX in art admitted
against him on behalfe of Maurice
Trent doe followe

To the first second third and fourth articles of
the said allegacon hee answeareth and
referreth himslefe to his former answeares
and firther answeareth & beleiveth that the
schedule of paper written in the ffrench
tongue mentioned in the said articles was
& is a true copie or exemplar of the original
Charterpartie made for the voyage allegate
and that the?same is subscribed w:th y:e
proper hand writing of Peter MXXXX before
whome the said Charter partie was made
And the said Peter MorXand was and is
as hee beéeeveth a notary publique honest
& lawfull, and for and as such is commonly
accounted, and hee beleeveth that the said
Charter partie was XXXX with the knolwdge & consent
of the rendent
And otherwise saving his former answeares
hee doth not beleave the said posiccons to
bee true in any parte.//


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excepted; or to that effect, Et alr pro parte
sua non credunt XX coram aller credit
drum arlum esse verum in aligno.

Ad 3:M articulum drs publi libelli et ad sched
in eadem in XXXat rendent et credunt
et corum quilet rendet et credit etam
dictum articulum quam schedulam in eadem
menconat esse veros.

Ad 4:mArlam drrs publilibelli rendent et credunt
et corum quilet rendet et credit That the
said shippe did according to agreement made
by the said XXXlett with the said Humphrey
?Duell sett sayle & depart upon the voyage
arlate and did arrive with her in the road
of Oratava on the fifth day of y:e moneth of
November 1658 old stile, and did
there stay before Oratava severall dayes
and dureing such time of her stay did take
and receive aboard her severall goods and
merchandizes both of the said Humphrey Duells
and alsoe of other merchants that sent goods
aboard her none being refused or putt back
by the amaster or her company and they
beleive That after the said shippe had
remained there some dayes shee was
forced by violence of winds and weather
from her moorings and was forced to
keepe at sea about y:e Island of Teneriff
for some tom, untill zje womd & weather
permitted her to returne again, and they
doe beleeve that the said Vincent Rufflett
and company did with the first opportunity
of winde & weather returne into the said Road
of Oratava, and afterwards did receive aboard
her such goods and merchandizes as y:e merchants
did send aboard her in the Road of Oratava
and they beleebe that the said shipp did stay
and remayne in the said Road of Oratava
before her said forcing from thence for the
full space of 12 or 13 dayes at least and did




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//Road of Oratava or ports thereabout as
wind and weather would permitt full 45
dayes after the arrivall of the said shippe
there, and that hee was to take in ?10 ?tonnes
of wines or other goods there for the accompz
of y:e said Humfrey Duell and so bring the
same to London for the accompt of the
said Duell in case the XXX had byn there
laden within the 45 dayes aforesaid

Ad 7:XX Arlum




//his said shipp as aforesaid ought by
himselfe or his purser to have given
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX bills of ladeinge for the same
XXXXX to the custome psuall in
such cases
or demand did such bills of ladeing from
them for the said Humprey Duell, when
they doe not beleeve that any one did on
his behalfe, and that the said 18 pipes
of Canary wines being laden aboard y:e
said shipp y:e said XXXXX Russlett and
Company did sett saile therewith, and with
the rest of her ladeing from the Road
of oratava aforesaid without giveinge
any bills of lading for the same and did
depart therewith upon her homewards
voyage but not untill y:e XXXX of about
?67 dayes after her first arrivall thither
as aforesaid, and they doe beleeve that y:e
said wines were not brought to this
port of London nor delivered unto the said
Humphrey Duell or any fir him by reason
that the said shippe in her course from
the Roade if Oratava aforesaid towards this port of London was taken & surprised
by a man of warr sayling under his Royall
Highness the Duke of Yorke Comission and
by him carried into S:t Sebastians where
the said shippe and her ladeing were adiudged
lawful prize unto the Capter as belonging
unto English men and therupon the said
Vincent Russlett and Company turned out of y:e
possession thereof but afterwards uppon an
appeale to the Spanish Courte the shippe was
restored as belongeing to the Duke of XXXX &
parte sua non XXdeant noX corum aXXX
credit dictum articulum sees veram in

ad 9:m//


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//Ad 9:m arlum
XXXX and
XXX space of by dayes or thereabouts
from the time XXXX first arrivakk XXXXX
and they doe beleeve that
said Humphrey Duewll or his ahents had had
seaven other pipes of Canary wines ready
to lade aboard the said shippe within the
said 67-dayes, they would or might have
laded the same in case they had not XXXXX
y:e doeing thereof, because the said shippe did
stay there and thereabouts her said full appointed
time of 45 dayes as aforesaid and 22 dayes XXX
or thereabouts, which daid XXXXX pipes
would have made up the XXXX for the
said duells accompt if they had been laden
but were not, Et alr XXX XXXdant XX

Ad 10:XX arlum dXXX XXXXX libello ?rendent et
XXXX et coram XXXXX XXXXdet et credit
XXXX esse coram

Ad 11:XXX Arlun dicti XXX libelli rendent et
refereunt XX et corum quilet XXXXdet et
XXXXX esse vera, And they ffarther beleive
that in case the said shippe the S:t Joseph had
not in her XXXX towards this port of London
as aforesaid XXX taken and Xsurprized as
aforesaid might in all probability and arrived
in this port of London with her ladeing of wines
within the space of two monethes Hee XXX next
followeing the dangers of the Seas, XXXX
and dangers being alwayes excepted, w:ch
in case shee had not mett with an XXX XXX
aforesaid or by no othewise prevented by


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Soe XXXXXX might have received in this
port of Lonon about the eleaventh day of
the moneth of March 1658, and that the lije
voyages are usually performed in two
monethes, and they doe beleeve that
within the time arlate severall Rnglish
shippes which have byn laden in the Road
of Oratava with wines or other goods and
bound for this port of London have sayled
and come from thence wihin the space of
two monethes after their first departure
from Oratava aforesaid Et alr pro parXXX
sua non product nXX corum alter XXX
XXXXX articulum esse coraum in aliquo

Ad 12:XX articulum dicti XXXX libelli, XXXXX
et XXXXX et corum quilet rendet et XXXX
THat in or about the time arlate Canary
wines were commonly sold in and about y:e
Citty of London and parts adjacent at and
after the rate?s of 25:XX p pipe good & badd
togeather and nnoe more as they beleiv, and
soe much a pipe of Canary ?wine accounting
one with the other was usually sold for, and for much XXX usually given for the same the time
and place as aforesaid and soe much was the
usuall and common price of a pipe of
Canary wine and soe much the wines laden (OR taken)
in the said Shippe the S:t Joseph might probably
have yeilded in this port of London in case
they had not byn taken, or in case upon
the ?buying of y:e said wines the price of wine
had not been XXXXXX XXX what lessened or
brought down thereby all charges of XXX
eXXXing XXXXX and other petty charges
and leakage being deducted therof Et alr
XXX XXXXsua non XXXdunt XXXXX articulum
esse ubXXXX in aliqua XXXXX they did beleive


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//that the said Humfry duell did XXXXX XX
damage by the capture of the said Shippe
and her ladeing as aforesaid to the summe
or vallue of 165:lo & noe more as they doe
XXX due upon the losse of his XXXX 13 X pipes
of Canary wines.

Ad 13:XX articulum XX XXX libelli rendent
et ?credent et coram quilet reddet et
credit XXXXXX arlatum XXX ex XXX
causis satisffacoXXX XXXXX XX

Ad 14:XXX arlum XX XXX rendent et
referent se et coram quilet rendet et
refert XXX XXX
reddunt esse coram
articulum esse


JOHN SHORTER [His signature]
XXXXXXXXXXXX [His signature]
W:M WARREN [His signature]




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'End of the images taken at THNA as a sampling of HCA 13/129
  1. Robert Oxwick. Possibly Robert Oxwick (b. ?, d. ca. 1668), London merchant (PROB 11/328 Will of Robert Oxwicke or Oxwick, Merchant of City of London 28 October 1668 Hone 112-166)
  2. Maurice Trent. Possibly Maurice Trent (b. ?, d. ?1700), merchant of Leith, Scotland. Secondary sources, supported by primary sources, describe Maurice Trent as an English merchant resident at Leith, near Edinburgh. He appears to have been a Quaker, and was active commercially from probably the 1650s. A Maurice Trent shipped sugar from Barbados to London, as mentioned in the Registry of the Privy Council of Scotland in February 1662 (?1663), and purchased land in West New Jersey in 1664, after the area had been taken from the Dutch. A separate Maurice Trent, brother of James Trent (both sons of William Trent of Inverness) moved to Philadelphia before 1681. There were also probably related Trents in Barbados (David Dobson, Scottish Emigration To Colonial America, 1607-1785 (Athens, GA, 2004), pp. 52-53)
  3. Trent and Inverness. The Trent family name is uncommon in Prerogative Court of Canterbury records. However, a James Trent is recorded as a "Merchant of Inverness, Inverness-shire" (PROB 11/448 Will of James Trent, Merchant of Inverness, Inverness-shire 01 November 1698 Lort 224-268)
  4. Capt Ell. Speculatively Capt Ell was related to Captain Richard Ell, who reputedly lived in Twickenham from 1648 (PROB 11/353 Will of Richard Ell, Gentleman of Twickenham, Middlesex 13 April 1677 Hale 1-43, 'Richard Ell,' Twickenham Museum web site,, viewed 28/04/12)